Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo



Hans Golbaine Jr. - German artist and engraver who worked in the style of the Northern Renaissance is known as one of the greatest portrait of the 16th century. He created religious and satirical canvases, promoted the principles of the Reformation, made a great contribution to the development of book design.

Childhood and youth

Hans Golbaine Jr. was born in the German city of Augsburg allegedly in 1497-1498. He was the son of the artist-artist Gansa Golbaine-senior, who led the workshop, and together with his brother, Ambrosius went in the footsteps of the Father. Around 1515, young subsembols came to the Swiss Basel, which in those days was considered the center of art and typography. They became students of the local painter Hans Herbser.

Hans Golbien and his brother ambrosi

At first, the Golbeans worked in the technique of xylography and created metal prints for printing. The first serious work of the brothers was the design of the "stupidity" Erasmus Rotterdamsky at the request of the local shepherd, the Theologian Osvald Mikona. The individual earliest works of Hans were portraits of the Grador of Basel and his spouses, written in realistic parent technique.

In 1517, the eldest and younger golbeyn worked on the creation of frescoes in the House of Jacob's Merchant von Herlentherstein in Lucerne, and also developed sketches for stained glass windows. According to the researchers, in the same year, the novice master visited Italy, where I met Andrea Manteny's creations, who were reflected in the wall paintings of the early stage of the artist of the German artist.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_2

In 1519, Hans Golbien returned to Basel and acquired his own workshop. He fulfilled a number of major work on the painting of the facades of the house of dance and the building of the Town Hall Council, and also created a series of sketches for stained glass in church and caricature styles.

In addition, the artist illustrated the books of the famous Publisher Johann Froken, created several wooden engravings, and also designed the title leaf of the Martin Luther's Bible. To this period belongs to the sketches of the masters, subsequently used in the "Dance of Death" engraving.


The biography of the Golbaine Jr. as a painter began with paired portraits of Yukob Meira official and his wife Dorothei, as well as Academician Boniface Amerbach. From that moment on, an individual style has begun to be produced in the visual manner of the master.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_3

An early creations of the German master treated the painting "Dead Christ in the Coffin" (1520-1522), written by tempera and butter. It was a grotesque image into a complete growth of stretched and unnaturally thin body lying Jesus. Researchers to this day can not determine what this canvas was created: some think it should have become an altar limit, others believe that it was part of the holy tomb of the Savior.

The picture is especially noteworthy with dimensions (30.5 cm x 200 cm) and the fact that the face, hands and feet of Christ, as well as wounds on his torso, are depicted as a realistic dead flesh in the early stages of rotting. There is a version that, as a nature for this work, Golbaine used the body of a drowned crammed from the Rhine.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_4

In 1523, Hans created a picture depicting the philosopher Erasca Rotterdamsky, who demanded an exact similarity with his person. The humanist sent copies of portrait to friends and fans in different countries and helped the Golbein to go to the global level.

In 1524, the painter visited France in the search for work at the court of Francis I, and 2 years later left for England on the recommendation of the author "Praise of Stupidity", addressed to the writer-Humanist Thomas Moru. In Misty Albion, Hans wrote 2 portraits of an outstanding thinker: single and surrounded by a family.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_5

Other builders of the artist were William Warham, Archbishop Canterbury, Mathematics and Astronomer Nicholas, and also court English king, horseman Sir Henry Gilford and his wife Lady Mary, as well as Anna Lovell, probably posing for the painting "Lady with Square and Skwort." In addition to portraits, Golbien has created a battle canvas dedicated to the siege of Tiruan, dedicated to the visit of the French Messengers.

In England, the artist acquired not only creative experience, but also the money necessary for the decent existence, which I bought 2 houses in Basel. Returning to Switzerland in the middle of 1528, the painter came under the pressure of the reform movement of the iconoborets, which, most likely destroyed part of his religious works. Golbaine was forced to accept and divide the new ideas of Christians and resumed work on wall paintings in the hall of the Town Hall Council.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_6

In 1532, Hans again went to England under the patronage of the head of the Reformation, the Royal Advisor of Thomas Cromwell and Anna Bolein, the new spouse of the monarch. The artist settled near the shopping district and took the image of his inhabitants in different styles. In the portrait of George, Gisss Gdansky Golbein drew a merchant surrounded by elegantly painted symbols of his craft. And the image of Derich Berk Cologne, on the contrary, was classically simple and realistic.

Hans also captured the court, landowners and guests of the state. The most famous creation of the painter of that period was the "ambassador" cannon, where he painted Jean de Denthelev, a representative of the French court, and Georges de Sello, Archbishop Lavurra. This work was filled with symbolism and paradoxes, sent connoisseurs to the themes of religion, life and death, illusion and education. From 1536, Golbaine became the official royal painter of the English monarch of the Tudor Dynasty.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_7

In 1537, he created his famous portrait of Heinrich VIII, who was standing in the Hero's Pose with Armed Legs, the original of which was not preserved. On the greatness of the picture, the descendants could judge the impression for the wall painting of the Whiteholl Palace and engravings performed on the Master layouts. Golbein's painting style by this time has undergone changes, attention was focused on the face and clothing of the simulator, and the background and props remained irresponsible.

From 1534 to 1540, the German artist one after another lost all patrons. In the 1534th, Tomas Mora executed, in 1536, for treason, Anna Bolein was declared for treason, and in the 1540th did not become Thomas Cromwell accused of heresy. This caused damage to the court career of the painter, who, despite anything, held a high position.

Hans Golbaine - paintings, personal life, portrait, cause of death, photo 13252_8

In addition to routine official duties, Golbaine began to engage in private orders, contacting the images of the merchants of the steel-smelting plant. He also wrote some of his best miniature works, including portraits of Henry and Charles Brandon, siblings of a close friend Henry VIII.

There is a chance that in 1540, Hans attended his possessions in Basel, but this did not affect any of his works to this day.

Personal life

Around 1520, young Golbien took the wife of Elsbeth Schmid, a few years older than him, who had a small son Franz. In the first year of marriage, the spouse gave birth to the artist of the boy, who was named Philippe, and after a while the girl Catharina.

Hans Golbien and his family

The family did not accompany the painter in overseas travel, Hans saw his wife and children, only when was in Basel. In these visits, he painted portraits of a family that was associated with the biblical images of the Virgin with babies and John the Baptist on some clutters.

Personal life of spouses can hardly be called happy. Since 1532, they lived separately, in England the artist had connections with other women. Golbaine financially provided Elsbet and children, but did not feel gentle feelings.


Golbaine died in England in the fall of 1543. At the beginning of the XVII century, the cause of the artist's death was considered to be plague. Researchers carefully reacted to this hypothesis, assuming that he died of infection.

Self-portrait Hans Golbaine

On October 7, 1543, the artist compiled a testament that the neighbors witnessed, but did not assure a lawyer. The English priest and the Bible translator John Rogers took over the worries about the property of the Golbien, thanks to which many sketches and sketches lived to this day.

It is known that the painter was buried in England, but the location of his grave is unknown.


  • 1520 - "Dead Christ in the Coffin"
  • 1523 - "Erasm Rotterdam"
  • 1524 - "Do not touch me!"
  • 1527 - "Thomas Mor"
  • 1526 - Lais Corifskaya
  • 1528 - "Astronomer Nikola Shorter"
  • 1528 - "Portrait of the wife of the artist Elsbet Binsenstok with the older children of Philip and Katharina"
  • 1532 - "Portrait of the merchant George Giss"
  • 1533 - "Ambassadors"
  • 1540 - "Heinrich VIII, King of England"
  • 1540-1541 - "Portrait of Katharina Howard, fifth wife King Henry VIII"

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