John Falez - biography, photo, personal life, books



British writer John Robert Falez is known for novels, novels and essays, written by a special, unique style. They are realistic intertwined with fantastic. The works of the author relate to the transition period in art when the trends of postmodernism became tangible. In the work of Faulza, they reflected a feature inherent in the literary essays of the Jean-Field of Sartre and Albert Cami.

Childhood and youth

John Falez was born on March 21, 1926 in the provincial town of Essex, who previously knew as a fishing village. The boy's father was a cigar trader. This business in the family was transmitted from generation to generation.

John Falez.

The child John spent time with his mother and senior cousin Peggy. The girl who was 18 years old at the time of the appearance of the baby on the light, became his nanny. The first 10 years with her, the boy Korotal leisure and shared secrets. Up to 16, John was the only child in the family.

Fales studied at school in Bedford and was an old-fashioned class. He showed interest in rugby and cricket, doing progress in sports. The boy did not have problems with study. He got new knowledge with pleasure. The school was followed by the Edinburgh University, to whom John preferred military service.

John Falez in youth (with the ball)

In 1945, he left the walls of the educational institution. Behind the shoulders were preparing for the service in the fleet. The young man planned to get into the royal marine infantry. But fate ordered otherwise, and he fell into Devon, where he served on the military base.

After the demobilization, Falez went to Oxford and began to study German and French, deeply penetrating the works of French existentialists. Reflections on the absurdity of the universe came across his thoughts on the work of the writer.


In the period from 1950 to 1963, John Falez lived in France, in a small town called Poitiers. Here he worked at the University of the English language teacher. In 1963, the first book of the writer, the novel "Collector" was published. The work describes the abduction and content in imprisonment of a young girl who decided to attach a collector of butterflies to his assembly. Roman brought the author fame and allowed to fully focus on creativity, without thinking about work for the sake of salaries.

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FAulz moved to Greece, to Spetses Island, which resembles the scene of the Roman "Volkhv". This book became a sample of postmodernism in the literature and was well perceived by the public who chant the ideas of hippie and anarchism at this time.

Until the end of the sixties, the "Lover of French Lieutenant" and "Aristos" were published. The last book came out in two publications. In 1953, Falez returned to the UK and worked as a teacher in London. Then in 1968 moved to the city of Lime-Regis in the south of England and settled in the house on the coast, leading a semi-male lifestyle.

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In the works, the author argues on the topic of freedom and responsibility, about the freedom of choice and love, the importance of self-knowledge. FAulz describes nonconformist heroes trying to realize themselves in the traditional framework of society. In the "mistress of the French lieutenant" the author demonstrated a tendency to study history. The same feature is visible in the "worm" novel.

The works of Faulza were characterized as experimental novels and books with historical references. These features are inherent in postmodern literature. The writer attracted different genres. For example, among his works, except for the novels, there was a volume epic "Daniel Martin" and the story "Mantissa", a collection of the novel "Tower of ebony" and even poems.

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The world of faulza was multi-layered and deep. Picture, unpredictability of the plot, philosophical thoughts merged together, forming a style that critics were characterized as "magic realism." FAulz combined inexpensively, literary associations, paraphrase and allegory with historical details, creating exciting works.

He successfully combined the writer's career with the work of the city museum, which was over 10 years.

Personal life

With the future spouse, the writer met in Greece. For Elizabeth Christie Marriage with Falez was the second. Ironically, her former husband was a teacher on the island of Spets. Young people met when Christie was not free and there could be a speech about the new novel. The reform of education conducted in 1953 in Greece left without the work of many teachers and John Faulza, among other things. The man decided to move to England, like the Christian family.

John Falez and his first wife Elizabeth

There were no pleasures in the native country. During this time, Elizabeth managed to divorce, and a random meeting made it possible for the transition of friendly relations into something more. In 1954, a wedding of Faulza and Christie took place. The writer became stepfather for her daughter Elizabeth from the first marriage.

Spouses lived together for 35 years, during which Elizabeth inspired her husband. He described the beloved in the novels, working on the images of the main characters. The woman accompanied Faleza during the moves in England.

John Falez, Elizabeth Christie and her daughter Anna

In 1965, they left London in search of a more pleasant place for writing activities and chose a farm in Dorset. Subsequently, Lime-Regis became the last home for the family. In 1990, Elizabeth died. But on this story about love in the life of Faulza did not end. He married the second time.

Sarah Falez became a spouse novelist in 1990. The couple lived together for 15 years. They were separated by the death of John Faulza in 2005.


In 1988, the writer suffered a stroke, which greatly affected his health. 17 years old Falez felt the consequences of this tragic case. Heart problems were often given themselves to know, and in 2005 the writer died.

Portrait of John Faulza

He spent the last days in his quiet house in Lime-Regis in solitude. FAulz did not give an interview, did not comment on his works and frustrated when he was disturbed.

Interesting Facts

John Faulz is known as a novelist, but his Peru owns stories, filmceneurs and articles on historical topics. It is curious that Falez wrote even about feminism, preserving and playing a crocketh. He was also engaged in translations from the French language and shifted the fairy tale "Cinderella".

John Falez.

According to the results of the 2004 survey, the Roman "Volkhv" is included in the top 100 of the most reading works in England. The Times newspaper called Faulza among the 50 greatest British writers since 1945.

Fans of creativity John Faulza can familiarize themselves with the screenings of his works. The director choose for this collector novels, "Volkhv", "Lover of French Lieutenant" and "Black Tree Tower". "Collector", which came to the screens in 1965, received three nominations for the prestigious Oscar award.


The statements of John Faulza and the quotes from the works became aphorisms. A wise philosopher hidden behind the pages of books, he voiced his thoughts in them, putting them in the mouth of heroes."A reasonable person must be either agnostic or an atheist. And tremble for your skin. These are the necessary features of the developed intelligence "" We all like when they love or hate; This is a sign of what they will be remembered ... Therefore, many not able to cause love caused hatred. This is also remembered. "" You will not bring happiness to most people, forcing them to run before they learn to walk. "" Taking yourself in such what we have, we deprive themselves hopes to become those that should be. "


  • 1963 - "Collector"
  • 1965 - "Volkhv"
  • 1969 - "Lover of French Lieutenant"
  • 1979 - "Black Tower Tower"
  • 1982 - Mantissa
  • 1986 - "Pupa"
  • 1996 - "Worm"
  • 2001 - "Daniel Martin"

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