Nikolay Trofimov - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Russian actor Nikolai Trofimov became popular in the years of the Soviet Union, the man played many roles in the theater, and also starred and engaged in sounding.

Nikolay Trofimov

His professional game is confirmed by the title "People's Artist of the USSR" and other numerous awards.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai was born in January 1920 in Sevastopol. The boy in the family of a worker and housewife grew, but since childhood was distinguished by the ability of expressive reading of various works and on school changes was entertained by classmates, demonstrating funny scenes. To friends, he raised the mood, but the teacher, on the contrary, swear, because they saw the balobiness and a frivolous attitude towards studying. Because of regular comments from teachers of the parents, the student often caused and talked about the tricks of the Son.

Full Nikolay Trofimov

For the first time to perform on stage Trofimov had a chance at the age of 14. The debut of a young artist took place in Sevastopol Tyuze, where he in the play "Huts of Uncle Tom" got the role of a slave boy. Not everyone appreciated his own approach to the execution of the role, but after this speech Nikolai finally decided on the choice of profession. Therefore, having received a school certificate, he enters the theater institute named after A. N. Ostrovsky in Leningrad, and in 1941 he was produced from there with a diploma.


Soon after that, the war began, and the young man went to defend their homeland in the Navy. In his youth, he was active, so and there his creative start was noticed. The guy got into the Central Ensemble of the Navy, and in 1943 it settled in the Theater of the Baltic Fleet, sang in the ensemble.

Nikolay Trofimov in youth

Trofimova was demobilized in 1944, the guy did not become a gift to waste time and immediately entered the comedy theater in Leningrad, the head of the troupe at that time was Nikolai Akimov. The next 17 years he served exactly there and in a short time he managed to grow from a little-known young man to the star of the first magnitude, on which the tickets were bought in advance.

Full Nikolay Trofimov

Under the guidance of a talented theater director, Trofimov played more than 30 roles, many of which became signs for further career artist. He reincarnated in Alexander Ivanovich Klezlekova in the "Revior", played Epodova in the "Vishnevian Garden" and Lomov in the "sentence".

In 1964, Nikolai goes to the Big Drama Theater named after M. Gorky, invited him a personally theatrical director and teacher Georgy Tovstonogov. The man considered Troprophim Talent, so without fear found for the role in drams, tragedies and other serious works. Although these were secondary heroes, the man played brilliantly, without the balance of the soul.

Nikolai Trofimov on stage

Among the memorable handoffs of the artist, under the start of Tovstonogov, it is worth noting work in the production of "M." Gorky, "Three sisters" by A. P. Chekhov, "Idiot" F. M. Dostoevsky and a number of other paintings. At that time, the man was shot in the cinema, mostly it was a comedy, so the rest of the troupe at first did not believe that the artist would easily enter the images.

However, until the end of the life, serving in the Bolshoi Theater, he managed to prove that a truly talented man was easily gaining in any proposed roles. The artist was kind to others and radiated the smile, which was captured on many of his photos.


The first films in the cinema in the biography of Trofimov appear in 1938, he only turned 18 years old. It was the drama of Vladimir Lekhinos "She walked soldiers from the front," who did not bring her great popularity to Nicholas, but discovered the door for a beginner actor to other paintings.

Nikolay Trofimov in the picture

Next time, the spectators saw it on the screens in 1944 in the role of Lepichkin in the film "Sea battalion", then he played a typographic worker in Belinsky, Vasya in "Talents and Fans", editor of the wall newspaper Myshkina in the "Tigriths" and the navigator in "Striped flight."

However, Trofimov's fame brought other characters. In the military drama "War and Peace" directed by Sergey Bondarchuk, the actor remembered the audience as Captain Tushin, and in the "diamond hand" Leonid Haiday - the way Colonel Police.

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Also significant in the career of Nicholas became the Ribbons "Afrikanych", "Lev Gurych Sichikkin" and "Merry Distolux Days".

Leonid Nechaeva's film "About the Red Hap" with Jan Poplavskaya, Evgeny Evstigneyev and Rina Green and Rina Green and Rinoma. There, the man reincarnated in a thick wolf. The middle growth artist (170 cm) and the dense physique (the precious weight is unknown) perfectly entered the image.

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The last filmography of the actor was the painting of Sergei Potemkin "City without the Sun" in 2005. She tells about the successful engineer of Egor, who loved the extravagant actress Lucy. She has a brother - an artist Alex, who before death managed to make the last exhibition dedicated to St. Petersburg and the named "City without the Sun".

After the death of a native person, the girl also wants to die and takes an attempt to get a drink tablets. Egor in the desire to save his beloved is solved for the first in his life a serious act.

Full Nikolay Trofimov

After that, Nikolai was launched more in films, but once again appeared before the audience in different images on the stage of the theater.

Personal life

According to the actor's own recognition, there were 2 women in his life who gave Nicholas happiness. With the first spouse - the artist Tatyana Grigorievna - he met in the theater. The woman decided to leave his career and devote himself to her husband, but death early took her, which became a big blow for the actor.

Nikolay Trofimov and Marianna's wife

After some time, the second wife appeared in the personal life of Trofimov, I became Marianna Josephovna. The woman had no relation to the theater, she was an engineer. Soon after the wedding, Natalia daughter was born. There were no other children from the spouses.


The last time on the scene of the Trophimov Theater appeared on his birth day in 2005, the man then turned 85 years old. He played the role of Mr. Piquia in the Pickwick Club, which was the most significant in his career. Once again in the native theater in which the actor served for more than 40 years, Nikolai appeared in September of the same year at the celebration dedicated to the anniversary of Khruduk BDT Cyril Lavrov.

The grave of Nikolai Trofimova

The People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Trofimov died in November 2005, the cause of death was the consequences of a stroke. This happened in the Alexander Hospital, in which he died after the underwent attack. The funeral took place in a week, the tomb of the men is located on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.


  • 1938 - "Walked soldiers from the front"
  • 1944 - "Marine Battalion"
  • 1954 - "Tigrov Tigrite"
  • 1961 - "Striped flight"
  • 1965 - "War and Peace"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1970 - "Afrikanych"
  • 1974 - "Lev Gurych Sichikkin"
  • 1977 - "About the Red Hood"
  • 1982 - "Fathers and grandfathers"
  • 1988 - "Gypsy Baron"
  • 1993 - "Passion on Angelica"
  • 2001 - "The car came"
  • 2002 - "The bad habit"
  • 2005 - "City without the Sun"

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