Mars (God of War) - Images, biography, legends and myths, image, description


Character History

Mars is one of the three gods stood on the chapter of the Roman Pantheon, the main feature of which was a dual nature: he not only patronized peasants and was considered the keeper of Rome, but he was the God of war as Ares in Greek mythology. In honor of the character, the planet of the solar system and month March is named.

The history of the appearance and the image of the god Mars

Being a fertility and lord of vegetation, Mars was especially revered by the ancient Romans. He was afraid for the fact that he was able to easily destroy the harvest or livestock in anger, and at the same time respected - after all, if you deviate the deity, the misfortune would pass the party. Mars defended the harvest from storms and frosts that raged in the northern part of the country, distilled the evil spirits, helped the mouth of herd and looked after the household.

Another name of Mars is preserved - the gradient, which comes from the verb "to increase", that is, the number of livestock and the volume of crop depended on its efforts. Researchers also believe that this word is derived from "walk". Later, when Mars became God of war, it meant that he was walking (stepping) ahead of the Roman troops.

Gradually, Mars found new features - stood on the protection of urban walls and began to help the army in the battlefields with the enemy along with the militant goddess Bellyon. Although it is identified with Greek arrest, but still a Roman patron saint of soldiers worshiped at home, because these two deities had an important difference: Ares answered the war destructive, with murder and robbery, and Mars was considered the creator of order. He did not just helped to conquer the Earth, but also answered the well-being of subjectable territories and defended from insidious neighbors. But Bellona just endowed the war with cruelty, personified devastation and death.

Before the battles, Mars was presented with generous sacrificial gifts, and returned with the victory, presented the best horse from the quadrigi. A spear of God was kept in the tsarist palace, as well as his shield, which, according to legend, fell from the sky, becoming a precursor of the Military success of the Romans. Later, the ruler of Numa Pompilia ordered the creation of 11 such shields so that the thieves could not calculate the present. According to another version, the weapon was resting in the temple, erected in honor of Mars. Before the military campaign, the commander took a spear with a shield and called:

Mars, do not sleep!

With gifts to the temple of God, those Romans, whose close were victims of unfair killings. They believed that Mars would help them take revenge on the villains.

One of the oldest temples built on a deserted place outside the city, where arable land had previously lying. A large piece of land was called the Marse field. He was intended for military training, since armed people were forbidden to enter the city. An exception is the procession of the winner's army, which first gathered on this field.

Over time, Mars reached unprecedented heights: the image of God was minted on the coins, it was praised as a "winner", "assistant in the expansion of the empire." For many years, God still combined 2 images. The Romans did not see the contradiction in the fact that Mars worked and those who sow, and those who fight, so during the year 3 holidays were noted at once in his honor. At the beginning of the year, the people silent Mars, opening the war season, the spring brought gifts with a request for a generous harvest, and in October, when military hikes were completed on the eve of winter, thanked for good luck.

Mars in myths and legends

According to the legend Mars - the fruit of the love of Jupiter and Junites. God took the wife of Nerena, personified courage. This insignificant goddess was also identified with Venus and Miner. In Roman mythology, the patron of wars appeared on the Brani field, accompanied by small deities - Pavor and Pallora, who were responsible for fear and horror, and Vrats and Honos, whose powers concerned the valor and honor.

Mars had two twin sons, and completely from another heroine. Rem and Romulus, who founded Rome, gave birth to a witness (priestess of the goddess Vesta) Reya Sylvia.

The myths have survived a description of another love story with Mars. One day, Mars fell in love with Minerva and rushed for help to the Goddende, Anna postponed in the hope that she kindly shorts with the object of love. Anna brought joyful news: Minerva agrees to become a wife of Mars. The wrong god rushed to his beloved, and when he threw a veil from her face, he saw with horror that instead of the bride's beauty before him was moved. The gods then laughed over a successful joke of an elderly goddess.

Another version of the biography of the hero connects him with Aphrodite (Venus), goddess of love. Their union inspired Rubens to write two masterpieces. It is believed that afterwards Mars and Venus became parents of the daughter of harmony and the son of Erota (Amur).

An interesting fact - despite the military "career" of God, the ancient artists and sculptors rarely depict him in battle. Most often, he is captured in a relaxed pose, as if resting from a heavy battle.

Mars in films

In the human appearance, Mars appeared in front of the audience in 1961. The picture of the director of Rishar Pottier "Abduction of Sabineanok" tells about how the brave and noble Romulus, the ruler of Rome, came up with a plan for how to replenish the population of the city with women, because men suffered from lack of brides. Girls are full of neighbors, Sabinov, and one more beautiful. Romulus announced the beginning of the Olympic Games, which started at the walls of Rome. Naturally, staged queues from women who wish to admire the statutory guys. The actor Jean Mare is played in this emptying of Mars.

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Women in the world fell in love with the Roman deity in 1962 - the film was released on the screens directed by Marcello Baldi "Mars, God of War," where American Roger Brown shone. The actor with a courageous face and muscular torso conquered the hearts of representatives of the fine sex. The picture unfolds the battle of ruthless black troops under the leadership of the Afros conqueror with the army of King Kronos. Barbarians have already lost their strength, but a traitor who opened the gate of the city came to the rescue. Jupiter squeezed over the Kronos, sending a reinforcement from heaven to the ground in the guise of the son of Mars.

Young handsome man, God of war hopelessly fell in love with the younger heiress of the king Daphne (Actress Josen Lane). However, the hero plunged into a new struggle - the beloved was waiting for the fate of Vestniki, and to save her, Mars would fight with his own sister Venus.

Interesting Facts

  • The Romans endowed Mars three lives, and the sacred animals of this deity called the wolf, bull, horse and dyatla.
  • Mars are devoted to many sculptures. The most famous statue decorates the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
  • Planet Mars already in ancient times was called "bloody." In 1877, American astronomer Asaf Hall recorded a couple of satellites of the Heavenly Body, which received the names of Phobos and Dimos. However, "predicted" the existence of satellites is still writer Jonathan Swift in the third part of the book "Travel Gullyer", 150 years before the opening of the American Star.


  • VIII-VII centuries. BC NS. - "Theogony"
  • 1922 - "Legends and myths of ancient Greece"
  • 1955 - "Titanium legends"


  • 1961 - "Abduction of Sabineanok"
  • 1962 - "Mars, God of War"

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