Ennio Morrison - photo, biography, music, personal life, the cause of death, died



Ennio Morrison is an Italian composer, a musician and a conductor who received worldwide fame thanks to the soundtracks for the cinema. Musician works accompany popular Hollywood films. He was repeatedly awarded the main premiums for music to film.

Ennio Morricon was born in Rome on November 10, 1928 in the family of a housewife and musician. His father worked for a jazz trumpet. The boy turned out to be the eldest of five children. Heredity and atmosphere of the house played a big role in choosing a lesson who wanted to devote himself to Ennio.

Becoming in 12 years a student of the Roman Conservatory Santa Chechilia, he gained a mentor represented by Goffredo Petraße. For 11 years of study, the young man was educated in three directions and became the owner of a diploma in the class of composition, orchestra and pipes. Classes The guy combined with part-time.

At 16, Morricon began to act in the Alberto Flamini ensemble, where his father once played. Together with the team, the young man performed musical compositions in a casino, hotels and restaurants. At the age of 17, became a theater artist, and a year later demonstrated his skills in the status of the composer.

The first works of Annio created while studying at the conservatory, composing the arrangements of folk melodies for television and radio. At that time, his last name was not indicated in the credits, as the musician was not known to the public.


In an interview with the press, the composer said that it was not working with a melody directly, but with the structure of the work. Contrary to the standard representation, the author created the author not at the instrument, but at the desk. He reflected on the concept, and then described it with notes. The appearance of ideas The musician explained to inspiration. He paid great importance to work with the appeared idea, which it was necessary to bring to perfection.

Creating arrangements has become the main Profile of Morricon. In parallel, the musician completed training. At that time, he collaborated with popular singers, continuing to work in the theater. In the 1960s, the composer began to create soundtracks for Italian westerns than established himself in the right professional circles.

Morrison paid attention to cinema, implementing as the author. He collaborated with Gianni Morandi and composed arrangements for the tapes of Anquie. The film "Death of a Friend" film and presented in the 1961th "Fascist League" presented in 1961 is considered the debut of a musician in cinema.

Success came to Annio Morrison after a joint project with a former classmate Sergio Leone, who removed the film "For a hassle of dollars." Working on the sound scooter of the film, the arranger focused on the use of nontrivial tools. In the creation of the melody, bells, electric guitar and flute Pan are involved. In the Titres of the film, Morrison is under the pseudonym Leo Nichols.

After that, Ennio Morrison worked on historic film replenished Bernardo Bertolucci. He gained popularity as the author who creates heartfelt melodies. Then, cooperation began with Dario Argento and other directors. Vivid representatives of cinema drew on the composer.

In 1964, Morrison began work at RCA Recording Studio. He created arrangements for the stars of the pop scene. Ennio Compositions performed Mario Lance, Miranda Martino and Gianni Morandi.

The popularity of the film composer opened the doors of Hollywood jacking in front of him. The composer and the arranger created the soundtracks with more than 400 filmmakers. Once a month, a film was released on the screens, in which melodies composed of a talented Italian sounded. The musician became an international author, working with representatives of German, Spanish, French, Russian and American cinema. Morrison collaborated with Pedro Almodovar, Roman Polansky, Pierre Paolo Pasolini, Brian de Palma.

Answering journalists' questions, the composer never gave preference to a specific genre in cinema. He composed jazz, classic melodies, paid great attention to Italian folk music, experimented with avant-gardetes and rock and roll. It is curious that since 1980, American rockers from the Metallica group begin their concerts by the execution of the "The Ecstasy of Gold" composition, accompanying the film "Good, bad, angry".

Morrison 5 times received an Oscar award as a film composer. In 1987, the author was presented with "Grammy" and "Golden Globe" for the soundtrack to the film "Non-acceptable".

Biography Annio Morrison was associated not only with cinema. The composer did not forget about attachment and to chamber music. Since 1958, he participated in a tour as a conductor of the orchestra and led a concert activity in this role.

During his cinema, the musician appeared twice in the frame in episodic roles. In 1995, a documentary film was removed about his life and work, where Morrison played a major role - himself. In 2007, the Guild of Film Academics awarded the Oscar composer for contributing to the development of cinema. Anno Morrison's musical works sound in the films "Professional", "Once in America", "Legend of Pianist", "Bagsey", "Inchlastic bastards", "Distivative Eight", in the TV series "Sprut" and other projects.

The musical figure tried himself in literature. In 1996, he released a book about the capital of Italy, accompanied by the photos of Augusta de Luke. The project was noted by the Prize "City of Rome".

Morricon came to tour and Russia. In 2018, he visited St. Petersburg as part of a tour dedicated to the 60th anniversary of musical activity. The European tour, organized in honor of this event, included 40 concerts in 30 cities in Europe.

The composer did not part with the music for a minute. In his hometown, he gave charitable concerts, speaking in the Vatican. Tours with concerts in different countries of the world, Morrison allowed the listeners to enjoy the familiar compositions of the "crying wind" and "Chi Mai", as well as new works in the execution of the orchestra under his leadership.

Ennio Morricone is a multiple owner of the Oscar award and the three-time laureate of the Golden Globe. In his collection of 9 Awards "David De Donatello" in the category "For the music for the film".

Personal life

Morricon was happy in marriage with Maria Trestia. Spouses together for more than 50 years. Wife supported her husband in any endeavors. There were no places in their union.

Four children were born in the family: three sons and daughter. Andrea continued a family business. As grandfather and father, he dedicated himself to music and creates compositions for movies. Giovanni became theatrical director, Marco works in the copyright agency, and Alexander's daughter made a career in medicine.

Morricon gladly told about the family and answered questions about his personal life. He notes that he made it possible to get high-quality education and provided the sons and daughters a chance for implementation.

Being in old age, the composer led an active lifestyle. Feeling cheerful to help him helped the measured day and nutrition mode. He woke up early and went to bed, often walked outdoors and did not use strong alcohol. Morrica loved to play chess. Hirry Kasparov grandmaster and Anatoly Karpov became his partners.


On July 6, 2020, Ennio Morricone did not. The cause of the death of the musician called the consequences of injury: a few days before that, the composer fell and received a serious fracture. As Georgeo Assumn, a close friend of Morricon, Maestro died surrounded by the family and managed to say goodbye to the family.


  • 1970 - "Citta 'Violenta"
  • 1977 - "Music for ORCHESTRA AND VOICE"
  • 1982 - "B.s.o. MARCO POLO »
  • 1984 - "Once Upon a Time in America"
  • 1986 - "The Big Gundown"
  • 1991 - "The Thing"
  • 1996 - "La Paura Secondo"
  • 1998 - "Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo / La Resa Dei Conti"
  • 1998 - "L'Ucello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo
  • 1999 - "Cinema Concert: Ennio Morricone AT Santa Cecilia"
  • 2003 - "Genti di Rispetto / Spasmo"


  • 1961 - "Fascist leader"
  • 1966 - "Good, bad, evil"
  • 1972 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1981 - "Professional"
  • 1984 - "Once in America"
  • 1987 - "Unreasonable
  • 1989 - "Time to kill"
  • 1997 - "Lolita"
  • 1998 - "Legend of Pianist"
  • 1998 - "Phantom Opera"
  • 2000 - "Malen"
  • 2004 - "72 meters"
  • 2012 - "Dzhango liberated"
  • 2015 - "Distivative Eight"
  • 2016 - "Two in the Universe"

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