Ariadna Shengeleya - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Theater 2021



Fragile beauty, "Countess of Soviet Cinema" - so contemporaries called Ariadna Shengelai. The artist, which was mostly managed by the role of aristocratic persons, was known and loved by millions of spectators, in demand in theater and cinema, and after suddenly disappeared from the field of view of a wide audience, becoming a closer.

Childhood and youth

About the early years in the biography of the artist knows little. The girl with a poetic name from the ancient Greek myths was born on January 13, 1937 in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, in the Sprink family.

Father Vsevolod Eduardovich - a rubbed German. His ancestors moved to the Russian Empire during the time of Peter the Great. Mother Anna Pavlovna Lyubimova - Russian. Both parents lived in Moscow. There they met, and on moving to distant Tashkent decided due to the turnover of Stalinist repressions.

In the year of birth, the doors decided to return to Moscow, but the Father was arrested because of German origin and sentenced to reference. He spent a quarter of a century in the camps, rehabilitated a man in 1955. Mother with the girl managed to move to the capital. Here she graduated from high school and entered VGIK them. S. A. Gerasimov.

The future star was studied in the workshop of the USSR of the USSR Vladimir Belokurov, who in 30 years of work at the Cinematography Institute raised the Pleiad of the actors: Nina Goloshkov, Jury Arepina, Galina Loginov. In the 1960s, the actress received a diploma and entered the troupe of the Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater. A. S. Griboyedov.

It is not surprising that thanks to the unusual name and surname, bright appearance and the place of birth of fans of creativity, I was interested in the question of the nationality of the artist. The younger daughter Ariadna Vsevolodovna noted that at the 80-year-old anniversary, the mother "fans with pride congratulated both the Dane, Georgian, a Jewish, Grekanka, German and as a representative of the Russian nation."

Theater and films

In the first film, Ariadna Vsevolodovna starred still a student. The melodrama "Ekaterina Voronina" on the same name of Anatoly Rybakov, 1957, brought her the role of Irina Leshevoy. The debut on the screen under the patronage of the famous director and the scenario of Isidor Annensky became a good start in the film. In the filmography of the artist, over 40 paintings will appear.

After a year, Shengheli played Tatyana, the first major role that made her star, in the adaptation of Evgenia Onegin, Roman Tikhomirov. For work in the film Opera, she received the first award at the Moscow Film Festival (now - MMK), as well as the main prize at the All-Union Festival in Kiev. The voice of the vocal parties of her heroine was the star of the Bolshoi Theater Galina Vishnevskaya.

In 1960, the melodrama "Yevgeny Grande" was released, where Ariadna Vsevolodovna played the main character, in love with his cousin Charles, whose role was performed by Mikhail Kozakov.

Following the sparkling comedy "Caution, Grandma!" - And again the main role. The Great Fain Ranevskaya became partner in the shooting area.

In 1963, a "white caravan" nominated for the "Golden Palm Branch" of the festival in Cannes appeared. The author of the tape spoke Eldar Shengeli, who starred his spouse.

The iconic picture of the fate of the actress became the "pomegranate bracelet". Representing Princess Shiny, she found her role. For the sophisticated Maneru of the game and the Aristocracy of Shangeloy called the "Countess of Soviet Cinema", and the directors dreamed of getting Ariadna in the executive of the Stattail Ladies of the left era. According to the survey of the magazine "Soviet screen" from 1965, a woman called the best actress.

This time is considered to be a flourishing acting of Shangelai. The star appeared in the form of the Masha Countess in the film by the story of the same name A. S. Pushkin "Shot", reincarnated to the Princess Carolina Wittgenstein in the biographical musical tape "Ferenz Sheet. Greza love. "

In 1970, Ariadne starred in the Drama Drame. Nina Veselovskaya, Georgy Kulikov, Pavel Kashlakov and Anatoly Romashakov became partners around the court partners.

In 1971, the premiere of the film "Goya, or a grave path of knowledge" was held - the joint production of the GDR, USSR, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Ariadna Vsevolodovna played Hussfu - wife in the genius artist-Novator. The role of the genius of paints went to Donatas Banionis.

The Military Historical Ribbon "Dmitry Kantemir" of 1973 with Schengelay as Kassandra, the wife of the chief character, was awarded the State Prize of Moldova. The role of a politician, scientist Prince, played Mikhail Volontir.

The parable of the "Cranks" became another bright work of the actress. Beautiful Margarita in its execution, Dato Zgesti in the image of the in love Ertoz Breggvadze is an amazing light comedy, shot in the best Georgian and Russian traditions. The director was made by the husband of Schengelai Eldar.

In 1979, Shangelaye was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Georgian SSR".

In the next 20 years, the actress was also starred, and in the 1990s he marked only 5 pictures. Among them - the "ladies of the peasant" based on the leaders of Pushkin. The film received prestigious awards, and one of the locations for filming was the manor, among the owners of whom was the mother-in-law of the Great Poet.

Himself Ariadna Vsevolodovna played in the author's cycle Leonid Filatov "To remember." In the series 114 episodes, season 1 lasted 10 years.

In 1997, Schengelea appeared in the image of the lead in the fairy tale "Magic Portrait". Ribbon - joint production of Russia and China, - removed based on Russian and Chinese legends, touched the audience a magical plot and sincerity of the acting game.

June 2000 brought Ariadna Vsevolodovna the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation for great merits in the field of art.

The latter role on the screen was Khan in the social drama Babij Yar, telling about the shootings in the terrain of the same name in Ukraine in 1941.

On the theatrical field, the actress also has a lot of bright roles. In the Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater. A. S. Griboyedov She played Cleopatra in the play on the play of Bernard's "Caesar and Cleopatra" show and a fragile girl in the "Diary of Anna Frank".

Personal life

The first time the actress married in the youth, in the second year of Vgika. Chosen girl studied in the same university, at the directorial faculty. The leaving of Georgia, the son of famous parents, folk artist and artist of the arts, Eldar Shengeli was distinguished by a hot temper and a hot-tempered character, but Ariadne became a true Eastern wife - soft, caring, non-conflict.

Immediately after graduation, a young family went to Tbilisi. Children were born in marriage. Elder, NATO, appeared in 1958. The girl was called in honor of the grandmother in the father's line - the famous NATO Actress Vachnadze, who died in a plane crash.

Since 1960, Ariadne became the actress of a film studio "Georgia-film".

Katia was born in 1967. Union lasted 22 years. The reasons why the paths of the creative pair were separated, unknown, but the divorce was painful. In an interview with "Express Gazeta", the youngest daughter Katia confessed: "Mom with dad was not easy to disagree. I don't even want to remember details. "

After parting, the actress returned to Moscow again, but he constantly visited the younger daughter, who remained with his father in Tbilisi. The eldest, NATO, at that time was already married. Ariadna Vsevolodovna re-started creative and personal biography.

Igor Kokchenko, speaker and dubling actor became the second husband's stars. He worked on "culture", was considered the "brand" voice of the TV channel. And once appeared on the screen in the movie "Gorgon's head", becoming a partner of the spouse on the site. In 2003, Igor Petrovich died suddenly from a heart attack, without surviving up to 57 years.

Ariadna Vsevolodovna hardly experienced loss. Soon after, it disappeared from the field of vision of directors and spectators, refused roles, interviews and public speeches. The photo of the artist in old age is impossible to find - it remained in the memoirs of fans of the young and graceful "Countess".

In 2017, the artist noted the anniversary - 80 years. Congratulations on this day took daughters.

About the personal life of the actress knows little. After the death of the spouse Ariadna Vsevolodovna devoted himself to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She lives in Tbilisi surrounded by a family. Occasionally, relatives come to Moscow, where the actress is an apartment, but Georgia remained their hometown.

"We have a very good parents, and we are happy to live a big and friendly family," notes the youngest daughter Katia.

Ariadna Shengeli now

The actress is not removed since 2003. Ariadna Vsevolodovna is now in the midwives and plays the role that herself chose - grandmothers and great-grandmothers. According to the youngest daughter, Schengelai:"Mom in youth was just a beauty, a real star. I always had been proud of it, but in principle, her popularity did not feel, for me she is always just a mother. "


  • 1958 - "Evgeny Onegin"
  • 1960 - "Eugene Grande"
  • 1960 - "Caution, Grandma!"
  • 1963 - "White Caravan"
  • 1964 - "Pomegranate bracelet"
  • 1966 - "Shot"
  • 1970 - "Ferenc Sheet"
  • 1985 - "Return to Fauy"
  • 1995 - "Baryshnya-peasant woman"
  • 2002 - Babij Yar

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