Christina Dzüba - biography, personal life, news, photo, wife of Artem Juba, pregnant 2021



The spouse of the striker "Zenith" is a non-public personality. Christina Jüba does not interview, her name appears only next to the name of the star husband of Artem Dzuby, and then rarely. The chosen one gave the famous Russian athlete of children, managed to find the strength to forgive betray, and retained the family even after the loud sex scandal.

Childhood and youth

Early Biography of Christina - Mystery for seven seals. The press knows only what she was born and grew up in Nizhny Novgorod. According to some media, the maiden name of the wife of football player - Orlova. There is no accurate date of birth on the network, as well as information about its age.

After school, Christine entered one of the universities of his hometown, where he retucked until the 4th year. Then, with the support of the bride-athlete, was transferred to the capital University.

Personal life

Kristina met the future spouse on the eve of the new 2012. Then the girl took a courtship from another football player Ivan Komissarov, who grew up under the guardianship of Spartak coaches. The intrigue was that an athlete is a close friend of Juba. However, this did not stop in love with the first sight of Artem.

At the invitation of Kristina's football players, together with his friends, went to celebrate the New Year in the capital of Russia. The party took place in the rented near Moscow cottage. Dzube managed to conquer the heart of Nizhny Novgorod Beauty. According to him, he won a girl for 3-4 days.

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Christina did not have the idea that it was found with the football player who had hoped. It is far from the world of sports. "Opened his eyes" his own father when she brought to acquaint his beloved with her parents. The news was unexpected, because a provincial student had a biased attitude towards athletes.

After a month, the couple came to the registry office. Most media argue that young people got married, but in an interview published in the autumn of 2013, the attacker says:

"Now a house in the suburbs is a building, a family hearth. We are Christina, my Nikita's mother, while not painted. Three years later we play a wedding on the islands. That everything is beautiful. Rights Calling, the son will grow up, will have fun with us. "

The firstborn in the family was born in April 2013, Jüb was present in childbirth. Emitting Artem shared on a page in "Instagram". He stated that now a truly happy man.

In 2015, the family moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and on February 26, 2016, the football player was born the second son, which Maxim called. According to the parents of Christina and Artem, their sons grow athletes. Senior Nikita "With Diack" in the football section, and the younger Maxim is fond of hockey.

If you believe the information from the network, Christina independently leads the farm at home, herself prepares, it is cleaned and engaged in children, he has sons to study.

Christina Jüba rarely flashes in the media. Her name again appeared on the Internet in early 2018. Then there was a question, which club will stop the spouse. Artem was called to the main staff of FC "Ufa". However, Christina rejected this option, explaining that Bashkiria is too far from St. Petersburg and Moscow. As a result, Jüba fell into the Tula Arsenal, which is much closer.

In social networks between fans, a dispute broke out on the topic of the influence of wives on the fate of football players. In an interview, Sergei Gerasimets, a former Zenit player, hurried to defend Artem. He stated that to prompt the direction for a husband's career - this is normal.

Christina has no pages in "Instagram", "Facebook" and other social networks. Therefore, its pictures in a bathing suit and other provocative frames in the network are not found.


Two years after the marriage of marriage, the athlete and his wife became the heroes of the main news of the press. Clouds thickened over the personal life. In the spring of 2015, Paparazzi caught Artem on treason, made photos immediately hit the network, causing a scandal.

Dzüb, rented at the time Rostov, went to the qualifying tournament of the European Championship, which was held in Montenegro. But before departure, I decided to say goodbye to the mistress, which was the famous TV presenter Maria Orzul.

The couple fell under the sights of the camera directly in the car of the television star. Athlete and blonde, who, too, was married, hugged and kissed for almost an hour. For Orzul, this situation responded worse than for a football player. Mare Mary gave a divorce, she also had to quit his job. But this is not all that she expected. The woman was injured on the Internet, the lead insulted, threatened and accused of destroying the family. She told about it only after 5 years live in "Instagram".

The TV presenter shared that at the time of the meeting with Jübe, already as a year did not live with his spouse, and therefore his behavior does not consider immoral. Also, Maria described herself as a vulnerable woman, and therefore after this situation because of the constant attacks and Heit she had to lie in the hospital under the dropper and seek help from a psychotherapist.

Artem managed to "sue sins." Christina decided to preserve the family and forgave treason, but after a while, family happiness was again shaken.

In the summer of 2020, a new sex scandal happened with the participation of the footballer. On July 6, Zenit took a victory over Krasnodar, placing the second consecutive championship. On this occasion, after the game in the locker room, fun broke out, someone from those present removed everything on the camera. A moment was hit by a moment in which Jüba imitates sexual intercourse with another member of the team of Hemdar Azman. None of those present perceived their actions seriously, which you can not tell about fans of football. All immediately began to discuss and condemn the football player, and reporters demanded comments from the coach.

In early November, the scandalous video was leaked to the network, on which the football player is engaged in self-satisfaction, and the other hand removes everything that happens on the mobile phone chamber. Moreover, it was all the sounds of a sports program, which is leading Maria Orzul.

Because of this situation, Artem almost lost family happiness and careers. They even rummed about the upcoming divorce of spouses, but Christina again found the strength to close his eyes on an unpleasant situation and live on.

Christina Dzyuba now

In the spring of 2021, the name of the football player's wife appeared in news reports in connection with a pleasant reason. As it turned out, the spouses not only reconciled, but also expected the appearance of a third child.

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At the time of delivery of the RPL Cup (Zenit became the winner of the Russian Championship ") Artem put on the costume of Deadpool and appeared at the ceremony along with his family. Christina's obviously rounded belly showed that childbirth is soon.

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