Cesare Bordjia - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



The life and death of Cesare Bordjia covered the incredible amount of rumors. On the character, personal life and achievements of the military commander, who refused to become a spiritual servant, being the son of Pope of Roman, there are legends. Italian is attributed to fantastic novels and love adventures, cruel violence over their enemies. It is not surprising that the history of the life of Borgia has become the basis of the plots of books, films and serials.

Childhood and youth

More unknown to the exact date of birth of Cesare Bordjia. Historians tend to the period from 1474 to 1476 years. Place of birth can also be called only allegedly - Commune Subiako not far from Rome.

Cesare Bordjia

The father of the boy became Cardinal Rodrigo de Borgia, subsequently chosen by the Pope and the name of Alexander VI. The offspring appeared on the light of the Mistress of Cardinal - Proshirotnika Vanozza Dei Cattanei. The wife of the woman, apparently, did not oppose the connection of his wife.

It is possible that Cesare was officially considered the son of her husband Vanozza. Anyway, the young man was not illustrated by the status of bastards, and in 1480 the predecessor of the father in Sana Pope liberated him from the need to evof the legality of the appearance of the world.

Cesare Bordjia in youth

Cesare can be considered a baulian fate since childhood thanks to the protection of an influential parent. Future dad left his son to spiritual dignitaries. In 1491, the teenager received the first position of the administrator of the bishop. In 1493, the young man erected in San Cardinal-Dyakon and gave several dioceses, which implied a weighty income.

However, Cesare himself preferred to receive education. The young man studied the right and theology in educational institutions Pisa and Perugia. The result was the brilliant dissertation on jurisprudence. The clergy did not prengear Borgia, he sought secular life and military achievements.

Son Pope Rimsky

Father Cesare is elected to the position of Pope in 1492, and the young man becomes the son of the most influential confessor of the country. In 1497, at mysterious circumstances, the elder brother Cesare Giovanni dies. A man is frololing with a knife, not a tonow gold and wallet. Some contemporaries called Cesare Frataubey and suspected that it was he who put his hand to the death of Giovanni, but there was no confirmation. In addition, the enemies and ill-wishers had enough of the deceased.

Cesare Bordjia leaves the Vatican

In the next 1498, for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, Cesare returned to the number of Mijan, refusing to resolve the Cardinal College from spiritual Sana.

Finally, Borgia got a chance to show himself as a military and politician. The idol of men remained invincible Julius Caesar, and the motto "came, saw, won" became the slogan for both Borgia. At the emblem, the failed clergy was solemnly "Caesar or nothing."

Coat of arms of Cesare Bordjia

The time in favor of military empires and achievements. From 1494, the Italian wars raged on the fragmented feudal lands. The territory claimed stronger neighbors - France and Spain, and the Roman dad kept himself with hoping to unite the land under his power.

Having enlisted with the support of the French king Louis XII, thanks to the duty issued permission for divorce and assistance in the form of replenishment of Troops Cesare went to conquer cities in the Roman. It is worth noting that settlements that surrendered voluntarily, the newly connected commander forbade robbery.

Estimated Portrait of Cesare Borgia

The first military target, with the brilliance of the military achieved by the military, the city of Imola and Forli, which ruled the routine of his own son Katerina Sforza. Both cities were taken by Borgia in 1500.

In the same year, Pope appoints Cesare to the commander-in-chief of the papal troops, and the conquest successfully continues. Some cities voluntarily surrender to the commander, the commander of them deposited a short time. The cunning father and son lead battles, using the support of the warring France and Spain alternately. By 1503, the commander managed to conquer most of the papal region, combining the scattered land under the influence of a spiritual dignitary.

Sean Harris as Mikeletto Cores

Next to the Mr. was always a devotee Vassal and Comrade Micletto Cornela, who was called the personal executioner of Cesare. Men were friendly since childhood, and Pokoreti performed on the instructions of the commander tiller and responsible tasks.

So, according to Rafael Sabatini's book "Life of Cesare Bordjia", the executor became the performer of the murder of the second husband Lucretza Borgia - Alfonso Aragonsky.

Book of Rafael Sabatini

Positively, Leonardo da Vinci, who performed the engineer of the troops of Borgia and Niccolo Makiavelli, who considered him the ideal of the head of state, responded about the personality of Cesare-Communion. However, successful conquests were interrupted by severe illness of both Borgia. After lunch, one of the Cardinals, the Father and Son suddenly began to suffer fever with vomit.

Personal life

Unfortunately, under the present days, the signed portraits of the Secondary Military Comagon are not preserved. Historians can only assume how Cesare Bordjia looked. According to the memories of contemporaries, a man was distinguished by a state figure, was physically developed and attractive outwardly. At the same time, different sources are diametrically opposed to the nature of the Papal Son. Some consider it noble and honest, others, on the contrary, are called a cunning poisoner.

Estimated Portrait of Cesare Borgia

Personal life of Cesare also underwent numerous gossip and rumors. Italian accusations in instications and bisexuality did not escape. Relationships with Lucretia Borgia remained warm throughout the life of both, but it is difficult to talk about the romantic relationships that bind brother and sister. Trust communication with the sister was preserved, even though the executioner of Cesare strangled the second husband of a woman.

But the love relationship with his brother's wife Santia Cesare practically did not hide. However, the spouse of the commander became a completely different woman. As is known, in the Middle Ages, influential empi served as a guarantee of the settlement agreement and support of the parties.

Lucretia Borgia

Dad Alexander VI planned to marry the Son on the princess Naples Carlotte Aragon. A noble lady flatly refused marriage with a man below her in status. King Louis XII itself could not persuade the stubborn. However, he also found Cesare another bride - the daughter of Duke of Guien Charlotte, who in 1499 became the wife of the Pakskoy Son.

Without lingering in France, Cesare left back to Rome, after which he no longer saw the spouse, who shortly after his departure gave birth to Daughter Louise - the only legitimate child of Borgia.

Charlotte Tomb D'Alba, Wives Cesare Bordjia

The romantic adventures of Cesare did not stop. According to historical documents, immediately after returning from France during the seizure of the first cities, the commander cruelly raped Katerina Sforza.

Next, the connection with the curtisank from Florence was followed, and then the scandalous abduction of the wife of the Venetian commander Dorothea. Rumors were attributed to Cesare holding techniques ending with orgies with Roman prostitutes. Gossipants argued that the sister of Borgia, Lucretia, was invariably attended these assemblies.

Katerina Sforza

Borgia in life recognized two more extramarital children, whose mothers were left unknown. Apparently, they were the servants of the sister. The son of Jirolamo remained the poor nobleman, who was accused of murder, and the daughter of Camilla Bordjia in 1516 he had grown into a nun, adopted the name Lucretia and led a pious life.

Stormy life and unintelligible links led Cesare to Syphilis Disease. Contemporaries told about the presence of characteristic uluses on the face of the commander, which he hid for a special mask at the end of life.


After a sudden illness and the following Father's sudden death in 1503, Borgia was at death. A tormented by fever, a warlord with loyal people closed in the castle of the Holy Angel, capturing gold and jewelry.

Cesare Bordjia

Former allies, learning about the state of Cesare, instantly took advantage of the situation and hurried to plunder the united lands. Having been imprisoned on the instructions of the new Pope Julia II and successfully escaped from there in 1506, Cesare without money and support went to Navarro, where the rules King Jean - his wife's wife Charlotte.

Heat contemplated by a relative, Cesare was appointed to command the army of Navarre. Pursuing the enemy on March 12, 1507, Borgia fell into the ambush and was killed. However, the circumstances of the death remained pre-unknown, as well as the history of life, covered with numerous rumors. We expressed the versions about suicide, deprivation of reason because of the complications of syphilis, registered murder of ill-wishers.

Tomb of Cesare Bordjia

The warlord was buried under the Altar of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vian. However, between 1523 and 1608, the body was removed from the grave, since such a sinner could not rest in the holy place. The reburial is produced in an unknown place.

In 1945, the estimated place of the rest of Cesare turned out to be accidentally uncovered. Despite the requests of local residents, the bishop refused to get buried the remains in the church, and the unaccificed commander found the shelter near her walls. Only in 2007, Archbishop Pamplona issued permission to move the remains back to the crusts of the Church.


  • 1947 - Book "Covarian Lis Borgia"
  • 1963 - The film "Black Duke"
  • 1966 - The film "A man who laughs"
  • 1968 - Movie "Lucretia Borgia, Loveman Devil"
  • 1971 - Movie "Life Leonardo da Vinci"
  • 1973 - Movie "Amoral Stories"
  • 1981 - Film "Borgia"
  • 2006 - Film "Borgia"
  • 2011-2013 - Series "Borgia"
  • 2011-2014 - Series "Borgia"
  • 2011-2014 - Series "Isabella"

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