Ivan Pushchin - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, Decembrist



Ivan Pushchin - Decembrist and a close friend Alexander Pushkin. He was lucky to become a student who had just opened the lyceum in the royal village, which seriously influenced the biography of a young man. Pushchin participated in the uprising on the Senate Square and was exiled to the catguard to Siberia.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin was born on May 15, 1798 in Moscow. The boy belonged to a notable family, mentioning which is in historical sources of the 16th century. His grandfather was Admiral and Senator, his father participated in the Russian-Turkish war, completed the service in the rank of Lieutenant General and was also a senator. Alexander Mikhailovna's mother belonged to the wealthy sow of Ryabinin. There were 12 children in the Pushcha family. Financial affairs of her chapters fell by 1825.

Ivan Pushchin in youth

In 1811, Ivan was given to training in the Tsarsko Seli Lyceum. There he brought friendship with Alexander Pushkin, Wilhelm Kuhelbecker, Anton Delvig and other students. Pushchin was an attractive and well-folded young men who are not deprived of talents. He was easily obtained by education. He studied history with love, was interested in the state structure of different countries and their economy.

Communication skills with lots of brothers and sisters helped to quickly find a common language with the team. In the lyceum, he missed the oldest sisters who were engaged in his upbringing due to the fact that the mother suffered from a mental disorder. In the company of guys, newly prominged raids quickly received nicknames. Ivan began to call Jeanno.

Licewists Wilhelm Kyhelbecker, Anton Delvig, Ivan Pushchin, Alexander Pushkin

Pushchin liked friends inherent self-irony, sense of humor and good nature. He did not write poems, but felt the talent around others and was among the first who noted the talent of Pushkin. Ivan helped the impulsive friend to establish relations with the team. Lyceum years for graduates of the Tsarskoselsky educational institution turned out to be determining in life. Pushchin was no exception.

Military service

In the graduation year, Pushchin clarified by the director of the Lyceum, the presence of students who revealed the desire to try themselves in military service. Such got about 10 people, and Ivan joined them. Young people regularly engaged with mentors in the Gusar Manege and prepared for the service.

Portrait of Ivan Pushchina

Having completed learning in a lyceum, Pushchin decided to make a military career and was defined in the horse-in-guard gunner of the Life Guard. Ivan received the rank of officer and the Guards Uniform. On October 29, 1817, the former Liceist began to serve the rank of ensign. On April 20, 1820, he was upgraded to the sub-trailer, and in 1821-1822 already participated in the campaign in the artillery part.

The purpose of the event was to eliminate the "free spirit", which originated in the guard. The servicemen reached the Polish kingdom and returned to St. Petersburg. The campaign did not bring the result, and the Bunar spirit in the army shelves are not verses.

Ivan Pushchin and Alexander Pushkin

On December 21, 1822, Ivan Pushchin became a lieutenant and decided to leave military service. The surroundings were confident that he completed his career because of the conflict with the brother of the king, Mikhail Pavlovich, who ruled the artillery department. Pushchin received a remark about the small omission made in the form.

But care from the service is made by him deliberately. He even planned to switch to a low position in the police, becoming a quarterly warder. But the fate has developed otherwise. Ivan received a position in the St. Petersburg criminal chamber and worked as a judge in the Moscow Delivery Court. This position was also considered insignificant among the nobles, but the Pushchina liked his work.

Social activities and the uprising of the Decembrists

In parallel with the main activity, the young man was interested in the ideas of the Decembrists. While Lyceist, he consisted of "sacred artel", founded in 1814. Together with its other members of the Pushkin, participated in the creation of the Decembrist organization "Union of salvation".

Portrait of Ivan Pushcha in profile

It was also included classmates Ivan: Anton Delvig, Wilhelm Kühehelbecker and Guards officers, among whom Demyan Springs and Peter Koloshin. So Pushchin was involved in the work of the secret society of the Decembrists. He was a member of the "Union of Benencies" and "Northern Society".

On December 14, 1825, Ivan Pushchin was among the other Decembrists in Senate Square. He watched what was happening and among the participants saw a familiar officer. Deciding that he was a spy, Ivan was distant from him, but someone managed to hurt a man. It is significant unknown, whether the Pushchin was involved in the attempt, and the work of the "Notes of the Decembrist" did not shed light to the question. But further events were provoked by this chance.

Decembrist uprising on Senate Square

Pushchina arrested, as well as other members of Northern Society, concluded in the Peter and Paul Fortress. At interrogations, he remained adamant, did not go to cooperate with the investigators, so the court recognized him guilty of planning the king's murder. Having stisher from criminals in the country, the Pushkin was sentenced to death through decapitation. The punishment softened, having degraded the Decembrist of the ranks and exclusively at the catguard into Siberia. After a time of serving the sentence has reduced to 20 years.

Personal life

Many believed that Ivan Pushchin was a convinced bachelor. His view of his family life was conservative, and the estate prejudices took place. Pushchin believed - only marriage, based on feelings, can be happy. The man enjoyed the opposite sex. His personal life was saturated.

An interesting fact for the friends of the Decembrist became the news that, contrary to the views of the Decembrist, the Touris resident, poor Yakutka, became the beloved Ivan Ivanovich in the link. In 1842, the daughter of Anna appeared on the world. Father at birth was not present at the birth, since at that time was in Tobolsk on treatment.

Ivan Pushchin in old age

The birth of the daughter was hiding from society. The girl called the father of the uncle, but the Pushchin loved her very much. Anna was brought up in Yalutorovsk Nsenia. At 13, the teenager was taken to Nizhny Novgorod, where she had a familiar Poll, director of the institute. The girl was distinguished by creative maps and could be realized on the stage, but it was not destined to happen: Anna died at 20 years old, hardly time to get married.

Pushchin did not want to acquire his wife. Obligations have disappeared, so relations with commoners seemed beneficial. Women admired Ivan Ivanovich and did not dare to argue with him. She did not become a wife of the Decembrist and Droshid Kyhehelbecker, which Pushchin took on his care after the death of a friend. The novel with a nondescript girl ended with her pregnancy and the birth of the son of Ivan.

Natalia Dmitrievna Fonvizina, wife Ivan Pushchina

Wedding Pushchina, held in 1858, turned out to be a revelation for loved ones, because his marriage reluctance was practically legend. The wife of the Decembrist became Natalia Dmitrievna Fonvizin. The woman was married to Mikhail Fonvizin, but the marriage turned out to be unhappy.

The wife followed him in the link and, experiencing feelings for the Pushchina, hesitated how to do. She preferred to make a party to Ivan Ivanovich, and romantic relationships began between them. Unlike other beloved, Fononovin's Patuschina did not want to live in sin. The head of Natalia Dmitrievna was uncompressed, and the Pushchina had to marry. Wedding took place secretly.


The last days of life after referring the Pushchin in Maryino, in the estate of the spouse. He died a few months after the wedding, April 15, 1859, aged 60. The cause of death was natural: old age. The grave of the Decembrist is located in Bronnitsy at the Cathedral of Archangel Mikhail in the family crypt of Fonvizin.

Grave Ivan Pushchina

Literary activities Pushina was not so saturated in comparison with his friends on the lyceum, who already in the younger wrote poems. As a literary heritage, which remained after the death of Ivan Ivanovich, the Pushchina, historians call his epistolary works, notes about Pushkin, in which he described a friendly relationship with the poet. He, in turn, dedicated to the Lyceum Comrade "My first friend" poem.

Today, the portrait of a Pushchina can be seen in the history textbooks among the images of other famous Decembrists.


  • 1845 - "Letters from Yalutorovsk"
  • 1859 - "Notes about friendship with Pushkin"
  • 1863 - "Notes of the Decembrist"

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