Vladimir Timofeev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography, Actor, Films, Roles 2021



If you start listed all the roles of this well-known actor, it is easy to get off the bill. In the richest filmography of Vladimir Timofeyev, dozens of works in cinema, serials and even music clips. The viewer adores the main, and episodic characters of the artist, noting in every role an unsurpassed talent.

Childhood and youth

Personal biography of the actor is a solid white spot. All because Timofeev is a closed person and carefully protects his life from public interest.

It is generally known that the artist was born on September 24, 1961 in the city of Krasnogorsk of the Moscow region. Childhood and youth spent in his native town. Medium education received in local gymnasium. I always read a lot, especially the classics, and Gogol loves so far, considers the beloved writer.

In the mid-80s, Vladimir, being a mature young man, went to Moscow to act on the acting. The talented applicant was taken to the theater school named after Schepkin to the national artist of Vladimir Safronov. Timofeev graduated from the university in 1989 and began the acting career in the theater and cinema.

Cinema and theater

The debut of the young artist on the screen took place in the student. In 1988, Vladimir played the role of a stream in Military drama Alexei Saltykov "For all paid." Then followed the tiny role of the messenger in the picture of the "Tale of an outstanding Moon", which was published in 1990.

In 1991, young Vladimir Timofeev lit up in the Rock band "Zero" - "I go, I smoke. The video was simply a masterpiece, and it was rated on TV so often that the audience was brought together, who played a funny little split (the growth of the actor 179 cm), going up with Tall Frant (played Ivan Martynov).

I must say that the appearance of Vladimir in the clip is not accidental. At the same time, he starred in the mystical picture of Gonongfer (1992) director of Kilibaev's Bakhtika, who used the music of the "zero" group as a soundtrack. He filed a plot idea for the clip and "sucks" for him his professional artists.

The beginning of the career of Vladimir Timofeyev accounted for difficult time. The 90s for Russian cinema is a black strip, when the production of films has practically stopped. Weretheworks were sitting eminent actors, what to talk about young people. However, never the artist regretted the selected path.

"In what other profession will you live so many lives? It is very interesting! ", - He admits in rare interviews.
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A worthy application of his acting talent Timofeev found on the theater scene: in 1991 it is arranged in the MHT named after Chekhov. Here, he fully reveals the potential of a dramatic actor: Svidrigayilov in "Crime and Punishment", rubble in the "Krechinsky wedding", Bolbotun in the "White Guard", Gorich in "Mount from Wit" - these and other images are subtle and deeply transmitted by artist What does talk about his skills of reincarnation. These productions were delighted with both simple audience and mastitis theatrical critics.

Timofeev is comprehensively involved in the repertoire of the theater, not only in classical, but also in modern productions. Played the Czech writer Waclav Gavel in the formulation of "zeros", the secretary in the play "Violin and a little nervously", etc.

With the beginning of zero, the situation in the Russian film began to change for the better, the development of television contributed to the emergence of a domestic television product - serials. The actors finally became in demand.

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The new round of the creative biography of Timofeyev begins in 2000, when the whole country saw him in the popular TV series "Border. Taiga novel. " Director Alexander Mitta invited the actor to the role of a circus artist, whose indulged passion was card games.

Then followed the work in the Multi-Marsh Turkish Marsh "(Season 3)," Cheryomushki "," Stiletto "and many others. In 2006, Vladimir Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

The new wave of popularity covered the actor in 2011, after entering the screens of the detective series "Forester", where he played Vasily Bolshaev - a rustic alcoholic.

"The actor does not refuse roles: not from small, nor from large. It is not known what will be successful, and which is not, - he notices philosophically. "By the way, I'm not drinking, and during the filming of the four seasons, with a friend and partner Mikhail Solodko did not drink a drop of alcohol (laughs)."
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In 2018, the comedy series "Neighbors", in which folk favorite played one of the main roles. His hero is a tractor driver Nikolai Shirshikov and his wife Tatiana (Julia Auga) are entrited with new one-sieves - urban pair of Olga and Oleg Krutev (Elena Curchaschenka and Evgeny Sidichin). The project fell in love with the audience, so it was continued soon.

"My character is kind, responsive, calm, but drinking a rustic resident," says the artist.

The main premiere of the autumn of 2018 was the historical project of "Godunov", dedicated to the personality of one of the most ambiguous rulers in Russia - Boris Godunova. The project was occupied by the Pleiad of Russian Stars - Sergey Bezrukov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Sergey Makovetsky. Vladimir Timofeyev was invited to the role of Savva of the boatman.

Personal life

Personal life Actor carefully protects from prying eyes. In the network you will not find his family photos, and to tell the request of journalists about loved ones politely refuses.

"I love my wife, children and work," admits. - I am a thinly feeling man, moderately impulsive. I do not like when you swear and smoke a lot. "
Vladimir Timofeev

According to the artist, he loves privacy and a relaxing stay will always prefer a noisy cheerful feast.

Vladimir Timofeev now

In the fall of 2020, the shooting of the 4th and 5th seasons of the series "Neighbors" started, which were held in the Rostov region. Vladimir gladly returned to the role of a simple village man, and colleagues continued to participate in the project.

Timofeev again expressed her character sympathy. And even noticed the similarity with Viktor Shirshikov, because the ordinary hard worker began to fight with arrogant neighbors, was not afraid and did not make sure.

"After all, the actor is always looking for in itself the qualities that his hero can be. Would I do as he in a particular situation? "

Assessing a new story about neighbors, the audience was able during the May holidays of 2021.


  • 1988 - "For everything paid"
  • 1990 - "Tale of an outstanding Moon"
  • 1992 - "Gonfofer"
  • 1998 - "Classic"
  • 2000 - "Border: Taiga Roman"
  • 2003 - "Turkish March"
  • 2006 - "Bodyguard"
  • 2009 - "Brother"
  • 2010 - "Blue Merin"
  • 2011 - "My Pope of the Baryshnikov"
  • 2011 - "Forester"
  • 2012 - "Once in Rostov"
  • 2013 - "Between us, girls"
  • 2014 - "Right to Love"
  • 2015 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2015 - "Superbobrov"
  • 2018 - "Neighbors"
  • 2018 - "Godunov"
  • 2020 - "An hour before dawn"
  • 2021 - "Neighbors-4"
  • 2021 - "Neighbiz-5"

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