Cecilia Ahern - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



The first book of the Irish writer Cecilia Ahern "P.S. I love you!" became a bestseller. The author is a graduate of Journalism - barely managed to work as a profession, as she realized that her vocation was literary creativity.

Writer Cecilia Ahern.

As Ahern Rechanged more than once, writing stories helps her overcome their own difficulties, the strength of the heroes is inspired by readers, and the writer itself. For her idea was created by Sitka "Who is such Samantha", two seasons of which came out on the American Channel ABC in 2007-2009. Cecilia Ahern continues to engage in literary activities.

Childhood and youth

The future author of love romance was born in the capital of Ireland in 1981, the date of birth of Cecilia - September 30. Her father Bertie Ahern was engaged in politics. Shortly after the appearance of Cecilia, he took the chair of the mayor of Dublin.

At the end of the eighties received the post of Minister of Labor, and in 1994 - Minister of Finance. Successful career allowed him to lead the opposition, and when in 1997 the current government resigned, his party won the elections, and the 46-year-old Ahern Ahern turned out to be the most young in the history of Ireland the Prime Minister.

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The work of the father allowed Cecilia and her sister Georgin to stay away from worries. Childhood, girls spent in the mansion, standing in the suburbs of Dublin near the village, in which they lived mostly fishermen. However, young years were not cloudless. When Cecilia was 11 years old, her mother, actress Miriam Kelly, divorced her husband.

The influence of the mother affected his daughter's hobbies. Since childhood, accustomed to creativity, she loved music and vocals. In his youth, the girl performed in the "Shimma" group. The greatest success of the team was hit by the Troika leaders of the national final of the selection for Eurovision in 2000. The first place was then received by Imonn Tol with the composition of the Millennium of Love.

Cecilia Ahern.

At the beginning of the "zero" Cecilia ends the Faculty of Journalism of College College Griffith in Dublin, but neither work by profession nor the continuation of her learning is not interested. As the writer will later tell, for several months she devoted himself to writing history, which did not even think publish.

Roman about a woman who is trying to return himself to life after the death of a spouse, turned out to be primarily psychological support for the Cecilia itself. Send a manuscript to publishers The girl convinced Mom. And soon the history of the courageous Holly Kennedy was recognized not only in Ireland, but also far beyond.


Posted in 2004 Roman "P.S. I love you!" A few months stayed in the first line of ratings of the best-selling books not only in Ireland, Great Britain, Holland and Germany, but also in the United States. Reviews of critics on the work came mixed.

One of the Irish TV channels assigned a book three out of five possible stars, noted her emotionality, but criticized for the naive message that it was possible to overcome the loss of a close person using shopping and drinking.

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The Gardian newspaper ridicked the melodramatic plot. The American library Claire County in the review pointed to revalted, the provisions of the novel, but noted that it was an easy, suitable for resting on weekends reading.

The reader's excitement, however, pushed the film minister to the text screen. In the same picture, shown in 2007, Gerard Butler and Hilary Swonk appeared in the lead roles. In addition to them, Gina Gershon, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Lisa Kudroo and others are involved in the tape. Like a book, the film received opposite opinions: gathering a large cashier, he was defeated by critics.

The second novel, known in Russian translation called "with love, Rosie," came out after the debut book in the same year. The author did not change the favorite genre of fiction and issued another melodramatic history, this time - about unrequited love. The screen is held ten years later. Lily Collins played the main heroine, and Rosie's unborn friend and part-time beloved - Sam Clafin.

And this book, and the two subsequent partially repeated the success of the debut work, immediately after the publication, fastening on the top of the list of bestsellers of Ireland and the United Kingdom. In 2005, the girl received three literary premiums. In 2008, the Glamour edition awarded the 27-year-old writer victory in the nomination "Best New Author".

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In 2007, Ireland debuts as a Hollywood producer. According to her idea, the series "Who is such Samantha?". In the center of the plot - 30-year-old business woman Samantha Newley, who, after an accident, develops retrograde amnesia. Conducting how far the previous actions were far from the ideal, the heroine is trying to improve relations with the environment. The show came out from 2007 to 2009, 35 episodes were issued. This point filmography Ahern is exhausted.

The literary creativity Ahern is distinguished by stability: the author issues 1-2 novel every year. In the book "Magic Diary" Elements of Fantasy appear. The main heroine loses his father and, together with her mother, leaves the capital to the village to relatives. The mysterious book, which the 16-year-old heroine finds in the mobile library will help reappear.

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For 2018, the writer issued 15 novels, as well as several collections of stories. Works are translated into 30 languages ​​and issued in 40 countries. According to Ahern, she wrote all the stories from hand with a candle light. Such an entourage helped to stimulate imagination, and the writer adheres to the usual so far.

Personal life

At the end of the "zero" Cecilia met with the Irish actor David Keogan. In December 2009, the girl gave birth to a daughter, called Robin. In 2010, Cecilia and David got married, and two years later, Sonney's son appeared.

Cecilia Ahern and her husband David Keogan

The writer has an older sister named Georgina. The relative of Cecilia is married to a member of the Westlife Nikki Burne group. The musician represented Ireland at the Eurovision Contest in 2016. Couple brings up twins.

Cecilia suffers from a phobia of the crowd, so in meetings with readers the writer has to pass the fear. The author of bestsellers communicates with fans of creativity and through social networks. Ahern regularly posts the photo in "Instagram".

Cecilia Ahern now

The last of the novels published - "Stigma" and "Ideal". Books are parts of one story about Celestine North, which loses the situation in society and sympathy of the environment, showing compassion. With these works, Ahhern made his debut in the genre of adolescent prose. The first novel came out in 2016, continued - a year later.

Cecilia Ahern in 2018

In the fall of 2018, it is planned to exit a new collection of stories of Cecilia Ahern. The right to publish a publishing house Harper Fiction. It is assumed that the book will include 30 stories about the lives of modern women, and everyone will be entitled "Woman ...". Works for the collection were created for five years.


  • 2004 - "P.S. I love you!"
  • 2004 - "With love, rose"
  • 2005 - "Look at me"
  • 2006 - "Where you"
  • 2008 - "I love your memories"
  • 2009 - "Gift"
  • 2009 - "Magic Diary"
  • 2011 - "My life"
  • 2011 - "Girl in the Mirror"
  • 2014 - "Year, when we met"
  • 2016 - "Stamp"
  • 2017 - "Ideal"


"Going to the moon. Even if you miss, you will still stay among the stars »" You will be surprised to get up to some extent to in the morning, if you have to do that it does not cause a desire to throw out the window "" And who needs Paris when you hug! "" When people They say "this is a long story", it is usually meant that the story is so short and stupid, which is ashamed to tell "

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