Denis Crazy - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Removal of Tattoo, "Instagram", Elena Yakovlev 2021



Fans of the Creativity of People's Artist of Russia, Elena Yakovlev, tirelessly rejoice in the talent of women and new projects with the participation of the star. At the same time, other fans and close actresses do not get tired of empathy, which are not always caused by smooth relations with the only child - Denis Cold. Tattooed young man has not yet found a calling, but Elena Alekseevna hopes that the fate of the heir is still ahead.

Childhood and youth

Elena Yakovleva and Valery Crazy became their parents as an account on the day, when the beginning of the October Revolution is celebrated - November 7, 1992. Who knows, perhaps the birth of this "Bunlet" holiday and the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio influenced the character of the son of Denis, with whose leavings celebrities more than once had to come across and reconcile.

It was expected that grew up in the acting family, blonde, blue-eyed, Pukhlishkiy boy will continue a family business. Already in childhood, crazy came to the set, playing the first role. Debut work in the filmography of the young artist - the adventure mini-series "If tomorrow in the campaign" (another name is "Mystery" Wolf Pasta ""). In the early years, Denis was fond of 3 sports: aikido, swimming and karate.

The certificate of secondary education guy did not receive in Russia, but in the prestigious Oxford school in the UK. After that, he returned to his homeland, refused to eat meat and, deciding to embody a children's dream, passed the entrance exams to the Institute of Cinema and Television named after Mikhail Lithuania.

However, interest in knowledge and masterful specialty disappeared exactly to the middle of study: on the 3rd course, Denis suddenly decided that the scene was not for him. Some printed publications brought the words of a young man that parents have repeatedly persuaded not to go to the actors.

"Kamenskaya All Russia" is ready to delight numerous fans with children's pictures of a beloved child, as well as fresh photos in a family circle, accompanied on a personal page in the social network "Instagram" touching signatures:

"The only one, my favorite, my beautiful son, thank you for being with me! I am always with you! Let you be interested in and happily live, and even if everything turned out! Let your life be like you planted yourself! I am near, and I for you. "

Career and creativity

Leaving the university, Denis, thanks to the efforts of understanding parents, began to live separately and completely surrendered to the 2 main passions - Bodybuilding and Tatu. Usually adults are wary of such experiments, but the mother and father found the strength to take such cravings of Chad for self-expression and even support, making themselves on a small memorial drawing. However, soon the naked outrageous person diluted with piercing and shrill.

In sports, the guy also showed enviable perseverance. Denis's muscles have gained relief, according to his sincere assurance, exclusively thanks to the enhanced physical exercises and the absence of bad habits. Evaluate the appearance of the bodybuilder-Frca could and strict jury in 2017, on the Russian tournament. In the same year, remembering the past, the son of two actors turned out to be involved in the filming of the 6th season of the film "Sklifosovsky".

Then there was a small calm in a professional biography. In the spring of 2018, the media appeared in the media that crazy worked as an educator in the School of Rosatom, then seriously carried away with music and even created his own group. Once at the rehearsal injured the brush hands so much that the medical workers had to do a patient under local anesthesia and ... in the presence of a cat.

An unusual appearance of crazy did not leave indifferent and television. In mid-February 2018, he agreed to participate in the program "Stars came together", where patiently and clearly gave answers to questions about the knack and scars on the face.

For some time, Denis was improved in the hairdresser. Make a stylish hairstyle from the masters of male hazy hazy hached could be in the Moscow Barbershop "Brown".

Personal life

The thrust for tattoos, according to one of the versions of journalists, appeared at Star Sibling Thanks to the former Girl, Rita Miller, with which after acquaintance in the fitness club there were long romantic relationships. The couple lived together and thought about marriage. But the love boat crashed about life, and before the wedding did not come.

After Denis's parting, Denis did not burn for a long time and already in the summer of 2017 he married Victoria Melnikova, the graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity. The modest festive celebration, however, was also not distinguished by tradition: the bride in the choice of the dress was guided by the school rule "White Top, Black Bed", instead of official photos for memory - grimaces. And nowhere without a beloved pet.

The end of January 2019 was marked by another scandal associated with the name of the son of Elena Yakovleva. The shocked audience was informed that in the personal life of the crazy there was a cardinal change. The title of chief divorce of the year was given to the separation of Denis and Victoria's wife. Unfortunately, the marriage of young people did not exist for 2 years. The reason for such a sad event is married infidelity.

"I don't know what he served as a detonator, but heard that Vika suspected the beloved in treason. My friends and I believe that Dan is still not ready for a serious family life. Already started to look at all kinds of girls, "the Journal of Andrei Malakhov" Starkit "the words of the girlfriend Denis Anastasia passed.

The actress also upset the occurrence, because Elena Alekseevna satisfied the choice of his son. Heirs Denis and Vika did not have time to acquire. Later, the crazy recognized that it would not be upset if it turned out to be fruitless. In addition, in 2018, once again attracted attention, joking on the removal of the parent body.

Today, in the environment of Bodybuilder, some Svetlana is increasingly noticed. Perhaps a pretty blonde - only Denis's girlfriend. But similar pictures in Instagram accounts guys and joint video say that a couple is associated with a close relationship. The correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", telling about the next scandal (this time with kindsmen), also called the Light a girl of an eccentric star.

Mom lives nearby and tries not to intervene, but keeps his hand on the pulse. Crazy admitted paparazzi, which in adolescence it was harder to find a common language with his family than after growing up. The pen sharks in the meantime is blamed in the marginal lifestyle of life a bad genetics: the grandfather's line suffered seriously with alcoholism, he was treated in the work of the labor pretentia. However, Denis does not drink and does not smoke.

Denis Crazy Now

The character of the celebrity is non-permanent. At the beginning of 2020, the crazy visited one show after another, gladly talking about fate and appearance. Then interrupted contacts with the outside world and six months have ignored journalists, deleted subscribers. Depressive views were also manifested in May, visiting the transmission of the "secret to a million". In the studio, Denis told Lere Kudryavtseva, which is not thinking about the future: "I can die tomorrow, I can post the day after tomorrow, I can post."

But soon the mood improved, and an extraordinary vegetarian from Moscow again participates in the TV projects. Also, Crazy decided to remove some of the images on the face: "Mom does not like the coffin on the face. With him, some marafet extended with him, so that the coffin is less like, "the guy told in February 2021 in the Docking Program. After removing the tattoo, which was so frustrated by Yakovlev, the blurred trace remained on the cheek.

By the way, Elena Alekseevna himself shared in an interview with the publishing house "Telendel", that the child had already found a calling and now receives a diploma of a fitness coach. But while the Father and Mother remain the only constant source of Denis's income.

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