KVN team "Burnt by the Sun" - photos, participants, composition, best rooms, Sochi



At the end of the 20th century, brilliant teams appeared in the club of merry and resourceful, representing different regions of Russia. One of these nuggets was the national team of the Krasnodar Territory "Burnt by the Sun", created from students of the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort. Having spent 4 seasons in the Higher League of KVN, the guys from the Black Sea coast became the 2003 champions and won a number of honorary "kiwyn" in 2000 and 2001.

History of team creation

In 1996, when the television games of the club cheerful and resourceful again were at the peak of popularity, a team of young humorists gathered in the Krasnodar Territory, who decided to try their own strength on a large scene.

Starting with speeches in the younger leagues of KVN, Yazhne from 1997 toured over the cities of Russia and gained experiences for upcoming battles with matrahs of comic arts, which at the time were considered the "Gentlemen of Odessa State University", "Makhachkala trades" and "Zaporizhia - Krivoy Rog - Transit. "

In 1998, the guys who joined the Sochi Armenian Mikhail Galustyan, managed to get to the Higher Cavain Society and get an invitation to the scene of the Moscow Palace of Youth.

Under the leadership of Captain Ruslana Khachmumuk, the team reached the semi-final of the League of professionals and after the annoying loss of "New Armenians" and the Team of the Belarusian State University made conclusions and went to look for their own style and new humorous moves and techniques.

Having worked out the original manner of scenic behavior and writing new jokes, "Burnt by the Sun" again tried happiness in the 2000 season. This time, students of SSU reached the final, just 0.9 points ahead of the KVN team "County City" from Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk. The decisive contest was a homework called "Special KVN", brilliantly played by young Sochi humorists and forced the audience and the jury to laugh to tears.

In the last final, played in the 20th century, "Burnt by the Sun" met with the "Ural dumplings" and could not oppose the natural talent of Andrei Rozhkov and the company and became the vice-champions of the Highest KVN League 2000.

Such a result inspired the team of Black Sea Youth and set up "tired by the Sun" to win next season of professionals. However, the hopes did not come true, and Sochi for the official results of the 1/8 finals remained overboard the competition, losing the debutants of the highest league - the team "Mami" and Tatarstan.

However, the jury decided to give a chance to team Ruslan Khachmamuk and, despite the results, made it in the next stage, played in May 2001. Moving her, the guys were held in the semifinals.

In the 2nd time, the rivals of students from Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk, "tired by the Sun" literally "broke" the hall of the Hall of the Parodi to the Television Transmission "Melniki and Mistnitsa" and the legendary "stam" about the guard in the library.

Before the decisive game, the KVN team from the resort Sochi gave several solo concerts and was morally ready to become champions of the Higher League. But being faced to face with opponents from the BSU, lost the captain's competition and his homework and again remained without the linedplate 1st.

At the Music Festival "Voting Kiwyn" "Burnt by the Sun", also could not demonstrate outstanding rooms and got a big mascot of the game in a dark dress, becoming laureates of the 3rd prize.

After that, the Sochi was in the center of the scandal associated with copyright infringement, and were outreed to use the phonogram during the performance of the songs. In addition, Khachmamuk allowed himself an imparter reviews about the leading KVN Alexander Maslyakov and his wife. As a result, offended by colleagues, he left the composition of the team and handed over the captain's powers to Mikhail Galust.

After sitting in the shade during 2002, "Burnt by the Sun" waited until rumors and conversations stopped, and in 2003 with new participants rushed into battle. Without a special brilliance, passing stage 1/8 and 1/4 of the final, "Burnt by the Sun" fell into the top five teams and in the amount of points for 2, the penulty games received the right to meet with the "national team of Pyatigorsk" and the RUDN team in the decisive round of the KVN championship.

This time, guys and girls from the Krasnodar Territory were led by almost all contests and predicted their own victory in greetings in the form of "Letters to Santa Claus." In subsequent years, Cavanechiki decided not to experience fate and stopped performances in the Higher League of KVN. However, they successfully competed in the Games of the Summer Cup and became its owners three times - in 2004, 2005 and 2009.

At the same time, the team of humorists toured in Russia with a meeting of the best rooms of the Kavaneov program. And on the stage in the authority of Alexander Maslyakov, "Burnt by the Sun" was the last time in the anniversary release of "55 years old KVN" and played on the side of the veterans of the XX century game.

Command structure

The team "Burnt by the Sun" for many years with minor changes retained a stable composition of 20 participants.

Until 2002, Captain Sochistev was Ruslan Khachmamuk, accidentally hit by the casting of humorists at the university of resort and tourism. Having graduated from the leading position, the young man identified the stage dressing code of the participants, surrounding them in white T-shirts, peeking from under black jackets.

In addition, the son of the head of the company "Sochilavsnab" was engaged in room production and selection of jokes and songs for contests. It was this mission in 2002 to led to a loud scandal, during which the wrong side of the popular humorous show was opened.

In an interview with the provincial publication, Ruslan accused Maslyakov in biased attitude towards teams, endless soldiers to the program and cancellation of reheated numbers. The leading KVN responded to the claim and in turn said that Khachmamuk took jokes from little-known teams who played in the younger leagues, and regularly used a phonogram with voices in musical competitions.

As a result, the reputation of the "tired sun" was shaken, and the participants asked Ruslana to leave the team. However, a degraded player did not leave KVN completely and irrevocably. In 2015, journalists have published photos of Ruslan, made during the rehearsal of the program "Meeting of KVN graduates".

There are rumors that Maslyakov and Khachmuk came to the new leader "tired by the Sun" Mikhail Galustyan, who in 2002 stood at the helm of the team and led her to the long-awaited championship title. The low Armenian (Mikhail 163 cm growth) transformed the Krasnodar Territory team, canceling the black and white shape of clothing and establishing the principle of collective writing. True, the captain tried to divert a central place in the best performances, but it was justified and always brought the result.

When the team left KVN, Galustyan became a Comedy Club resident and played a dozen funny characters in the television schuch series "Our Russia". In addition, Mikhail was regularly sitting in the jury at the Games of the Club fun and resourceful.

Another participant of the Julianki judicial brigade was the graduate of the "tired by the Sun." Alexander Revva. The young Donetsky player "Dongau" joined the team of the Krasnodar Territory in 2000 and immediately took a worthy place on stage, becoming the author hundreds of sparkling jokes and songs.

At the end of the career in KVN, the young man went to television and is currently the most popular showman participating in the creation of Comedy Club Production production programs.

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The female side of Sochi was represented by 3 Annes, Dolouds, Makarenkov and Kafidov, as well as a fragile blonde Elena Rybalko, who passed the way with the guys to victory from the very beginning. In the first league, the girl sometimes played the captains contest, and then became an excellent performer of musical and dance numbers. In 2000, Lena married a colleague on Pavel Stsetenko's colleague, and soon the young family began to prepare special roles for his own son.

Other bright representatives of the "tired Sun" became Joseph Bujanovsky, Sergey Lunin, Roman Filchuk and Gennady Zhirnov, together with Vyacheslav Zhuravlev, starred in Comedy Club programs from 2005 to 2007.

Best speeches

During the games in the highest league KVN "Burnt by the Sun" presented to the audience a whole bouquet of original funny performances in various competitions.

So, playing "Stam", Mikhail Galustyan and Alexander Roeva shone on the scene of the Club of Cheerful and resourceful. In 2003, they first introduced the legendary miniature about the lost girl Gadu Petrovich Khrenov, who remembered only the last 3 letters of their name, patronymic and surname. This story was developed in a special issue of 2015, called "Meeting of Graduates" and again pleased the public with a Militiamen dialogue with a small loser.

Another Student Student Student Student Style Miniature was the new interpretation of the fairy tale about Cinderella, where the captain of Sochists in the form of good Fairy arranged the life of poor stepdaughter performed by Joseph Bujanovsky.

Mass shows were also perfectly managed by the participants of the Krasnodar Territory team. The public and the jury are still lost in guesses, as young people managed to come up with and remember the names of the characters of "Star Star Star - 7", first played at the Kavainov scene in the 2003 semifinals. General Zippictic, Schvabroid, Princess of Multiwear and Double Cappocyoid from the Planet Sweets to Tears launched a hall and lead and helped the team to get out of the season leaders.

Along with this, the case in a minibus, with a "southern accent" of the ghawn Galusto and the company at the 2004 Summer Cup, subtly and ironically reflected the transport picture of the resort Sochi. And the variations on the song "Ah, what a woman" in the performance of the roar and other team members talentedly spawned the principle "What I see - I sing."

Speeches of "tired by the Sun" can be endlessly reviewed in television repetitions and online compilations of the best numbers. The guys from the Krasnodar Territory will forever remain one of the brightest pages in the history of KVN.

"Burnt by the Sun" now

Now the Krasnodar Territory team actually does not exist, but some participants remain in touch with the club of merry and resourceful, occupying honorable places in the jury and leaving the spectators on the rights of specially invited stars.

For example, the KVN games regularly visits Mikhail Galustyan, which included in the judicial composition of 2019. The former captain is doubly pleasant to be in the first ranks of the auditorium this season, because on the scene of the Higher League, his countrymen speak, representatives of the team "Planet Sochi".

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Other members of the Krasnodar Territory team also remained in show business and continue to delight the public with their own entertainment projects. The former leader of Sochi Ruslan Khachmamuk performed by the executive producer of the sports series "Out of Game", and Alexander Revva, weekly, goes to the scene in the popular TV program Comedy Club and records hitovy clips.

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