Irina Wolf - photo, biography, personal life, news, press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2021



Looking at the photo of the burning brunette Irina Wolf, it can be assumed that it is a model or star of a secular part. However, an attractive woman is busy much more serious affairs, being an official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In addition to working in the police, Irina writes books, participates in the creation of detective-criminal television shows and is engaged in science.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in 1977 in the intelligent Moscow family. Father Vladimir Alekseevich was an artist who received recognition as an icon painter. He painted temples, engaged in sculpture and entered the International Association of Artists with UNESCO. His wife Svetlana Ilinichna worked as a lawyer and defended his scientific work on the right. Grandpa, a personnel officer, resigned in the rank of colonel.

An example of parents, or rather the mother inspired the girl when choosing a life path, and she began to study in a legal entity. Already then, Ira showed perseverance and the ability to follow the goals, he studied perfectly and a competition was held without any problems to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the end of the studies received a red diploma.

In his youth, while still a student, the girl is gaining experience in creating reports from crime sites. After graduating from the university, Irina continued to education in graduate school. In 2004, she received a scientific degree, defending the candidate on the topic "Right, time and space: theoretical aspect."

Personal life

With the service, which "is dangerous, and difficult," not accepted a lot to spread about personal life. So Irina Vladimirovna is divided with journalists only with general information. It is known that she has a husband and two sons: Sergey and Philip. When marriage, Irina did not change the sonorous and unusual surname, in connection with which there are often questions about the nationality of a woman. But here everything is simple: she is Russian.

The family loves to spend time actively: in the winter they ski and skates, and in the summer there are cycling. Irina supports the physical form of permanent training in the gym and proper nutrition. Its growth is 176 cm, and there is no need to talk about problems with overweight.

Irina Wolf and Demi Moore

In his free time, loves to go to the theater, read the classic literature and prepare exquisite dishes for the family. A woman does not belong to the number of persons who are heated in interest in his person, placing a photo on the Internet in a swimsuit. She has no page in "Instagram", and in the official account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, it appears in a strict shape with the pursuit. In an interview with the "lawyport newspaper", Irina emphasizes:

"The Face of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be a serious, objective and competent."

The representative is confident that the image and reputation of the police depends on the work of each individual employee. Neither the age nor the title nor other factors prevent her to stay an attractive woman and perfectly perform their work. She is even called "Demi Moore of Russian Spill" because of the similarity with the American actress and the former model.

The wolf's own financial condition is also kept secret, the woman does not like to spread about the details of his life. From questions of reporters about who and what surrounds in everyday life, Irina delicately leaves, highlighting only general information about the transmitting personal time.

Career and television

Career graduates began in managing economic crimes in Moscow. The girl disassembled with credit frauds and wrote press releases for TV channels. An attractive intelligent employee was noticed and invited as a criminal journalist to the channel "Russia". Irina combined work in the press service and shooting on television.

The wolf took an interview, mounted the plots, wrote scenarios. Knowledge of "internal cuisine" made by TV shows helped it in the main field of activity. Now she understood how to competently build the activities of the press service when interacting with Massmenia.

Television career occupies a serious place in the biography of Irina. In 2002, they called the transfer "to lead. The duty officer "on the TV channel" Russia-1 ", where the girl worked for 5 years. Since 2010, the Wolf leads the program "Attention: wanted list" on NTV. Even seriously advanced in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the woman does not leave journalism. In 2014, it becomes the leading "emergency call 112" on Ren-TV.

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When Irina turned 31 years old, she wrote the first book. The basis of the "enemies of my friends" the events from the police experience of the writer. When working, she became a witness of incidents that were drawn to the detective. Behind the book, the author received the "Shield and Feather" award from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

From under the pen of Irina Vladimirovna, 2 more novels later came out. When writing books, it is more difficult to find a simple and affordable language that would be clear even to children. After all, economic crimes are not the most understandable theme for the average man. The author repeatedly conducted a meeting with readers in bookstores.

The edition of the "Mystery of the Old Castle" received a laudatory reviews from lovers of detective novels. In it, the woman outlined the history of the main character of Natalia, working professional art historian. But by the nature of the activity, she suddenly had to become a detective investigating the history of the ruins of Heidelberg Castle - a monument of European architecture.

In 2011, the Wolf became the head of the press service of economic security and anti-corruption. Previously, this position was held by the current head of the control of the control of customs risks Philip Zolotsky. In 2016, Irina moved to the position of Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia and now acts as an official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At 38, the employee is represented by the rank of police colonel.

Irina Wolf now

Now Irina Vladimirovna serves as a major general, his wolf received at the end of February 2020. The relevant document was published on the Portal of Legal Information, Vladimir Putin personally signed a decree, presidential decree entered into force on the 21st. Also, the woman still performs the responsibilities of the Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltseva. It acts as official statements on behalf of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, including in the "Instagram" of the Office.

Not all the news about the next increase in the wolf accepted positively. A woman and earlier was accused of an inappropriate for the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, pointing to bright makeup and loose hair during speeches on television. In the yellow press, there was even a guessed about who promotes the press secretary, but they did not come to a single opinion.

In fact, everyone surprised the new title of the Wolf, because from the moment it was received by the past for less than a year. The woman did not have time to donate the old uniform, as will now perform on television in a new form with one star on the chains.

I did not remain indifferent to this topic and Maria Kozhevnikov, who had previously meeting in the State Duma. In an angry tirade about the appointment of Irina Vladimirovna, the actress made a comparison of a woman with his own grandfather, who had passed two wars, had real merits to the country and really was worthy of such a title. According to Kozhevnikova, the president depreciates high titles.

The wolf misses all insults by the ears, does not read the yellow press and does not respond to unreasonable conjectures of the network users.

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