Group "Red Mold" - Composition, photo, news, songs 2021



"Red Mold" - a group, popular in narrow circles of lovers and contemporaries of the Soviet post-punk. The peak of the popularity of the collective fell in the 90s, but, despite the demand of the creativity of "Red Mold" in young people, the group did not achieve popularity - prevented the specific style of texts with an abundance of obscene vocabulary.

The history of creation and composition

The first years of the existence of the group "Red Mold" consisted of one person - Pavel Yatsyna. The musician was born on August 10, 1969 in Krasnodar, but at 10 years old with his parents moved to Yalta. Initially, Paul tried to play Hevi-Metal, but, as he himself admitted in an interview with 2012, he quickly realized that this musical style was not in demand, he was listening to less than 2% of people. Yatsina began to look for his own style, changed the player of singing, the direction of the text.

Pavel Yatsina in youth

In 1993, Paul recorded the first album "Red Molds" using a synthesizer, an electric guitar and mixer. The vocals were recorded at the home tape recorder. To create the Effect of the Group, Yatsina invented the remaining participants in the group - Gitarist Valentina Perov and Sergey Machulak, poet. In such a "composition" "Red Mold" recorded the following 3 albums.

Recognition was difficult to achieve - obscene ability did not give the opportunity to contact radio or television. To track popularity, Paul at the end of the album wrote a postal address, which then came to the letters of people who had evaluated creativity.


At first, the geography of students was limited to the cities of Crimea, then the letters began to come from neighboring regions, then from all over the country and the former USSR. Soon, it became clear from the correspondence that the "Red Molds" was recognized abroad - in the United States and Canada, and this in one year.

Popularization of the group helped and the residence of Yatsina - the resort city even collected many vacationers in the restructuring. Another factor was the specificity of the niche: with obscene vocabulary and causing, unofficially forbidden topics, worked, except for "mold", only the "Gaza Strip".

Pavel Yatsina

After the first success, Yatsina began to invite to record musicians, singers and parodists. Thus, 7 more albums were recorded. Paul began to earn on their release only in 1996, when a copyright law was released in Russia. The "Red Mold" began to cooperate with Master Sound, working with which was launched 10 years, until the recording on the audio driver ceased to be relevant.

Since 2008, the team has been engaged in active concert activities. During the existence, "Red Mold" changed 8 compositions, and dozens of people participated in album records in album records. Until 2018, only one permanent participant was in the group - her founder Pavel Yatsina.


A distinctive feature of the creativity of "Red Mold" is neglecting social and ethical norms. Of all the album released albums, only 2 cost without obscene vocabulary: "Ballads and Lyrics" and "Little Boy and other Pioneer Purses."


The musicians themselves identify as punk rock or post-punk, but representatives and fans of the classical punk movement are inclined to disagree with it. It is argued by this opinion by the fact that the presence in the texts of the mat and provocative theme is not a genre characteristic of punk music.

"Red Mold" creates both original content and creativity, paroding and beating already existing songs and poems. Occasionally, the group records serious compositions, but they enjoy less popular than characteristic of "red mold" humorous songs.

The creation of the group can be combined by the most vivid parameters.

  • Ballads. Meaning songs, as a rule, is a lyrics, with a high-quality music component, without obscene vocabulary and with text having a specific meaning.
  • Ordinary songs. The classic creativity of the group is the absurdist texts of a low poetic level with an abundance of mat and emphasis on violence, sex, alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • Songs using modern folk needles in the genre of black humor, Sadyushki. That is, the beating of popular in the 90s quarter about a small boy or a small girl, with whom all sorts of trouble happen.
  • Parodies on popular music, mainly domestic, also using the surrounding vocabulary.
  • Absurdist rethinking of fairy tales and historical plots. The most famous example is "Kulikovsky Mochilovo".
  • Song imitation - compositions written in stylistics of certain performers.
  • Conversation inserts, both after songs and during their sound.

Often, during jointing to the songs, the votes of popular film and political figures are used: Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Associate Professor from Gentlemen of Good luck.

Vocalist Sergey Levchenko

At the very beginning of the group's creativity as a separate leitmotif, anti-communist topics is present. Since 2000, you can observe the opposite trend with the positive characteristics of the USSR.

The team's music until 2003 was predominantly electronic, rock arrangements begin to appear only since 1997. The first albums recorded at home are distinguished by low sound quality and mistakes.

Clips "Red Mold" are predominantly low-quality flash drives, but there are several live videos. Disk covers are more painted, in a caricature genre, but on early albums are used photos of the group participants.

Pavel Yatsina is also notable for the fact that the first made and patented the electric guitar from the shovel, and later even created the project "Shovellica", which plays only such guitars. The tool itself fell into the book of Records of Ukraine.

Electric guitar from shovel

In the network, in the publications about the group, there are excerpts from the research of a certain helen Piaget, allegedly professors of social anthropology of sorbonna studying Russian punk movement. On behalf of the research group, the title of the phenomenon of world punk and indirect quotes are stylized under scientific calculations.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to find the mention of the professor in another context. There is a possibility that Helen Piaget is an invented character.

"Red Mold" now

The group's discography has 58 official albums. The last of them are released for money fans. "Red Mold" continues to tour - this format of creativity is most in demand, since, according to Yatsina, the peak of the group's popularity remained in the 90s.

The audience of the collective is predominantly the people who loved the band still at the beginning of creativity, the musicians themselves characterize themselves as the "window in the 90s".


December 31, 2017 Pavel Yatsina on his page in Vkontakte reported that he would leave the group. The successor and frontman of the "Red Mold" The musician called Sergei Levchenko. Fans are helpful to believe that on this the history of the group in its classic style is over.

Now at concerts playing the 9th in the account of the "Red Mold":

  • Sergey Levchenko - parody, vocals, backing vocals
  • Julian Nesterova - Impact
  • Alexey Frolov - vocals, guitar
  • Ilya Afanasyev - bass guitar
  • Ilya Nareny - parody, keys, guitar
  • Alexander Zenko - Director


  • 1991 - "Album number 1"
  • 1992 - "snot in the left ear"
  • 1993 - "Blow on the eggs"
  • 1995 - "Ballades, part 1"
  • 1997 - "Little boy and other pioneer couplets"
  • 1998 - "Kulikovsky Battle"
  • 1999 - "Sex by phone"
  • 2000 - "Union of Popular Parodies 1000"
  • 2002 - "All went to ... (Fill himself)"
  • 2004 - "Bulbuiler"
  • 2008 - Kerosene
  • 2009 - "Defalt"
  • 2010 - "Ballads (BEST)"
  • 2017 - "Lost Songs of the Red Mold Group (1989-1995)"

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