KVN team "Kefir" - photos, participants, best performances, rooms, composition



Space Northern Humor presented in the Higher League KVN team of brave guys from Nyagani - the Little Ugra Town. Debuting on the main Caveain scene in 2010, the guys produced Furore, and such that they immediately recorded in new KVN stars. And although the guys did not become the champions of the "tower", in the history of the game they left their unique trace. Nyagansky "Kefir" was surprisingly fresh, invigorant, and most importantly - qualitative, which proved the piquant aftertaste of their original jokes.

History of team creation

The KVN team "Kefir" was born in the spring of 2006. The head of Alexander Babushkin even has a joke about this glorious moment:

"They came to the Nyangan branch of Tyumu, took away the most scored and not quite beautiful. So "kefir" appeared. "

And seriously, the team was collected by the team: the deficit of participating teams for the KVN city games passed in the nurse.

It is noteworthy that the specific image of the team was formed immediately: the guys taught a non-standard humor and complete absence of emotions. Participants themselves called their Space Style - they are truly profits from another KVN planet. After all, no one else in the Higher League joked in such a spirit: "Guys who stole my bags under the eyes?" Or "This is monia. Monia - Lisa. "

The name was also invented on the move: at first there was a "overdue kefir", a short and capacious "kefir" remained.

"We all know that this is a sour milk product, but what is kefir? What is the root of this word? What does it mean? Unclear. Very strange word. It seems to me that it reflects the essence of our team, "the captain of the team of Arkady Shestakov said in an interview.

Thoroughly thought out musical screensavers work and carefully thoughtful musical screensavers: the main theme was the "Song of the Storgery" from the film "Kortk" ("I stand young" from the Kursk station "), Fragments of the Peripherals of the group" Topless "and" A Rain walks dark streets »Dj Allegka.

The journey path to success turned out to be fast. In 2007, they participated in the district Cavain festivals, competed with the teams from Nyagan and Nizhnevartovsk, reached the final in the Tyumen Regional League KVN.

In 2008, "Kefir" plays in the North League KVN, which is based in Khanty-Mansiysk. The guys brilliantly played the season and received the first champion title. This lucky year was marked by another reward - they presented the Northern League at the Champions Cup in Nizhny Novgorod and became champions.

This victory opened the "kefir" doors to the International Festival of KVN teams in Sochi in 2009. Successful performance on the main Cave Indian view brings guys to a new level - in the first league, which is located in Minsk. Season-2009 Yugorkov played although well, but they became only the second on the winners' pedestal.

In 2010, Kefir went to the Festival of KVN for the second time in Sochi. Then the debutants in the teleecurity first saw the whole country - and it was a sympathy at a glance. According to the results of SMS-voting, the "space team" fell into the "Tishka" season and lasted until the semifinals.

In the same memorial year, the team receives the main Cavain Trophy - "Small Kiwin in Gold" at the Music Festival "Voting Kiwin" in Jurmala. A year later, at the same festival, the team was awarded a special prize of the jury "Voting Kiwin - 2011".

The 2011 Higher League Season 2011 again left at the semifinal stage. Such a creative "slip" in one place forces the guys to refuse to participate in the season in 2012. And only in 2013 they return with new forces, but again suffer fiasco. This time drop out after 1/4 finals.

Command structure

According to tradition, 5 team members come to the scene: Arkady, Tolik, Dima, Monia and Marat. Under these stage names, the captain is played - Arkady Shestakov, Anatoly Marchevsky, Dmitry Yanushkevich, Ruslan Popovich and Roman Missura, respectively. All the guys studied at Tyumen State University.

On the question of why Ruslan and the novel, other names on stage, the collective captain answers: "so funnier." Also, the team includes the head and administrator Alexander Babushkin (as a rule, the mayor of Nyagani is playing).

At various times, Kuefir's "Kefir" included such well-known Cavencers, like Aidar Garayev, who later became the captain of the "Union" team, and Evgeny Freiman, known as a special "Riga Goths" team. The highlight of the team is that each player is unique in its kind, these guys are emphasized in every game, again and re-acquaint the audience with its composition:

"Marat claims that blue blood flows in his veins. Marat - Daltonik. "This is Arkady. Arcadia has no extraction from women and there are beatings from men. "" This is a Tolik. Tolik - Soul Company. It is not visible on one command photo. "" This is monia. Monya like skis - lives on the balcony. "" Dima is a sort of style icon of our team. Looking at him, I also want to cross. "

Best speeches

The guys love to joke about their hometown. In the 2011 season, they even dedicated him a song in the execution of the Nemestric Group on the motive of the famous "boomer" ("Music Competition" on the 1/4 finals).

"In the night in the evening one walk is dangerous, and threesome - profitable. That is not a day - then a new detective, "so I pressed our greeting your greeting native Nyagani.

By the way, before the emergence of guys on the air, many did not even know about the existence of this city, and after the success of Nyagan Kaavencers wanted to visit and familiarize themselves with the forge of humorous personnel.

"Kefir" performed in the highest league of only 3 seasons, but during that time there was a lot of bright hit numbers in a creative piggy bank. One of the best was the performance of the team in the 1/8 finals in the 2010 season.

In the competition "Music Stam", the guys not only "broke the hall" by the execution of the song "Opossyum Andrei", reinforcing the hit "Nautilus" "Walking on the water", but also filled the speech by many "golden" jokes, which immediately diverged over the network.

"Guys, and who will write to us?

- I agreed. Matvienko.

- Myself?

- herself! "" Monya, where did you get the bayan? -

I took the vine from Yuri.

- That's right, on Figa Loza Bayan. "

A number dedicated to Sherlock Holmes also entered the gold collection of Kefira numbers. I remember the audience and performances on the theme of the famous fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

"Kefir" now

His participation in the Higher League KVN team "Kefir" completed in 2013. But now the jokes of Cavanechikov do not cease to be relevant and cause a smile: their performances on YouTube to this day beat the reviews on the views.

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