Joseph Murphy - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Everyone wants to understand what the meaning of life is. Someone appeals to religion, someone prefers not to believe in anything, and someone takes the mission to tell the world about his perception of reality. Such a person became Joseph Murphy, who read lectures for almost 50 years and writing more than 30 books.

Childhood and youth

Joseph Murphy appeared in the late 19th century, on May 20, 1898 in the small town of Irish County County. His father Denis was a teacher of the National School in Ireland and part-time Diakon, and Elena's mother is a housewife. In the family of Murfi, two more children appeared - the son of John and the daughter of Catherine.

Writer Joseph Murphy.

Little Joseph Together with Mother's Milk absorbed strict Catholic upbringing. The father of the family was very downed, he was one of the few taught the lessons to Jesuit seminarists. A man possessed extensive knowledge in many subjects, thanks to which the desire developed to learn and in the senior son. Ireland, at that time, suffered from the economic crisis, many families are starved. Although the elder Murphy constantly worked, his income was barely enough for the content of the family.

The boy entered the National School, where he was a brilliant student. He was advised to learn about the priest and invited to the Jesuit seminary. However, later, when Joseph hit 20 years old, he began to doubt the Catholic postulates of Jesuits and left there. The main goal of the future writer was the study of new ideas and receiving unfamiliar experience, that is why he left Ireland, where Catholics dominated, and went to conquer America.

Joseph Murphy.

When Murphy arrived at the immigration center, he had only $ 5 in his pocket. The young man was lucky enough to find a surgeon where he shared a room with a pharmacist operating in a local pharmacy. Knowledge of English Joseph was minimal. He worked as a subsidiary, earning enough to feed himself and provide housing.

Thanks to the help of his friend and the neighbor, Irish hired to the post of assistant pharmacist. He immediately entered the school to study the pharmaceutical. Possessing a sharp mind and desire to learn, Joseph soon passed the qualification exams and became a full-fledged pharmacy officer. Now he got so much money to rent his own apartment. A few years later, Murphy bought a pharmacy and some time led a successful business.

Joseph Murphy in his youth (right below)

When the United States joined the Second World War, Joseph entered military service and was appointed a pharmacist to the medical part of the 88th Infantry Division. At this time, he resumed his interest in religion and began to read a lot about various spiritual beliefs. After dismissal from the army, the guy decided not to return to his career in the pharmacy. He traveled a lot by visiting courses both in the USA and abroad. The young man especially admired Asian religions, he went to India to learn more about them.


Although Murphy studied from some of the smartest and void professors, the only person who had the most influenced the young man, was Thomas Trovard, who was also a judge, philosopher and doctor. He became a mentor Joseph, taught his philosophy, theology and law, also introduced to mysticism, in particular, with the Masonic Order. Murphy became an active member of this organization and has risen to the Masonic ranks to the 32nd degree over the years.

Thomas Troverd.

Upon returning to the United States, Joseph decided to become a minister and convey his broad knowledge to the public. Since his concept of Christianity was not traditional and did contradict the majority of denominations, a man founded his own church in Los Angeles. He attracted some parishioners, but his sermons of optimism and hopes were much longer than sermons about sin and curses that were interested in a much larger stream of people.

Dr. Joseph Murphy was a supporter of the "New Thought" movement. It is developed at the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries with philosophers and thinkers who preached, wrote and practiced a new look at life. Combining a metaphysical, spiritual and pragmatic approach to how people think and live, they revealed the secret to achieving what everyone really wants.

Over the next few years, the Church of the Divine Science of Murphy has grown so much that its building was not able to accommodate everyone. Doctor rented the theater "Wilshir Ebell". Classes conducted by Joseph and its employees complemented Sunday services that took part from 1,300 to 1500 people. In 1976, the church moved to a new place - Laguna Hills, California.

Joseph Murphy.

The followers of the doctor offered him to record their lectures and radio programs on the cassettes. They were reigned on the first day. Records with lectures explaining biblical texts and providing meditations and prayers, sold not only in his church, but also in others, as well as in bookstores and distributed by mail.

Murphy noticed several small publishers in the Los Angeles area and together with him released a series of books (often from 30 to 50 pages printed in the form of a brochure), which were sold at churches at a price of $ 1.5 to $ 3. When orders for these books It has increased to such an extent that they needed the second and third reissue, major publishers recognized that there is a market for such writings, and added them to their directories.

Dr. Murphy became widely known outside Los Angeles thanks to his books, ribbons and radio broadcasts, he was invited to read lectures throughout the country. Joseph was recognized in the face of the photo printed on the binding of books. He did not limit his speeches with religious issues, speaking also about the historical values ​​of life, the art of a healthy lifestyle and the teachings of the great philosophers of Eastern and Western cultures.

Joseph Murphy books

One of the most useful studies of Joseph was communication with prisoners from various prisons. Former convicts continued to write to him for many years, telling how the words of the doctor changed their fate and inspired to live spiritually and meaningfully.

In general, for his creative biography, Dr. Murphy wrote more than 30 books. His most famous work "The Force of your subconscious", first published in 1963, immediately became a bestseller. She was recognized as one of the best books on self-help. The leadership is relevant and now millions of copies have already been sold. Joseph's prayer about the fulfillment of desires continue to use and believe in it.

Also, from under the pen writer, such works as "magic power of perfect life", "The Force of Mind," "Give your destiny."

Personal life

When the Church of the Doctor began to grow, he hired several assistants, among whom was Jin Wright. The working relations of two young people turned into personal, and they decided to get married. The personal life of the couple of Murphy leaks in peace and harmony, after the death of Dr. his wife became the heir to the ministry of Joseph. She continued to lecture and publish books.


Death of Dr. Joseph Murphy came on December 16, 1981, he lived 83 years old. The cause of death was a shameless health caused by age.


  • 1952 - "Wonders of Mind Laws"
  • 1955 - "How to attract money"
  • 1955 - "Believe in yourself"
  • 1962 - "For the power of your subconscious"
  • 1972 - "Miraculous force to obtain endless wealth"
  • 1973 - "Teleopsihika"
  • 1974 - "Space Energy"
  • 1976 - "Healing Power of Love"
  • 1979 - "Songs of God"
  • 1981 - "Love is freedom"

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