Lou Ferrino - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American Bodybuilder, who won such loud titles as Mr. America and Mr. Universe, Lu Ferrinho secured his success also on large and small screens, becoming a star of various American televisows and blockbusters about the adventures of Superhero Hulch. Peak his popularity fell on the 80-90s of the XX century. But now he continues to delight fans with new roles in the cinema.

Childhood and youth

Louis Jude Ferrino was born on November 9, 1951 in Brooklyn, New York. Parents - Victoria and Matt Ferrino. The father of the boy comes from Italy, worked in the local police.

Lou Ferrino in childhood

Childhood Lu was overshadowed by the consequences of the submitted illness in 2 or 3 years: due to the infectious disease, he lost about 80% of hearing. As a result, the hearing impaired boy became the subject of ridicule from the local children.

"They called me a deaf Louis and managed in every possible way," recalls bodybuilder.

However, afterwards, already becoming famous, Lu will say that hearing loss helped him find his place in life, focus on his own opportunities. Honoring at peers, the boy found a consolation in reading. He reread all comics about superheroes (especially the spiderman and Hulk impressed him), mentally representing himself in their place.

Lou Ferrino in youth

Soon, the desire to stand up for herself led him to the gym. And at 13, the teenager to start swing, inspired by an example of the chief hero of the film "Hercules", which Steve Rivz played - the main icon of bodybuilders of those times.

Ferrinho graduated from the Gymnasium of St. Athanasius and the Brooklyn Technical School, where he studied metalworking.


The passion for the young Ferrinho Bodybuilding was not at all. The guy stubbornly walked to his goal and spent all the time in persistent workouts. In 1969, Lu won his first major title, becoming "Mr. America" ​​among juniors.

Bodybowder Lou Ferrino

Four years later, in 1973, Lou celebrates the first adult victory - the title "Mr. Universe" and becomes a new Bodybuilding star, known for its outstanding physical data as a large Louis (athlete growth of 196 cm, competitive weight 130 kg).

In 1974, Lu takes part in the Competition "Mr. Olympia", but I am inferior to Arnold Schwarzenegger and takes 2nd place. Next year, history is repeated, only this time Ferrino gets the 3rd place on the winners' pedestal. About this confrontation between Arni and Lu in 1975 even the documentary film "Sharing Iron" was even supplied.

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Despite sports progress, Ferrino could not earn a comfortable existence. He had to work with a specialty: a man was working on sheet metal on one of the Brooklyn factories. But once in front of the eyes of his colleague, the machine was cut off his hand, and the bodybuilder left the plant and no longer returned to his profession.

A short episode of his biography occupies a career of the defender of the football team "Argonauts Toronto" in the Canadian football league, but the athlete left the ranks of the legionnaires after a severe leg injury. Ferrinho is still briefly returning to Bodybuilding in the early 1990s, deciding to compete for the title "Mr. Olympia", but taking the 10th and 12th place in two competitions, leaves professional sports.


In 1976, Lou Ferrinho was invited to the main role in the TV series "Incredible Hulk" based on Marvel comic. It happened with the filing of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who abandoned this role, as he was already filmed in the "Konan Varvar", but he offered producers a candidacy of his rival on Mr. Olympia.

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The series went out on screens from 1978 to 1982 and brought incredible popularity to the new actor. This work was shining with Bill Bikxby, who played Professor David Bunner, whose alter ego and becomes the green monster Monster Hulk. Ferrino called Bixby his teacher in the acting profession.

The following works of Lu became Italian projects: in the painting "Hercules" about the adventures of the mythological character, as well as the fantasy film "Magnificent Seven Gladiators" Ex-Bodybuilder performed in the lead role.

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This triumph is waiting for Ferrinho in the late 80s. He plays Sinbad in the adventure Italian-American tape "Sinbad for family seeds", and also plays in the criminal militant "Cell". The hero Lou in this tape is a former officer who passed the war in Vietnam and entered into a match with Mafia already in a peaceful life.

And finally, in 1988, a new cycle of films about Khalke starts on television: "The Return of an incredible Hulk" (1988), "Court of incredible Hulk" (1989) and "Death of an incredible Hulk" (1990). Lu Ferrino took part in all three paintings and thus finally established himself in the status of the charismatic performer of this role.

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Since 2000, for 7 years, the actor plays himself in the Sitkom King of Quins, telling about the life of a funny marital couple of Dag and Kerry Haffernan. In 2003 and 2008, when Hollywood adventure enclosures Hulk with Eric Banoe and Edward Norton, Ferrinho, was also invited for the episodic role of the guard and audio the Hulk himself. Despite the emergence of other performers, Lou considers his Hulk's best.

"I was the first one who showed the muscles of this superhero on the big screen and made it plausible. I do not think that someone else can play the Hulka as I did, "he confessed in an interview.

"Corporate" voice Hulk performed by Ferrino sounds and in such comic-screen vendors "Marvel" as "Avengers" (2012), "Avengers: Grimm" (2015), "Avengers: Era Altron" (2015), "Thor: Ragnarök "(2017)," Avengers: War of Infinity "(2018).

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Despite the solid age, Ferrinho is still in excellent form and removes a lot, although not as often as in his youth. In 2015, in the filmography of Lu, the role of King Skisurra appeared in the adventure tape "Tsar Scorpion 4: Lost Throne." In 2017, fans of creativity enjoyed Kameo Lou in the Konmen web series, and in 2018 - in the militant "ENTER THE FIRE".

Personal life

The personal life of the actor and bodybuilder also developed successfully as his career. True, not the first time. In 1978, Lu married a woman named Susan Gruff. However, a year later, a couple divorced.

Lou Ferrino and his wife Karl Green

Ferrinho's second wife is a psychotherapist Karl Green, who later became a personal manager of the actor. Three children were born in this marriage: Shengna (1981), Louis Jr. (1984) and Brent (1990). The eldest daughter also became an actress, and the little lu knitted his life with football.

Lou Ferrino now

In 2019, Lu Ferrinho will appear in the comedy "Game of Thrones" and the TV series "CAN't Go Home". Also, the actor is busy work in several new on-screen projects: "Ring Ring", "Cranial Sacral" and "Cross 3".

Lou Ferrino in 2019

In view of the great employment, the actor is not too active in "Instagram", but this gap in his life fans fans: they organized fan pages of the beloved artist in social networks and publish fresh photonism from his life.


  • 1978 - "Incredible Hulk"
  • 1983 - "Hercules"
  • 1983 - "Great Seven Gladiator"
  • 1987 - "Warrior Desert"
  • 1988 - "Returns of incredible Hulk"
  • 1989 - "Cell"
  • 1998 - "The Cross Son"
  • 2000 - King Queens
  • 2009 - "I love you, dude"
  • 2015 - "King Scorpion-4: Lost Throne"
  • 2017 - "Conmen"

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