Claude Debussy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Music



Claude Debussy was one of the most ambiguous French composers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The member of the Society of "Art Rogoev", who did not recognize classical traditions, became the author of a number of innovative works and was recognized by the chief representative of the musical branch of European impressionism.

Childhood and youth

Ashil Claude Debussy was born on the northwestern outskirts of Paris on August 22, 1862 and was the eldest of 5 children Manuel-Achilla Debussy and his wife's quiz Manuri. Until 1870, the family of the future composer lived in the French capital, and then moved to Cannes, to the house of relatives on the maternal line. There, Little Claude began to train the game on the piano under the supervision of the Italian musician Jean Cherutti.

Claude Debussy

Debussy turned out to be a talented student and at a young age entered the Paris Conservatory, where for 11 years he studied the technique of playing keyboard tools, solfeggio, composition, story and music theory. In 1874, Claude received a premium for the execution of the Chopin's concert and earned a reputation as a beautiful pianist.

During the summer holidays, 1879 Debussy entertained the guests of the Castle of Schononso and quickly addicted to luxury. A year later, in search of a beautiful life, the young man got a musician and teacher to the patrian office of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, hopes von Mecc, and 2 years traveled in France, Switzerland, Italy and Russia. By 1882, Claude composed a miniature "Ballade à la lune", "Madrid, Princessse des Espagnes" and the piano "Trio Salt Major".

Claude Debussy in youth

The Debussi Conservatory has repeatedly caused the anger of teachers, disturbing the classic canons of the composition. Nevertheless, in 1884, he received a prestigious "Roman Prize" for Cantatant "L'Enfant Prodigue" and continued his studies in Italy. Local music did not inspire Claude, who had preferred to embody her creative creative ideas, without falling under the influence of the famous colleagues.

That is why the works of the Italian period of life of Debussy, according to the educational contract, presented in the conservatory, the teachers were found bizarre, vessels and incomprehensible. Returning to Paris, Claude briefly lost the "musical freedom", hitting the influence of the sensual melodies of Richard Wagner, but soon realized that the creativity of the famous German had no future.


The early works of Debussy were executed several times in public, but did not bring him loud success and popularity. Despite this, the composers colleagues recognized the talent of a young author and in 1893 adopted it in the Committee of the National Music Society, where Claude introduced only that the "String Quartet", which subsequently influenced Maurice's music.

Composer Claude Debussy

In the same year, an event occurred that had a key value for the creative biography of Debussy. The composer visited the premiere of the play on the play Maurice Meterlinka "Pelleas and Melizanda" and decided that this setting should be reborn in the opera genre. Soon Debussi received the consent of the Belgian author to the musical adaptation of the work and, without losing time, began to work.

The main sketches of the future opera composer completed in December 1894. At the same time, a Symphony Poem Prelude Debussy "Afternoon Recreation of Favna" was presented in the National Music Company ", which received public recognition.

In 1900, Claude began visiting the meetings of the informal society "Les Apaches", which included young artists, poets, critics and musicians with the status of "artistic accounts". Many members of this organization were attended by the premiere of orchestral "Nokturnov" Debussy called "Clouds", "Festival" and "Siren". Reviews of this work were ambiguous: some critics believed that the composer did a big step back, others praised the power, charm, an extraordinary liveliness and a brilliant imagination of the author.

Since 1898, Claude worked on the decree of the debut opera and led negotiations with the leadership of the Paris theater in the face of Andre Message and Albert Carre. As a result, in April 1902, the "Opéra-Comique" held the premiere of "Pelleas and Melisandda", which divided the public on fans and skeptics.

Although the opinion on the new work of Debussy was ambiguous, the opera quickly became popular and made the author by the cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion, known in France and other European countries. Vocal scoring was published in May 1902, and the complete publication of the notes was published in 1904.

In 1905, in Paris, Debussi first presented the Symphonic Work "Sea", which again spawned disputes, warming up interest in the creativity of the composer. At the end of the 1900s, the composition of Claud often appeared in concert programs in their homeland and abroad. Suite "Children's Corner" and her fragments "snow dancing" and "Little Shepherd" used especially popularity.

Recognition of the public pushed Debussy to work. In 1910-1913, the composer created the most famous play for piano, a special place among whom was taken by the "Preludes", consisting of 2 notebooks and included such thumbnails as "a girl with lines of flax color" and the "terrace of dates in the lunar light."

In 1914, Claude began working on a cycle of 6 sonatas for various tools, but the deadly disease was prevented by completing him fully completely. The last masterpiece Debussi was the work for violin and piano, written in 1917.

Personal life

During the years of study in the Debussi Conservatory, a strong romantic feeling was tested. His passion was a student of a singing class named Marie, who was married to the patron saint of young musicians Henri Vasnya. Soon the girl became his mistress and the composer muse, these relations continued for 7 years.

Marie Garden, First Love Claude Debussy

In 1890, Marie ruined relations with Debussy and returned to his spouse. From the love of the composer, 27 songs were left dedicated to the beautiful performer, the last of which was the lyrical composition of Mandolin.

Shortly after parting with Madame Vänaja Claude met with the daughter of the tailor from the Liziee, which was called Gabriel DuPont. 3 years after the onset of Claude and Gabi relations, a joint life in Paris began. At the same time, Debussi started a novel with a singer Teresa Roger and in 1894 officially offered her hand and heart. Friends and acquaintances condemned the frivolous behavior of the composer and contributed to the termination of this engagement.

Claude Debussy and his first wife Lilly

5 years later, Claude, finally, married her friend Marie-Rosalie. Textie on nicknamed Lilly. Interesting is the fact that the consent of the bride composer became under the threat of suicide. The young spouse was affectionate, practical and straightforward, she really liked people surrounding Debussy.

However, Lilly did not shine with the mind and absolutely did not understand the music, so Claude, thirsting to the sublime relationship, sent a spouse to parents and began a novel with a married singer Emma Bardak. The legitimate wife of the composer learned about treason and tried to commit suicide. This act led to a public scandal who deprived Debussi to support and respect colleagues and friends.

Claude Debussy and Emma Bardak

In 1905, the pregnant lover of Claude left her husband, and the couple fell from public opinion in London. When the conversations were subsided, the lovers returned to France and bought a house in Paris on Avenue Fosh, where the only daughter of the composer was born, who received the name of Emma and a gentle nickname Shushu. 3 years after the advent of the child, Bardak and Debussy got married and spent together the remainder of life.

It is still unknown if Debussy loved someone to truly. Obsessed with music, he did not think about his own personal life. It can be assumed that the composer was experiencing a warm feeling for his daughter, which became the object of numerous photos found in the archive of the famous Frenchman.


In 1908, Debussi was diagnosed - colorectal cancer, subsequently the cause of the death of the composer, who spent 10 years in the fight against terrible pain. In 1915, the doctors operated on Claude, but the result was only a temporary improvement.

Claude Debussy with daughter

When the disease retreated, the famous Frenchman continued to compose music and act with concerts, for the last time he was seen in society at the Sonatata for Violin and Piano Premier 1917.

In early 1918, Claude was chained to bed and lived only thanks to the concerns of Emma's wife and the daughter of Shushu. The treatment no longer helped, and on March 25, 1918, Debussy died in Paris, in his own house on Avenue Fosh.

Grave Claude Debussy

The events of the First World War prevented organize a solemn funeral. The body of the composer carried on the empty metropolitan streets and temporarily buried in the cemetery of Per Lashez. This place contradicted the last will of the deceased, which wanted to "relax among the trees and birds", so after a year the Debussy coffin was transferred to the quiet polls on the right bank of the Seine, near the Boulogne forest.

Musical works

  • 1882 - Suite "Triumph Vakha"
  • 1882 - Nocturne and scherzo for violin and piano
  • 1887 - Suite "Spring"
  • 1891 - Prelude "Afternoon rest of Favna"
  • 1893-1895 - Opera Pelleas and Melizanda
  • 1994 - "Images"
  • 1906-1908 - Suite "Children's Corner"
  • 1910 - Preludes (Notebook 1)
  • 1911-1913 - Prelude (notebook 2)
  • 1914 - "Heroic Lullaby"
  • 1916-1917 - Sonata for violin and piano

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