Kenzo Takada - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, fashion designer



Kenzo Takada is a Japanese designer who entered his unique and recognizable style in the history of world fashion. The Kenzo brand confesses his own philosophy, combining brightness and harmony, softness of lines and fancy details. The Japanese fashion designer has never been a imitator, and loyalty to his vision brought him success in the world stage.

Childhood and youth

Kenzo was born in 1939 in the province of Heath. He was the fifth child in the family owner of a tea house. In it, interest in design woke up early, and the first seen fashion magazine struck in the heart. The boy crossed the lisher in the clock and mastered the dresses for paper dolls of her sisters.

The elder sister studied for the fashion designer, and, after graduating from school, Takada wanted to follow her animent. However, parents considered the profession of the Night Mug and insisted that the Son chose another field. Kenzo was held several months at the Faculty of British Literature, but soon threw his studies, firmly deciding to devote himself to his vocation.

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For this, the young man moved to Tokyo and settled to work by Malyar: loyalty to the dream and his own path demanded financial independence from parents. And life in the capital and education cost considerable money. The award for the works was the flow of Bunka Gakuen fashion designers in the prestigious school, where he became the first young man student in history.

Kenzo studied stubbornly and with pleasure, and at the end of the school settled the designer of the Tokyo store Sanai, creating a clothing line for him. In parallel, he worked as a model for local journals, but the dream stubbornly called him further.

At 26, Kenzo sold his poor property and took a ticket to Paris. He had no connections, and he did not even know the French language, but the collection of Iva Saint-Laurent, Christian Diora and Pierre Cardhen studied to the little things. And she believed that he would get up with them in one row.

Personal life

Kenzo Takada carefully protected personal space and said nothing about his personal life.

Having received world glory, he remained a modest man who appreciates his privacy hours. In Paris, the designer created himself a little Japan: a tea house, like a father, a garden and a pond, where goldfish are swimming.

Kenzo Takada has repeatedly left the fashion world to think about life priorities, reduce the pace of life and gain strength. However, invariably returned, and always with brilliant ideas.

Kenzo Takada led the Account in "Instagram". He published a photo with friends, announcements of books, fresh feshn-sketches, archival pictures in youth.


The path to the world of high fashion, as expected, was not eliminated by rose petals. The Parisian designer elite did not have points of contact with a nameless Japanese master. And he fell in love with Paris and knew how to work selflessly and stubbornly. In the first years, upon arrival in France, Kenzo visited all fashion shows and was looking for ways to declare himself. The fashion designer sought to accumulate money for his own sewing business and for this he worked a lot: developed sketches of clothing for shops, atelier and even for a circus.

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In 1970, together with Atsuko Condo, a fellow shop from Tokyo, opened a modest shop on large boulevards and gave him the name Jungle Jap (Literally "Japanese from the jungle"). Kenzo made a bet on bright prints, free cut, light fabrics and opened the exotic flavor to Europeans.

The current point of reference in the master's biography was 1972, when the Japanese organized the first fashion show at ORSAY Station. Inspiration for the collection was the traditional Japanese kimono. The designer combined free silhouettes and bright prints, from geometric to animalistic. The riot of paints and the unusual forms was impressed by Parisians, but they were in no hurry to buy a newcomer collection.

However, Kenzo was not going to please the public and continued to be approved in his own style. In the era of tight silhouettes, he suggested a free cut and put into fashion wide clothing, which did not seek to emphasize and demonstrate all the bends of the body. According to Takada, "the body needs space both in physical and in the spiritual sense." He was played by the topic of unacted sexuality.

By the end of the 70s, Kenzo became the most popular fashion designer of Paris and sewed now not only clothes, but also bags. Shows of the fashion house turned into bright and even pompous shows. They were not held on the podiums: Kenzo models defiled on the squares, in the buildings of the exchange and the museum, in the Paris circus, on the bridge decorated with countless flowers.

Having gained popularity, Japanese couturier expanded the sphere of influence. In the 80s Takada for the first time released a line of men's clothing. The models were distinguished by the unique style and combined the classic cut, the brightness of the colors and the revolutionism of the prints. Additionally released the line of accessories and jewelry.

And in 1987, CA Sent Beau appeared - the first perfume Kenzo, which opened a whole era in the world of flavors and a new chapter in the life of the designer. Flowers and leaves are the main inspirers of the master, their notes have formed the basis of the spirits, and the design of bottles was inspired by their forms. It is already impossible to submit to the industry of perfumes without flagship Linek Kenzo.

In 1993, Takada sold the company to the LVMH group, removing the tasks of management and advertising, and concentrated only on the creative component of the case. But in the early 2000s, he finally moved away from working with the Kenzo brand, providing his talented successors.

The man was engaged in the fact that he asked his soul: he rested, traveled, designed furniture, invented the ideas of new flavors. For all the time of work, the designer became the owner of all sorts of titles and premiums who earned the talent, hard work and loyalty to the selected style.

In November 2018, Chene in French Publishing House, Kenzo Takada, devoted to the creativity of the designer. It included hundreds of photos and drawings collected over the years of existence of a fashion house.

Repeatedly, the fashion designer visited Russia, including in 2016, when launching a new aroma Avon Life, in the development of which participated.


October 4, 2020 Master did not. Kenzo died on the 82nd year of life. The cause of the death of the fashion designer has become complications caused by coronavirus.

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