Garfield - biography, main characters, character


Character History

A speaking anthropomorphic cat, a character of the comic book "Garfield", as well as a number of films and animated series.

History of creation

For the first time, Garfield appeared in June 1978 in comics, which created an American artist Jim Davis. Comic about Garfield is still published. According to statistics, every day of two hundred million people read the next number about the adventures of the red cat.

Jim Davis.

The artist called the Miscellaneous Kharya in honor of his own grandfather, whose name was James Garfield Davis. And in turn, they called so in honor of the twentieth American president James Garfield.


Garfield is a fat and beautiful redhead kitty. The behavior of the hero resembles the natural behavior of domestic cats. For example, Garfield can sleep all day and look absolutely passive, and then suddenly fall into a state of rabies and spread the house, destroying everything that accidentally turns under claws.


By the nature of Garfield is unusually zinic and lazy. The character leads a relaxed life and shows miracles of ingenuity when he wants to get delicious food or milk. The tiny kitten Garfield was in the box, from where the hero was taken away by John Arbuck. Since then, the cat lives at Arbacla like a pet.

Garfield has friends - Cat Arlin and Thai cat is nerval, with whom the hero loves to play astronauts. This game is that Garfield launches a friend from the roof of the house in a bucket. The hero was also happy with the mouse, which is Louis, and pods the aggressive neighbor Doberman.

Garfield and his friends

From all the food, Garfield especially loves Lazagne and does not like raisins, which is allergic. The hero has a favorite toy - a teddy bear, which Garfield gave the nickname "Mickey concrete".

For a long time, Garfield remains the only favorite of the Arbacla, but then a migratory puppy appears in the house. First, the cat is jealous of the owner to a new pet, but then ODI and Garfield become friends.

Garfield and John Arbacco

Arbacla has a girl - Liz Wilson, a veterinarian, on whose care was the puppy one. The role of Liz is performed by actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. The heroine began to meet with Arbakl after he took a puppy to the house. Garfield against these relationships. According to the cat, the veterinarian in the house is too stressful.

Garfield teaches one to dance. Thanks to the newfound skills, the puppy wins the dogs of dogs than attracts the attention of Heppi Chapman, a non-present local TV presenter. Chapman did not achieve success on television and this is the moreover that he has a much more prosperous younger brother who makes a brilliar who makes a master of lead news on a large canal.

Garfield and puppy one

Chepman wants to use the same in the new show "KIBBLY DOG". However, the puppy turns out to be disappointment - one knows how to dance, but this is its only interesting ability. To achieve a greater effect from training, the villain Chepman uses the electrocompute collar.

Chapman in the film is opposed to Garfield. He is allergic to cats and he can not tolerate Lazagna. Chepman steals the same and trying to leave him in New York, but Garfield prevents these plans.

Another time, Garfield and one almost appear in an animal shelter, when the owner John Arbuck leaves in London after his girlfriend Liz. At the last moment, the beasts manage to break free and climb into the Arbacla car.


In London, John settle down at the same hotel where Liz stopped, with the intention there to make the heroine offer. Garfield And Arbuck is trying not to release to the street so that the cat is not lost. When Arbuck and Liz go to stroll around the city, Garfield and puppies are drunk and find themselves on the streets of London.

In London, a cat prince lives like two drops of water similar to Garfield. The hostess testified this cat's own castle, but a malicious relative Lord Dargis tried to drown a cat in the river to overtake wealth and real estate. The butler Smithti, seeing Garfield on the streets of London, accepts the prince and picks up. The Arbuck in the meantime finds a real prince and takes that Garfield.

The evil Dargis wants to demolish the castle and build a resort on this place, and animals who live in the livestock, send to the kitchen as a meal. In search of a prince, lawyers give a week, after that property will go into the rings of Dargis.

Garfield in Crown

The prince runs away from Arbacla to return home, and the Garfield, meanwhile, is trying to lime Dargis in the castle, which was on the hero of the dog. Garfield helps the local beast, which categorically do not like the plans of Dargis.

In the final, the prince returns to the castle, Garfield - to his own owners, and the evil Lord Dargis turns out to be in the hands of the police.


In 1987, the cartoon "Garfield rides in Hollywood" from director Phil Romana. Here, Garfield is trying to get rid of the owner, because he believes that Arbacco may prevent them from having to take the main prize on the show of talented beasts due to their own pristhereriness.

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In 1988, the comics came out on the comic about Garfield, in the creation of which by the author of Jim Davis was personally attended. The series, which was called "Garfield and his friends," was broadcast until 1994, seven seasons came out. Garfield voiced actor Lorenzo Music.

In 2004, the first film was published under the name "Garfield", where the hero was voiced by actor Bill Murray, famous viewers on the films "Surk Day" and "Broken Flowers". Peter Hewitt became the director of the film. The film was filmed mainly in the "Universal Studios" pavilions and on the streets of Los Angeles, but some scenes were filmed in the UK. The role of John Arbacla, the owner of Garfield, was going to play Jim Kerry, but after the actor changed his mind, the role was received by the actor and the musician Bekkina Meyer.

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Bill Murray voiced Garfield and in the film "Garfield 2: The story of two cats", which was released in 2006. This tape removed the director Tim Hill. In both films, computer animation is combined with the game of live actors.

In the 2000s, several more cartoons about Garfield appeared. In 2007, "True Garfield" came out, another year later, the continuation of this cartoon is "Garfield Festival", and in 2009 - "Garfield Space Special Forces" in 3D-format. In all three Cat cartfilms, Frank Welker voiced.

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The Red Kotyara also became a character of video games called "Garfield: in search of adventures."


"It is impossible to stick me out, as if I am some animal!" "- Garfield! What did you eat 4 boxes with Lazagne? "- I'm not guilty! Forgive me! - So what should I do with you? - Love, feed and never throw. - We go, I will take you in one place! There you will quickly put on your feet! "" I have a collar, I just left him in another fur. "

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