Vadim Vernik - biography, personal life, photo, news, Igor Vernik, brother, twins, orientation, wife 2021



Vadim Vernik - TV presenter, Showman, journalist, years remaining in the shadow of a star relative of Igor Vernik. The celebrity does not talk about personal life, his projects are not distinguished by the All-Russian scope, and the number of interviews is inferior to publications about twin brother, but he is rightfully a participant in Moscow's secular life and the pet favorite.

Childhood and youth

Vadim Vernik was born on October 11, 1963, 15 minutes after his brother Igor appeared. The children of the director Emil Vernik and the musical teacher Anna Vernik chose professions associated with art, as parents from an early age joined them to creativity and humanitarian sciences. The boys read a lot and visited the theater, in which his father worked.

Brothers Vernik - diverse twins, so they differ so externally. Similarities are difficult to find both in characters. Bright and emotional Igor always attracted more attention than quiet Vadim. But they were united by love for art, both were dreamy theater.

True, unlike the brother, who dreamed of conquering the scene, Vadim decided to stay behind the scenes. He chose the profession of theater - criticism arguing about the art of reincarnation. Already at an early age, the boy collected homemade albums about the actors, made a selection of magazines, creating his first card files.

After completing his school at school, the brothers decided to enter Gitis. True, Igor eventually came to school-studio MCAT, and Vadim related ties almost cost places in the university. A member of the Admission Office was outraged by the frivolism of the notorious of the fault of the Vernalon - he was going to acting, then on theater. Fortunately, he was explained in time that these were two different people.

The student's review on the diploma performance "Fame Stair", delivered in the School named after Mikhail Shchepkin, was the debut in the press - the article was published in the Moscow Komsomol Center. Among the artists involved in the production was Oleg Menshikov. It happened so that Vadim was the first one who lit the potential of the performer and told the public about him. In 1985, Vernik received a Teatranded Village in Gitis and began his own way as a critic and journalist.


Vadim dreamed of working in the literary part of the theater, but there were no vacancies, and then he began to call the publishers. The young theater was lucky - he was invited to work as a correspondent to the Moscow Komsomolets. The first task was an interview with Mark Zakharov.

After 2 years, the Vernik became an employee of the "Week" edition and received the possibility of further creative development. For 8 years, he climbed the career ladder and by 1995 from the correspondent turned into editor of the literature and art department.

During the period of work in this edition, a journalist had a serious conflict with his brother. Igor was already a star when Vadim decided to take his interview. But after reading the article, the actor said it was not his syllable, and banned the publication. Men began to argue, and the case barely did not reach the hands-written. After that, they did not work together for a long time, but continued to maintain warm family relationships.

A significant event in the celebrity career was the appointment of the post of chief editor OK!, Where he has been working as an editor for several years. The Vernik met expectations and presented to readers a lot of bright issues and interviews with the stars.

Vadim is sure that the journalist should also be a psychoanalyst. He knows how to position the interlocutors to himself, never presses on them and allows you to speak freely, imperceptibly directing the conversation in the right channel and learning about the secrets, which before that was not known to anyone. Therefore, his articles are in such demand, and the stars willingly go to contact.

In 2019, the Vernik became even closer to the theater. He received the post of deputy artistic director of the MHT named after Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, where his brother serves. During the period of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the journalist participated in the organization "Mkatov Fridays", which were glorified troupe artists. Among them, Irina Pegov, Konstantin Khabensky and Marina Zudina.


Screen career celebrities began in 1992. The transfer from which he started on the air was called "Motor! ..". In his youth for the TV presenter there was a time of trial and mistakes, because he just learned to work on the camera.

The resulting experience was useful on the set of the Full Moon program, which went on the RTR channel. It was a kind of teleblog about the cultural life of the country, art and meetings with interesting people. During this period, a young journalist traveled a lot, communicating with the guests of the release.

One project slowly flowed into another, so soon "Saturday evening with a star" appeared on RTR. The show was a cycle of documentaries about artists. It is curious that children's albums collected by the Vernik were used in the preparation of the transfer. Everything he found about Lyudmila Kashatkina became the basis for the release called "Tamper. Pages of the children's album. "

Already by the 1998, Vadim acquired a copyright show "Who is there ...", which produced the Culture Channel. Within the framework of the program, he told about young artists, whose star had not yet had time to burn, but they had already played several bright roles. The talent of the journalist felt intuitively, finding gentlemen when visiting the theater, filmmaker and festivals. So he revealed the biography of Nelli Uvarov even before she starred in "not boring beautiful."

After almost 20 years after the start of work on the channel "Culture", the author undertook the project "2 Vernik 2", which he leads along with his brother. In the studio of the program, the leaders are found with the popular personalities of creative professions, only Igor speaks with them as a colleague, and Vadim is like a journalist.

Personal life

There are many conversations about the personal life of celebrities, as well as his sexual orientation. Igor managed to marry and divorce, get a child, and brother remained a bachelor all this time. Vadim does not like conversations about marriage and now increasingly lucked in an interview, which is a fan of natural beauty that meets more and less. The journalist above all appreciates the intellect and spiritual component while is in the search.

But the TV host is not deprived of female attention. In his instagram account, he often publishes photos with star girlfriends and colleagues.

Vadim Vernik now

In the spring of 2021, the tragedy happened in the celebrity family - Father Emil Grigorievich died. The famous director has retained activity until recent days, but health led him. The sons hoped that he would survive, so the loss became a shock. Farewell to the Worker passed on April 13 in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov.



  • 1992 - "Everything passes, like a moment ..."


  • 1993 - "Artist tells you"


  • 2007 - "Fear Agony"
  • 2012 - "everything is simple"
  • 2017 - "Myths"
  • 2019 - "Descriptions"

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