Vladimir Yakunin - biography, photo, personal life, news, where now 2018 2021



Yakunin Vladimir Ivanovich is a state and public figure, the former president of Russian Railways, a diplomatic worker, a researcher and teacher of the Faculty of Political Science of Moscow State University.

Vladimir Yakunin on the podium

Lesse from Soviet intelligence, V.I. After several years of activity in the investment and banking business, Yakunin goes to the public service, where railway transportes it in its responsibility.

In the process of reform, the Ministry of Railways reformatted to the Joint-Stock Company "Russian Railways", which Yakunin headed for 10 years. By 2015, Russian Railways came out in the third place in the world in terms of freight, being the largest employer in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin was born in 1948 in the Vladimir region. His childhood years passed on the Estonian coast of the Baltic, where the father worked - a military pilot. At the age of 14 moved to Leningrad. Here received a higher education - graduated with the "red" diploma of the military.

Vladimir Yakunin

After studying, it settled in the State Institute of Applied Chemistry - according to the diploma, its specialty was associated with the development of ballistic missiles. It is by this time that it includes the information that Yakunin tied his fate with the special services (from his own words, he gave the work in exploration 22 years of his life).

Vladimir Yakunin recalled in his memoirs, that in Soviet intelligence seen two main ways of influence per person: through a compromising and through friendship, and he himself always preferred exactly the second approach,

"Since the relationship arising with it is much more reliable and more efficient."

In 1977, Yakunin ends his studies at the Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR and go to work in the State Committee for the State Council of the USSR on foreign economic relations to the post of senior engineer. According to Yakunin, it is one of the departments used by Soviet intelligence as an official sign for working abroad. From 1982, he headed the department for work with foreigners in the Leningrad Fiztech.

Vladimir Yakunin

In 1985, he receives his first foreign business trip - goes to the Permanent Representation of the USSR in the UN in New York. Yakunin works in the Committee on the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and at the same time works on the first major control of the KGB.

While in the US, he is gradually disappointed in the infallibility and ideological purity of the Soviet leadership, watching the party bones from time to time arrive in New York, but instead of work they often indict themselves, buy luxury objects for the state account. The Yakunin family returns to the Soviet Union shortly before his decay in 1991 and sees a completely different country in front of him.


In 1991, Vladimir Yakunin leaves civil service and begins its own business projects in St. Petersburg. In particular, it creates an enterprise to attract foreign investment "International Center for Business Cooperation" - one of the first sites in Russia focused on organizing the interaction of domestic and foreign companies. For the work of Yakunin and his partners rented the former "house of political visiting".

Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Yakunin

Due to the field of activity of the International Center, Yakunin comes closer to Vladimir Putin, who worked in those years in the St. Petersburg City Hall and supervised the external economic ties of the city. As Yakunin writes in his memories, Putin, among his colleagues, allocated his ability to keep the word.

Yakunin actively earned money and used intensively by economic opportunities in the country, including representatives of the present economic and political elite. At the same time, businesses were absolutely different. For example, with the brothers Fursenko and Yuri Kovalchuk in he created the company "Temp", which produced filters for water purification. With the same Kovalchuk Yakunin then created the Bank "Russia".

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In 1996, together with Vladimir Putin, Yuri Kovalchuk, Sergey and Andrei Fursenko and three more businessmen created a country cooperative "Lake". As Yakunin noted in an interview with the MK, the territory was bought from self-breaking and landscaped.

"Toilets, as in a famous film, stood on the shore of the lake with cesspools, and this did not break anyone. We agreed with the authorities and negotiated with all self-breakdowns, because we were then the official members of the rental rights and the purchase of land. How are you doing now? Let the bulldozers, they were demolished. We went on another way: they agreed with each and offered on the territory that the state farm allocated, to build them normal houses. "

The house of Yakunin and the cottages of his companion on the cooperative were built of wood, some had access to the water. The cottage area, according to memories, was approximately 240 square meters.

State activities

In 1997-2000, Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin returns to the civil service. Perhaps, Putin was invited - he led the main control offices under the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the North-Western district inspectorate of which Yakunin became.

In October 2000, Vladimir Yakunin was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Its main task was to establish the interaction of various parts of the country's transport infrastructure - primarily railway and port.

Vladimir Yakunin in the 2000s

In February 2002, he fully moves to work in the railway industry, receiving the position of Deputy Minister of Communications. This is the period of full-scale reorganization of the department, which ends in September the emergence of OJSC "Russian Railways" (Russian Railways). In October, Yakunin Vladimir Ivanovich enters the top management of the company, and since the summer of 2005 he heads her.

Now Yakunin needs to translate the activities of the former Ministry of Railways to the market rails. At the head of the Russian Railways, Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin becomes a lobbyist of large infrastructure projects: the reconstruction of Transsib and Bama, the emergence of high-speed rails ("Sapsans"), construction of railway approaches to maritime ports in the Leningrad region.

Vladimir Yakunin and his son Andrei (left)

Yakunin gave the start of the company's modernization - large train stations were updated, they had popular networks of cafes and fast food cafes, the landscaping of the bail territories and parking lots. New types of trains were launched: "Swallows" - day expressions, connecting neighboring regions, "Strey" - two-storey compounds. "Aeroexpress" appeared in Moscow. Railways began selling tickets online.

Railways took an active part in the creation of the Ust-Luzhsky port railway infrastructure, one of the largest transport projects implemented in Russia over the past decades. A large port was built on bare land, which today is the main trading goal of the country in the North-West and allows not to pay transit duties for using the ports of the Baltic countries.

Vladimir Yakunin in the cite of the President of the Russian Railways

With Yakunin, ruddered Russian Railways was held - shades of red and gray came to replace the blue and green trains.

"Vladimir Yakunin, Vladimir Yakunin, considers the preparations for the Sochi Olympiad - the construction of a new station in Adler and the construction of a majority of regional transport infrastructure from scratch.

During the work of Yakunin in Russian Railways, the company began expansion to foreign markets. So, in 2012, the PSA Peugeot-Citroen was purchased for 800 million in most countries of the world, and among its main customers - leading manufacturers, such as Peugeot, Siemens, Bosch, " IKEA "," Proctor and Gamble ". A contract was signed for the reconstruction of railways in Serbia.

Vladimir Yakunin and Russian President Vladimir Putin in

In 2012, V.I. Yakunin was elected Chairman of the International Railway Union.

In 2014, Yakunin was assigned an emergency and authorized ambassador rank.

After departing from Russian Railways in 2015, Yakunin refused to be a senator from the Kaliningrad region, since he chose activities in the field of international relations.

Vladimir Yakunin passes the post of head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov

For many years, including the head of Russian Railways, Yakunin called its task to establish an equal dialogue between countries and civilizations, in particular reconciliation of Russia and the West. To do this, he created and headed the "Dialogue of Civilizations", annually conducting a political forum on Rhodes, where Russian and Western political scientists are going.

Since 2016, under the leadership of Vladimir Yakunin, a research institute "Dialogue of Civilizations" has been working in Berlin.


In 2010, the name of Vladimir Yakunin was mentioned in the context of the scandal of financing the pro-Russian Centrist Party of Estonia.

In 2013 and 2014, oppositionists criticized Yakunin for unwillingness to publish information about their salary in Russian Railways. In 2015, Vladimir Yakunin revealed this information for the first time - its revenues for 2014 amounted to 93.5 million rubles.

Vladimir Yakunin

In August 2018, Yakunin was accused of preparing for emigration, noting him at the Consulate of Germany in obtaining a visa that gives the right to life and work in the FRG. The representative of Yakunin Grigory Levchenko noted that there is nothing unusual in obtaining a working visa of the country, where the main office of the "Dialogue of Civilizations" is located - without this it is impossible to legally manage the institute.

Personal life

Vladimir Yakunin is married. With his wife, Natalia Viktorovna, met in grade 9, got married at the fourth year of the "military".

Natalia Yakunina

At the beginning of "zero" was an entrepreneur. Engaged in charity. Chapter and co-founder of the Geneva Foundation "Dialogue of Civilizations". Yakunin has two sons and four grandson.

Vladimir Yakunin now

Now V.I. Yakunin is headed by the Foundation "Dialogue of Civilizations", is engaged in charity and research activities.

Interesting Facts

  • When the United States and EU introduced sanctions against high-ranking Russian officials, a professor of universities from the United States, Britain, Canada, Italy, Austria, Germany, was supported by an open letter, in support of Yakunin. As a result, Vladimir Yakunin was not included in the European sanction list.
  • Yakunin is the founder and head of a number of charitable organizations. The founded Foundation Andrei First Called restored the tradition of bringing a fertile fire to Russia from Jerusalem. It was then, in 2003, at the age of 54, Vladimir Ivanovich came to conscious faith.
Vladimir Yakunin brings fertile fire from Jerusalem
  • In the book "Cooker Poli", Yakunin tells how once president of Siemens asked why Merkel does not use Russian language in communicating with representatives of Russia that owns well. And after a while, the Chancellor invited him to the meeting and told that it was connected with the story of her childhood, when the Soviet soldier stole her bike from her. Vladimir Ivanovich said that she was ready to buy all bikes in a nearby store, if it could at least help to correct the situation.
  • In 2005-2007 It becomes first a candidate, and then Dr. Political Sciences. From 2010 - Head of the Department of State Policy Faculty of Political Science MSU.
  • He has state awards, as well as a number of awards of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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