Mike Pompeo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, US Secretary of State 2021



Mike Pompeo is an American businessman who sharply hit the circulation of political life. His biography is full of provocative statements, the desire to make the country better and raise the United States to a new level.

Mike Pompeo

Michael (Mike) Pompeo appeared on December 30, 1963 in the Orange County, in California. By nationality he is Italian, over time, the family moved to the United States. The boy along with his relatives lived in the administrative center of Orjng, in the city of Santa Anna. Little Mike attended Los Amigos School in the nearby town of Fountain Valley. The young man from childhood was fond of basketball, and in school years he played in the local team.

In 1982, the guy graduated from school and entered the US Military Academy in West-Point. In 1986, Pompeo received a military education and entered into the ranks of the army. Since Michael was already prepared, he immediately gave the title of an officer of the cavalry of the armored service. First, the guy was sent to carry the service in West Berlin, and after - to participate in hostilities in the Persian Gulf.

Mike Pompeo in youth

In 1991, Michael completed the service in the rank of captain. After the end of the service, Pompeo entered Harvard and operated in parallel with the editor in the Harvard Law Review newspaper. For 3 years of study, the young man thoroughly mastered the legal sciences and in 1994 he received a doctoral degree. After University, Michael worked as a lawyer in Washington.


Immediately after the army, Mike Pompeo took up business. At 34, a man together with classmates created Thayer Aerospace, which specialized in the production of parts for aircraft.

Businessman Mike Pompeo

Pompeo was the general director of the company for 11 years, and in 2006 sold his stake. In the same year, Mike became president of the company, which was engaged in the maintenance, repair and production of oil industry. The company collaborated with Koch Industries.

In 2010, Pompeo decided to finish with the business and took a new niche for himself - politics.

State activities

The policy has become a new family for Mike Pompeo, but nevertheless the man won the primaries in the Republican Party, and then scored 58.8% in the elections to the House of Representatives from the fourth constituency of Kansas. In subsequent elections, which took place every 2 years, Mike won 3 times and gained 30% more votes of rivals. Pompeo was a member of the House of Energy and Trade Representatives and Intelligence Chamber.

Politician Mike Pompeo

In 2014, Pompeo was a member of the Committee, who specialized in the investigation of the attack on the US consulate in Libyan Benghazi in 2012. Mike and Senator Jim Jordan criticized Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, which ensured the safety of American institutions in the country. She was accused of hiding reliable data on the incident in Libya.

In November 2015, Mike Pompeo entered into friendly relations with Israel and called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a real partner of the United States. Politician offered America to stand on the side of Israel and overcome Palestinian terrorism in the country.

In November 2016, elections were held for the presidency of the United States who won Donald Trump. He immediately stated that he would appoint Mike Pompeo by the CIA director. On January 23, 2017, a man officially approved the US Senate, where 66 senators voted for his candidacy. On the oath, Mike pledged to follow the laws and, most importantly, promised to objectively analyze the implementation of the Nuclear Weapon Agreement by the State Iran. For this country, America has stably introduces new sanctions that concern trade.

The domestic urban views of Mike Pompeo are based on his religious beliefs. Politician stands for a decrease in tax fees and government costs. He is against abortion and permits for firearms. Mike also supports mass surveillance programs and collecting data on United States citizens.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

When the terrorist attack occurred in 2013 during the Boston Marathon, Pompeo issued high-profile statements with the accusations of the leaders of the Islamic state. The politician believed that they did not condemn terrorist attacks and approve of their actions. Since then, T-shirt began to call a wrestler with Islam.

In foreign policy, Pompeo is harshly defend the interests of their country. In particular, Mike responded about Russia as an aggressive state. He believes that Vladimir Putin rushes a threat to European countries and the United States. Also, politician declares that the Russian Federation does not take any measures to defeat the terrorist group of ISIL prohibited in the Russian Federation. The hostility towards Russia justifies its interference with the election of the President of America and the invasion of the country's political life.

Mike Pompeo and Kim Chen Yun

March 13, 2018 Donald Trump signed a decree on the dismissal of the head of the US State Department of the Tillerson Rex and appointed a new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. On his page in Twitter, the President promised that Mike, like no other, perfectly cope with her duties. In April 2018, the US Senate approved Pompeo candidacy for the post of Secretary of State.

According to American politics, North Korea carries a great threat to the country and you need to negotiate with it. October 7, 2018 was a meeting of Mike Pompeo with the North Korean leader Kim Jong. The main goal was to prepare for the Second US Summit - the DPRK. The conversation was successful, and both sides were satisfied. Even passed the rumor that politicians had lunch together.

Personal life

The personal life of the American policy has developed the best way. In his youth, Mike met the girl Susan, who later became his wife. Spouses in relationships are fine, they are happy and love each other.

Mike Pompeo and his wife Susan Pompeo

In 1991, Susan Pompeo bore the son of Nick, who became the most important object of the family. Mike turned out to be a good father, because at first put the child to his feet and only then with his head plunged into politics. There are no more children from the pair.

Mike Pompeo now

Now Mike Pompeo continues to work as US Secretary of State and is preparing for 2019. In "Twitter" and "Instagram" politician lay out photos from events and meetings. He has hundreds of thousands of readers who browse the page every day.

Mike Pompeo in 2018

In addition to politics, Pompeo regularly visits the Presbyterian church in the Iminterster, where he teaches in the 5th grade of Sunday school.

Mike has a dense physique and weighs about 90 kg, and its growth is 181 cm.

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