Irina Serov - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Father, as you know, is an example for a child, especially for a daughter. It is even widespread that the latter choose their satellites of life in his image and likeness. This theory is confirmed by Irina Serov, which followed in the footsteps of a famous parent and who choose the acting road, and the artist's husband. Her younger sister and son, by the way, are also shone on theatrical stage.

Childhood and youth

Latvia - the country is amazing and rich in talents. Ivar Kalnynsh, Valdis Pelsh, Lyme Vaikule, inimitable Mikhail Zadornov, Vitas became famous not only in her homeland, but also conquered and found millions of devotees in the CIS.

Actress Irina Serov.

In the capital of the Baltic school 2 days before the main domestic holiday - May 9 - in 1957, the Honored Artist and the teacher of Auggshka and his students with the unusual name of Flora, in which the Armenian and French features were connected, the eldest daughter set up by Irina was born. After 4 years, the youngest Tatyana appeared in winter.

Soon parents decided to move to Moscow - the father offered a new job place. Here the mother also took up the work, but the model - created dresses with the original cut, even exhibited as a sample on the windows of the studio.

Irina Serov in youth

However, before the head of the family, no one to the stage art did not like - grandfather Robert in a civil war was listed as part of the famous Latvian shooters, in peacetime he worked as an engineer, grandmother was engaged in household and raising children. By the way, such an unusual last name initially sounded Augshkps, but later the last letter fell off and was not pronounced.

Lock, samples, rehearsals, runs, performing performances, premieres and other troubles in the temple Melpomen steel for children part of life. Girls, slightly matured, soon they themselves tried their strengths in speeches in front of the audience, and by the end of the school firmly decided to follow in the choice of profession for men in the family.


At the time limit, Irina entered Rati (Gityis). After the release of it came to the Drama Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. Here the debut and immediately noticeable works were "notes from the underground" on Dostoevsky and "see who came" - a story about the peripetias around the sale of cottages.

Irina Serov

Then the Tyuza happened for a while, where Irina brilliantly coped with the role of Larisa Ogudallova, once brought the popularity of Larisa Guzeyeva, in the island "Nestrian."

In 1986, the director Mark Zakharov, charter, look at the talented actress, eventually invited her to his brainchild - Lenk. The young woman did not get a suggestion with joy, and since then the second hometown does not change.

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Among the productions in which the artist participated was also the drama "Brutal Games" about the love quadrangle, and the comedy "Dear Pamela", telling about the strength of good and re-education of three scams, and, according to the author, "Historically unreliable" Romulus, " conceived as a parody of the world around. Now these performances are not shown.

In the repertoire of 2018, it is occupied in four productions: classical Gogol "marriage", fantasies on Chekhov and Aristophane "Pumping", "Lies to salvation" and "Tout Pay, or all paid."


Even earlier than to get to the theater, Irina Agrievna tried to act in the cinema. In the 1980th appeared in the form of a "detective" girl - a detective tape marked by two awards, as well as in "Sailors there are no questions."

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In addition to the full meter, there are performances in the television biography ("Cherry Garden", "Mysterification"), but a special place is allocated, of course, serials where Serov often appeared from the beginning of zero.

"Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions, "" My beautiful nanny "," And yet I love ... "," Lights of the Big City "," Dr. Tyrsa "," Daddy's Daughters "and, of course, the fourth part of the" Svatov ", who focused the attention of the audience , not without the participation of the performer episodic roles.

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However, in order to be present in the movie Cartine, it is not necessary to be directly in the frame. For example, in the "Radio Day" "Quartet and" its recognizable voice only sounds in the concert hall. And the attentive viewer and a devoted fan and this is enough.

In 2016 in Tandem with Elena Zakharova, Irina Serov in "Babonki", convincingly reincarnated into a rustic woman, together with his friends the intricate abduction of Vlad Stashevsky.

Personal life

Unlike the same name, singer Alexander Serov, and his ex-wife Elena, as well as emerging reasons for divorce, other hot disassembly of the former couple and even news about the appearance of New Passia, Irina Serovoy in his personal life is still calm and safe. Piquant details do not find.

Irina Serov and her husband Sergey Serov

It is known that she got married in his youth for a classmate. Selected - now famous to the public Artist Theater and Cinema Sergey Vyacheslavovich Serov. By the way, in some films, the spouses were filmed together, and the fans even note some similarity in their appearance (a photo in confirmation of the said could be easily found on the Internet).

On December 7, 1980, they became the happy parents of Sasha's sole son, later he also graduated from Gitis and the Activity Activity. Lovers of multi-sieves films could see it, for example, in "Deffchonok" and "real guys" on "TNT".

Irina Serov now

Lovers of "Kitchen" and "Hotel Eleon" were looking forward to the cherished date - November 19, 2018 and searched on the remote from the TV to the number with the desired CTC channel. And all because some of the main characters of the mentioned films decided to launch their own project, of course, associated with the restaurant and culinary affair. In the Sitkom "Stenaplegy", Irina Agrievna appeared in the role of Mother Fedor.

Portraits of Irina Serovaya

Actress to this day continues to stay in his native Lenkom.

It is far from social networks, and even in the Son's personal account in "Instagram", pictures with it are practically not published, and a woman prefers to refrain from revelations with correspondents and journalists.


  • 1980 - "Detective"
  • 1980 - "The sailors have no questions"
  • 1992 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 2005 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2008 - "And still I love ..."
  • 2008 - "Queen"
  • 2009 - "Two sisters - 2"
  • 2009 - "Lights of the Big City"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2010 - "Shatta - 4"
  • 2010 - "Solar Eclipse"
  • 2011 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2014 - "Quiet Hunting"
  • 2016 - "Babonki"
  • 2018 - "Seinefied"

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