Arkady Averchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of death, Humorous stories



Love Arkady Averchenko is easily, like any author possessing a cheerful temper, open with heart and a slight syllable. He called himself "overwhelmed, happily looking at the Wide God's wide God," and the writer became the same: ironic, attentive and generous on the capacious, the exact word. Having lived a brief life, Averchenko managed to take one of the first places in a number of Russian humorous writers.

Childhood and youth

Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko Rod from Sevastopol. The boy was born in 1881 in a merchant family. Timofey Petrovich and Susanna Pavlovna were born 10 children, three sons died back in infancy. Arkady remained the only brother of six sisters.

The child was distinguished by poor health, but also this sad fact, with his characteristic self -ronie makes the object for jokes in autobiography, written in 1903. Weak vision did not allow him to visit the gymnasium, so the boy did not receive primary education. As, however, no other, except for the 2 classes of the real school.

Arkady Averchenko

Averchenko is a talented self-taught with a huge reader luggage. Sisters were engaged in his studies at home. The father's business one finely burned, and the family fell into a difficult financial situation.

Although the writer self-crishes himself to lobotrys and loafers, he began to work from 15 years. At first, the young man got a writer in the company for the carriage of goods, and a year later he left for the coal mines of Donbass, where he served the office workers about 4 years.

The time on the mines was heavily and sad, and the only entertainment and the "fun side of life" among the boundless dirt and the calendar work was probed drunkenness. The young writer and this provision was able to comically beat in his stories, but was incredibly glad when the office moved to Kharkov in 1900. Here, according to his own words, a young man came to life and fastened. At the same time, the first literary attempts took.


The future "king of laughter" debuted on the pages of the Kharkiv newspaper "South Edge" with a story "How I had to insure life" in 1903. He writes a few more humorous stories, and then takes for the release of the magazine "Shtyk", where he performs at the same time by the author, editor and illustrator. He creates satirical stories, draws cartoons and caricatures and gains popularity among the public. Following this, the edition of the "sword" magazine was followed, which existed not long.

Writer Arkady Averchenko

Satira Averchenko caused dissatisfaction with the bosses, and he had to leave the city in 1907. From Kharkov, a young man decides to go to St. Petersburg, where he continues to engage in satirical genres.

In the northern capital, the writer becomes a noticeable figure, because it occupies a niche for which it seems to be created. He knows how to see funny and ridiculous, writes echko and sharply. The magazine "Dragonfly", where he settled by the secretary, in 1908 transformed into the Satirikon weekly, which became a unique tribune of social satire and a significant cultural phenomenon. Averchenko from the permanent author soon moved to the role of the chief editor of the publication.

In the golden age of the magazine, the stories of Hope Lohwitsky (TEFFI), Sasha Black, Osip, Smymova, Leonid Andreeva, were published, and illustrated his prominent artists of the Silver Age. The readers were loved by Satirikon, because he did not go to the personality, swaying specific persons, but introduced the genre of "lyrical satire", full self-irony and subtle observations for human nature. An interesting fact - Magazine read the emperor Nicholas II, collecting his binder.

Arkady Averchenko (second left) in the editorial office of Satirikon magazine

The publication of the "universal history treated with Satirikon" has become a real hit, there are humorous versions of world events from TEFFI, Osipa Smoke and Joseph Orsher. Averchenko took over the description of the new time, where the story "Opening of America" ​​was placed.

In 1910, 3 books of Arkady Averchenko are published and bring him the fame of the home-grown brand of Twain and O'Henry. The writer's stories are unusually popular and even shifted in the play for theater. In 1912, 2 more languages ​​are published - "circles on water" and "stories for recovering". Satir - travels, writes new works, reviews theatrical productions.

After the October Revolution, the usual well-being is sharply broken, the Bolsheviks cover Averchenko's magazine, calling him bourgeois and unreliable. The next stage in the biography of the writer becomes expensive in exile. At first he leaves the capital and rides south, where he settles in his native Sevastopol for 2 years. And in 1920, a man leaves his homeland forever.

In the emigration, Arkady Timofeevich is engaged in the theater still created in Sevastopol and continues to write. Europe was overflowed by refugees of Russian nationality, so the writer managed to feel his even in a foreign land. At the same time, unlike most representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, he did not know European languages, which complicated adaptation in Western society.

During this period, the writer's work is experiencing significant transformation, new sharp topics appear and the sound tonality changes. It is clearly felt by the longing for an irrevocably spent time of old Russia. In 1921, in the Paris Publishing, there are pamphlets "Dozen knives in the back of the revolution".

The stories of the 1920s are devoted to the understanding of the revolution and its destructive consequences, as well as the fate of immigrants trying to survive in exile and find new meanings and support in life. The author spent the last years of his life in the Czech Republic. Here they wrote the books of the "Stories of Cynic", "Note of the Similar", "Metzenate Joke".

Personal life

Satirik's personal life is difficult to argue, because it is not necessary to speak about clearly advertised relationships. The writer has never been a wife, which is impossible to say with accuracy about children. According to rumors, the son of Arkady was born in Kharkov, Avechchenko was born.

The man grew surrounded by the maiden and brought up an ironic attitude towards the female floor. Therefore, charming by beauties, he did not think about marriage and reduced the relationship to novels or a light flirt. To make sure of protecting themselves from the Hunt of His "Occoltz", Avechenko often stopped his choice on married women or hurried to attach former passions with his friends.

The writer is preserved with Sofia Metter, judging by which the couple consisted of a romantic relationship when Arkady Timofeevich lived in St. Petersburg. The novel lasted 2 years. Later, the woman became the spouse of the artist Nikolai Remizov, Avenchenko's associate in Satirikon.

Arkady Averchenko and Raisa Raich

Since 1912, actress Alexander Sadovskaya appeared in the life of the writer. A bright and energetic woman was married and had three children, one of whom gave birth during the novel with Averchenko. These relations were in secret from foreign eyes, however, biographers consider the magnificent brunette the main woman in Satirik's life. It was she dedicated to the author of the book "Circles on Water".

In the years of Emigration, Arkady Timofeevich continued to get involved in actresses. Living in Constantinople in 1920-1922, he led him the "nest of migratory birds" created by him. Julia Gorskaya belonged to the troupe and became the Museum of the Writer.

With an actress "nest" Raisa Raich Averchenko tightly communicated in 1922-1924, and he was friends with her husband who worked in the same theater. Trinity can often be seen on common photos. Satiri until the end of the days did not stop the choice on the same one.


As a child, Averchenko was injured by eye injury, and the diseases of the view accompanied him to death. At the beginning of 1925, the writer had to decide to remove the sick eyes, and the operation was complications. Since January, a man was in Prague Hospital in extremely serious condition, having simultaneous problems with heart, vessels and kidneys and no longer coming to themselves.

Tomb Arkady Averchenko

The prolonged illness was the cause of death that came on March 12, 1925. He was buried in the Orthodox part of the Olshansky cemetery, where prominent figures of the first wave of Russian emigration are resting.

For a long time, Averchenko remained forbidden by the author, and the Russian reader truly discovered Satiri's work only in the 1980s. "Talk", "Man for Shirma", "Wife" and other stories entered the treasury of world humorous literature, and the quotes from the works of the writer still cause a smile and light sadness.


  • 1910 - "Merry Oysters"
  • 1910 - "Stories. First book "
  • 1910 - "Bunnies on the wall"
  • 1912 - "Circles on water"
  • 1912 - "Stories for recovering"
  • 1914 - "Children"
  • 1915 - "Note of theatrical Rat"
  • 1917 - "Sometz and two others"
  • 1923 - "Note of the Similar"
  • 1925 - "Metsnate Joke"

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