Sergey Bachin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Career 2021



Career Sergey Viktorovich Bachin developed science, management, business in this vector, which today is the leading developer of Russia in the public and commercial construction sector, heads the mountain resort "Rosa Khutor" in Sochi, and also develops a fundamentally new agricultural project - the production of organic products - Within the framework of its own business, the Agrivag Holding.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Bacin was born on November 18, 1963 in the city of Kovrov Vladimir region. The secondary education received in the Private Soviet school. Every summer, parents sent her son to the village to her grandparents, where the boy not only hung in nature, but also helped the farm, delight in the culture of rural life. This experience will then serve as a big help in organizing his own business in the agronomic sphere.

Sergey Bachin

The brilliant abilities of Bachchu says that at 23, the young man graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. And in 24, he was invited to work at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after Vernadsky.

For several years, a young man with his head plunged into scientific work, ahead - rainbow perspectives: dissertation, practical development, academic titles. But everything changed literally overnight, when in 1991, the inhabitants of the Union woke up by citizens of another country. New features appeared in new realities. So Sergey Bachin in 1992 takes a difficult decision - to go to study in the United States and get economic education.


In America, Bachin spent 6 years. The first 4 years studied at the University of Hardford in the specialty "Corporate Finance", graduating from the university, received a degree of business administration master. The graduate was then a profitable proposal: the work of the Financial Manager in Pratt & Whitney Corporation, specializing in the release of aircraft engines for the military and civilian sector, has become a good internship for the young managerial.

Businessman Sergey Bachin

However, much more valuable knowledge acquired in the USA was at the home of the financier, in Russia, where he returned in 1998. Bachin's managerial career began in Interros holding structures belonging to Vladimir Potanin. At first, the stock market was analyzed in the Onexim Bank, then she worked for 5 years at Interros Development, implementing construction projects both private and government orders.

The experience of full-fledged independent management Sergey Viktorovich received in the period 2003-2009, when the development company "Open investments" was headed (OPIN). Bachin brought the company to the leading position among the metropolitan developers, applying a fundamentally new approach to the construction and management of financial flows.

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It was such a leader who was necessary for the implementation of the construction of the century - the structures of the Olympic facilities: RMOU, Mountain Resort "Rosa Khutor" and a multifunctional hotel and recreational complex in the central part of Sochi. Bachin led the construction from 2010 to 2014, being president of the Professate Group of Companies.

In parallel with the work on the Olympic facilities, the developer implements investments in other global and promising projects - elite tourist complexes "Zavidovo" (Tver region) and Yaroslavl seaside (Yaroslavl region).

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In the career biography of Sergey Bachchin, a chain of interrelations is in an amazing way: new opportunities for other spheres are followed from the results of one industry. Thus, the practice in the construction business led Sergei Viktorovich to management in the tourism industry, and already working here, he initiated another important thing for himself - the creation of organic products for tourists and those who are not indifferent to their own health and well-being of loved ones.

"Organic means produced without chemistry, hormones, injuries with antibiotics, even without feeding cows with a feeding," explains the innovator.

The entrepreneur was not just comprehensively studied this question, but even wrote the book "Organizer. Myths and reality, "where in a simple and accessible form explains both the priorities for the development of this industry in Russia and the benefit of such products for the body.

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Back in 2007, Bachin became interested in this area and on specially acquired lands founded agryvag agricultural chopolding. First, there were 3 meat and making farms, today 17 sheep farms were added to them, over 10 milk and commodity farms, 2 large meat and milk processing industrial complex, 2 damp plant - Danilovsky and Uglichsky.

Soon the holding entered the production and industrial conglomerate "Agroman", which implements projects in the field of processing and implementing organic agricultural products.

Sergey Bachin

Today, Sergey Bachin, heading "Agroman" since 2012, the owner of organic trademarks "from the Uglich", "Uglich sausages" and "carbon field", under which dairy products, meat, sausages, cheeses are produced.

Separate mention requires the contribution of Sergey Bachin on social development, more precisely to education. In the early 2000s, the Developer founded Pavlovskaya Gymnasium - a non-profit educational institution, where an innovative approach is at the heart of the educational process. The founder himself believes that in a similar institution today it is necessary to train tomorrow's leaders of the country.

Personal life

Sergey Viktorovich Bachin does not advertise a personal life and photos in social networks. It is known that a businessman is the head of a large family: they and his wife raise four children.

Sergey Bachin now

Tourism is now one of the main directions of the Multidisciplinary Bach activity. In 2017, Rosa Khutor was recognized as the best ski resort of Russia at the World Ski Awards WORLDS ceremony in Austria. And in 2018 (over the winter season), the resort accepted over 900 thousand tourists. But these figures the head of the complex plans to increase at times due to the construction of a two-kilometer cable car, the cost of which is estimated at 1 billion rubles.

Sergey Bachin in 2018

In the summer of 2018, the Agrivag holding agreed to create a cheese cluster in the territory of the Yaroslavl region. The volume of investments is about 5.8 billion rubles, it is planned to supply up to 8 thousand tons of cheeses annually.


  • 2012 - Thank you state certificate for promoting auditing activities conducted at Sochi Olympic Sports.
  • 2013 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for assistance in the construction of the Radonezh Temple (Settlement of Wellednikovo, Moscow region).
  • 2013 - the badge of the difference "Honorary Builder".
  • 2014 - Order of Alexander Nevsky for special achievements in sociocultural events and personal merits in front of the Fatherland in the state-building sector.
  • 2014 - a memorial medal "XXII Olympic Winter Games" for participating in the state development of the central regions of Sochi.

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