Mikhail Mukasy - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Operator, Son Svetlana Druzhinina 2021



Mikhail Anatolyevich Mukasy - the Son of the famous cinematographers and grandson of the Kremlin's secret agents abroad. The ancestors were influenced by the character and life path of the operator.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail appeared in the capital of the USSR in January 1966. Parents - Svetlana Druzhinin, then who has not yet become a director, but already flashed as an actress in the paintings "The case was in Penkovo" and "Girl", and the cameraman Anatoly Mukasy. The boy was named after grandfather, the famous Soviet intelligence officer Mikhail Mukasy.

When the guy was 12 years old, a terrible tragedy occurred in the famous family - the senior brother of Tolya committed suicide. The reason for the terrible act was the use of prohibited substances. After the death of the eldest son, the parents approached the upbringing of the younger and seriousness, and Mikhail never failed mom and dad: the media cannot find in the biography of the heir of the star surname not a single dark spot.

After graduating from school, the young man went in the footsteps of his father, entered VGIK, choosing the profession of the "soldier of the invisible front of the cinema" - the operator. It was Mikhail that advised the mother to try to the role of Anastasia Yaguzhinsky in the film "Martemarina, ahead!" A beautiful girl who admired in the corridors of the institute is Tatyana Lutaev. The recommendations showed the commercial abilities of the future producer: Druzhinina paid the service of his son, issuing the young man "three alive on the extrusion" - checks for a total of 10 rubles 50 kopecks.

Career and creativity

In his youth, Mikhail Mukasy, 2 years old, launched a bass guitarist in the music team "Obermanman", successfully touring both the Soviet Union and abroad and the execution of a new wave. Subsequently focused on the specialty received at the Institute, which he considers the most important in the cinema, because the eyes of the operator seeks the viewer.

Father's success - and the camera Anatoly Mukasy was removed with such tapes of Soviet and Russian cinema, as a "big change", "Beware of the car", "Scarecrow", "on family circumstances" and the Gardemary Epopea, - Mikhail has not repeated. But the young Mukasi worked as an operator in the innovative Russian films - the first domestic thriller "Tin" and the picture "Down House", the modern interpretation of the "Idiot" of Fedor Dostoevsky, in the series "Hunting on the Island" (2006).

As an actor, Mikhail starred in the short film "Sleeping in the Summer Morning" and in an episodic role in the film "Arbitrator". In both ribbons, Mukasy worked as an operator.

In 2009, the son of famous parents became a member of the Union of Cinematographers, and after a couple of years he entered the jury of the prestigious operator award "White Square". But Mikhail has achieved the greatest success in the production of advertising and clip film products, cooperating with Russian pop matrahs. The operator worked with such stars as Alla Pugacheva, Alena Sviridova, Igor Sarukhanov and Sergey Mazaev. Favorite clip Mukasy, according to him, - a roller shot on the song Valeria "Return".

Mikhail loves to shoot women, reflection and light. He called the load on his feet as the most difficult part of the operator work.

Personal life

The son of Svetlana Druzhinina met the love of his life, the world champion Ekaterina Gamov, on a removable platform. The athlete starred for advertising furniture salon.

Before acquaintance with the famous volleyball player, Mikhail managed to be married. The first wife gave birth to the operator of Maxim Son and daughter Lisa. But the details of the personal life of the scout grandson thoroughly conspires. The press is unknown even how much legitimate wives had Mukasy Jr. to Catherine - two or alone.

The difference in age (Mikhail older Kati is one and a half years old) and the growth (the operator although and Doros up to 196 cm, below the gamova for 6 cm) did not interfere with the in love. According to the testimony of the aunt and the first coach of Love Borisovna, the man closest to Catherine, a man behind the niece courtested gently and tremble.

Mikhail's parents liked Mukhail's champion, as Mukasei-Seniors met thanks to Volleyball: Svetlana Sergeyevna played in his adolescence, and Anatoly Mikhailovich - Youth Team Vgika in volleyball. Mukasese elders belong to Catherine as a daughter. During international volleyball player competitions, Mikhail's parents attended her matches. In an interview, Svetlana Druzhinina called Gamov's wise woman.

In August 2012, a very modest one was held, on star standards, Misha and Kati wedding. Representatives of the sports and cinematic elite appeared to congratulate the star couple. Only her aunt love Borisovna arrived from Catherine's relatives. Honeymoon newlyweds spent in Nice. Wedding gifts were mostly envelopes with money. The young presented a huge picture on which Catherine was depicted in full growth and sitting by Mikhail. And in September 2019, it became known that the pair had a firstborn.

In an interview, Gamova noted the incredible caringness, which the spouse conquered her. In relations, the couple reigns mutual understanding and humor.

A joint life went to spouses for the benefit. On family photos, the couple looks happy and harmonious. Catherine became softer and feminine that he did not prevent an athlete in 2018 to enter the hundreds of the most influential women of the country.

Ekaterina Gamova revealed with the children of Mukasy from the first marriage. Maxim, at the first meeting, called Gamov's "Klya" stepmother, and Elizabeth often stayed with them.

Mikhail implemented entrepreneurial talents: His company R.E.N.T.A.C.A.M., Carrying out high quality cinematic equipment, has become a leader in Russia. The company's foundation date is 2004.

Against the background of commercial and cinematic success, Mikhail was not upset because of the loss in the quiz "Who wants to become a millionaire?". In the game shown by the first channel on January 4, 2019, a pair of Mukasy - Lutaeva cut off on the question "What did Ivan the Grozny Okrichniki do when approaching Moscow Khan Graya's troops?"

Mikhail Mukasy now

Now Mukasy is engaged only for interesting projects, as well as producing, continues to shoot advertising and clips. At the 2021th, the yield of the historical drama "Veus Oleg" on Boris Vasilyev's book is planned. In addition, Anatoly is working on the filming of the film "Mindheryarines ahead-1787".

In addition to creativity, Mikhail is engaged in entrepreneurial activities.


  • 1989 - "Wave Destroyer"
  • 1990 - "Daily before ..."
  • 1992 - "Arbitrator"
  • 2001 - "Down House"
  • 2003 - "Gas - Russian cars"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2006 - "Tin"
  • 2007 - Montana
  • 2008 - "No snow melts"
  • 2010 - "on treason"
  • 2017 - "Exchange"
  • 2021 - "Veus Oleg"
  • 2021 - "Gardemaryna-1787"

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