Natalia Romaniancheva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The actress of theater and cinema Natalia Romaniancheva became known to the general public after filming in the Motheric Tape "Alien" in the lead role. She had to reincarnate to the girl named Angela, that the actress was perfect. Since then, its filmography has been replenished not yet by one show, and new projects continue to appear in the creative career.

Childhood and youth

Natasha was born in the fall of 1982 in the city of Simferopol. Since childhood, parents of the future actress tried to reveal the potential of her daughter, recording it in all sorts of sections, so at the young age of Romanychev tried to engage in sports dancing, embroidery, wushu, visited the circle of hiking lovers and folk choir. But the girl did not lie to one of these directions in the girl.

Actress Natalia Romananycheva

At school, Natalia studied well and tried to participate in the events of the educational institution. And when they announced the opening of the theater studio and a set of new disciples, the girl, who did not think about a minute, came to the first lesson. For the first time being on stage, she finally realized that she had found a lesson in the shower. After graduating from the older classes, the future actress entered the school-studio at the Crimean Academic Drama Theater named after Gorky, the first performances in front of the audience began to appear in her biography.


Years of study for Natalia flew unnoticed. Having received an actress diploma in 2004, Romanycheva enters the troupe of the Sevastopol Academic Russian DramaTheater. A.V. Lunacharsky. In different years of the career on the stage of this theater, she had to play in the production of "Talents and Fans", "Love Horodod", "Lady for the Day", "Everything in the Garden", "Dove" and others.

Natalia Romanycheva in the theater

A woman understands that the theater is not the limit of her dreams, so in the interruptions between rehearsals and performances on the stage, she visits casting castings on roles in the series and films. The first in the kinocarier Romanovcheva was in 2000 the tape "Two comrades" directed by Valery Pendrakovsky. And after another 2 years she starred in the criminal picture of Igor Nizamutdinov "Dance on the edge of the abyss."

The following few years the actress prefers the theater and is almost not removed in films. Then the audience saw Natalia in the series only in 2007. It was a small role in the Tele-Melodrame "When you are not at all", "and a year later - in the criminal film" Good guys "(Svetlana Character). All these were low-budget tapes and the characters of the second plan, which did not bring popularity to the girl.

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The turning point in the career of Romanychva occurred in 2010, when director Anton Bormatov chose from a dozen other applicants, Natalia chose Natalia to a major role for the Drama "Alien". The film is dedicated to the 1990s, when there were bandits and criminal disassembly in fashion. Four "marriage" get a task to deliver from Prague to Kiev a girl on nicknamed someone else's, sister arrested criminal authority, which can tell the police unnecessary information.

And although the shooting in this tape, Romanachev was condemned in their native theater, the role played with the girl popularity and made it in demand from other directories. After her, the actress is more likely to invite to other projects. In 2011, she plays the main heroine of Tanya in the Melodrame "Maiden Hunt" along with Oleg Maslennikov-Voitov, Maxim Schegolev and Dmitry Calistratov.

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In 2012, Natalia adopted an invitation to director Nikolai Homeriki and producers of the Russian-Ukrainian series "Dragon Syndrome". This tape is based on real events, it talks about the assignment of high-ranking individuals of the NKVD and party bonsters of cultural and historical values ​​found during the Second World War in the territories engaged in the Soviet troops and seized from repressed persons.

The next 2 years of Romanycheva is not removed, this period is a woman dedicated to work in the theater. But in 2014, the audience saw 3 ribbons at once with the participation of her beloved actress. They became the film "Othello" Edward Palmov, the film "Don Juan" and the comedy mini-series "Peter-Moscow", where Natalia reincarnated in the character Anna Kolokoltsev. And then Romanycheva for 3 years again takes a pause to the movies and speaks only on theatrical stage.

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In 2017, Natalia appears in the series "A.L.Zh.I.R.", which tells about the most severe Stalinist women's camp, which existed in the USSR. There were their wives of the Motherland, more than 8 thousand people are tested by hunger, cold and inhuman living conditions.

Among them were the spouses Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky, writers Arkady Gaidar and Boris Pilnyak and many others. The main story tells about the wife of the aircraft designer Olga Pavlova and about the outstanding opera singer Sofia Ter-Ashaturova. In the same year, the actress played the main character in the mini-series of Teimuraz Esadze "Day of Possible", and in 2018 the Melodrama of the director of Stanislav Nazirov with its participation was released in 2018.

Personal life

Natalia's personal life has developed successfully, she is happy in marriage and continues to do his loved business. Husband Romanovcheva - actor Ilya Spin. The man graduated from the Yaroslavl State Theater Institute, and since 2010 it works in the Sevastopol Theater. A.V. Lunacharsky, next to his wife. Together, young people were filmed in the film "Maiden Hunting" in 2011. Both actors are often busy on the shooting, so the expansion of the family has not yet thought, perhaps children from Romanychye will appear later.

Natalia Romaniancheva and her husband Ilya Spin

The actress does not want to devote the audience in the details of his personal life. It does not lead accounts in "Instagram", "Twitter" and on other sites for communication. And although Natalia does not post the photo of the photo in a swimsuit, on the frames from the films it is clear, with a height of 167 cm and weighing 60 kg it has a slender body.

Natalia Romanycheva now

In January 2019, the show was started by the show "Other" director Olga Dubrovka-Kulikova, in which Natalia Romaniancheva was involved. The plot unfolds in the 1950s and talks about a childless married couple, which takes a adoption a girl from the orphanage.

Natalia Romaniankheva in 2019

Soon parents notice that the daughter has extrasensory abilities, which gives them a lot of problems. Here, from Stalin's camps, the mother's mother of the receiving girl is returned, which fights for the right to educate his child, but receives a refusal. However, the daughter is promised to return, but under certain conditions.


  • 2000 - "Two comrades"
  • 2002 - "Dance on the edge of the abyss"
  • 2007 - "When you are not waiting at all"
  • 2008 - "Good guys"
  • 2010 - "Alien"
  • 2012 - Dragon Syndrome
  • 2014 - "Othello"
  • 2017 - "A.L.Zh.R.."
  • 2017 - "Day of Comment"
  • 2019 - "Other"

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