KVN team "Vyatka" - photo, history of creation, composition, news 2021



The first guys from Kirov, who conquered the club of merry and resourceful, was the "Vyatka" team led by Captain Dmitry Bushyev. Inspired by the science fiction films and aesthetics of comics, in particular, "star wars", the guys chose an unusual style for speeches, in which all Russia knows from the province now.

History of creation

For the first time in television screens in the composition in which the audience knows, the KVN team "Vyatka" appeared in 2010. However, some of its members were seen before. For example, Andrei Kropotov, Artem Gagara and Dmitry Bushyev had already performed in the seasons 2003, 2004 and 2005 in the Premier League for Vyatka-Avtomat, and in 2008 the guys went on the stage for the "national team of the Ulyanovsk region". Also, Bushuyev tried itself and as part of the team "25th".

Attention to talented actors and humorists managed at the beginning of 2010 at the Sochi Festival of KVN. Jokes of the guys seemed to the organizers in witty, after which it was decided to invite them to the Premier League. They took the opportunity and occupied the 2nd place. In front of the audience the first channel guys appeared in the summer of the same 2010.

The team and next year he participated in the festival in Sochi, and according to the results of the speech, the team fell into the highest league. Although in the 1/8 season they took the 3rd place, and in the 1/4 - 2nd, in the semifinal battles of Vyatka turned out to be the last and dropped out of the competition. 2012 did not for the guys an exception. They again lit up on television.

True, this time the 1st place did not give them to take the "national team of the Kamyzyaksky region" in the 1/8 season, and in 1/4 they still managed to defeat. True, that day, the number of points was the same with them and the team "City Pyatigorsk". Such success probably relaxed "Vyatka", so they did not cope with the semifinal battle.

Further for some time "Vyatka" disappeared from television screens. In seasonal games of 2013, there were no longer there, such a decision regarding the fate of the guys was accepted at the Sochi Festival of the Year. The next 4 years about them also did not have anything heard, in the highest league for the collective from Kirov there was no place. And only in 2018, Cavencenki again appeared in the first channel eras.

In the highest league of that year, the "Vyatka" successfully passed the selection, leaving far behind many teams who had previously inferior in humor. The guys managed to reach the semifinals, but "Raisa" and "Fighters" were stronger.

Kirovitsa remained at the 3rd place, but in the framework of the Moscow Mayor Cup won in the last semifinals and together with the Armavir "Russian Dear" switched to the final. Already there guys first managed to prove that their humor was not worse than jokes of teams from other regions. Together with "Raisa" the team took the long-awaited 1st place.

Command structure

During the years of speaking in KVN, the composition of the participants periodically changed. Perhaps the only one of all the guys who have never appeared on stage, is Konstantin Raven (Voronechikhin). He was from the very beginning with the team, actively helped them to invent jokes, but in 2012, wanted to captain good luck, left the "Vyatka". Although it became a big blow for the team, the guys still gathered with the forces and continued to speak.

Team captain

Another bright personality of the team is his permanent captain Dmitry Bushyev. Known as a team of the army of darkness, the actor one of the first spoke in the previous compositions, and now the guy composes miniatures and reprises, part-time he and the founder of Vyatka. Externally seems severe, but in fact it is an open and bright person. In the free from filming for the first channel, Dima spends in Moscow, there he writes scenarios for the series, leads different events and speaks himself, leads to the KVN school.

He did not leave the guys and Artem Gagar, speaking in 2010 under the stage pseudonym General Sex, and during the remaining years under the name General Alcohol. In an interview, the guy told that grandma led him in KVN. He loved to perform on the school scene, but in childhood he dreamed of becoming clown. In addition to KVN, the guy starred in the transmission of the "Show of the Weekend" on the CTC along with the Milda Fomin, Sergey Zverev, Alina Janabaeva and the brothers, the windows.

Artem Gagara

In 2010, under the name, General Alcohol performed Andrei Kropotov. Probably, among other members of the team outside the scene, KVN, he takes one of the most serious posts. Its main profession is the director of the MTV television channel in Kirov. In the club cheerful and resourceful, it turned out to be randomly, in senior classes he drove friendship with Gagara, humorists studied at the same school. Artem and helped the comrade to get into the team.

Andrei Kropotov

General greed on the stage plays Arthur Fishchev, who is part-time and the author of jokes. With Artem Gagara, they played together in the group "Rhodopolis", successfully combining collective inventing songs and jokes for KVN. In addition to vocal, for the music team, the guy made a video editing, operator work and director. In both cases, speaking on stage, he feels openly, he loves to joke as much as singing, and therefore jokes and miniatures with his participation are alive and witty.

Arthur Fishchev

The "Vyatka" team performed the girl - Anna Kotova. She was not constantly there, and only in the season of 2012 played general stupidity, together with the guys invented the scenes. From other teams "Vyatka" distinguishes an unusual appearance. Each time on the stage, the guys appear in futuristic costumes, in the images of the generals of the dark army and the commander. At the same time, each speech is accompanied by appropriate music. Humor is also specific, often absurd, though literary, but slightly painted black.

When the guys returned to the scene after a 5-year break, they decided to change the concept of performances. Now in their scenes, the emphasis is made on the social component. They themselves characterize their own humor as "that same KVN."

Best speeches

In stock, the guys have many funny jokes, some are quickly forgotten, and other viewers are reconsidered several times after the air. This can also be attributed to the miniature about the birth of a dark army. Her audience was seen in the summer release of KVN 2012. In the "greeting", the captain presented each of the generals, accompanying the speech by a veiled humor. At the same time, the commandman entered the dialogues with them, and the guys were answered no less funny jokes.

Another memorable miniature was shown by the guys in September of the same year. The guys presented the jury of the excerpt of the work of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", calling him "Satan Ball". They presented this ball in the form of a corporate party, which gathered "forces of evil." The staging was accompanied by a funny song and ridiculous dancing from the participants of Vyatka, disguised as representatives of the Music Group "Car Man". Guests of the Bala appeared in vampire images in the style of Count Dracula.

A funny scene was shown by the guys and in the summer performances of KVN, where anfisa Chekhov came as an invited guest to the scene, together with them. Cavanechiki demonstrated the situation occurring in the usual Moscow high-rise building. Justs Chekhov collapsed with her husband and to take revenge on him, went to his neighbor. He played Dmitry Bushyev.

Moreover, the man was in the form of a rude man, who found out in the artist leading popular at the time of the show "Sex with anfisa Czech". A man tries to seduce a woman, hoping that the evening will end not to bed. The dialogue of the guys accompany the funny jokes and the periodic appearance of uninvited guests.

An even more viewers liked the scene, taken with the participation of Dmitry Nagiyeva in 2018 in the second 1/2 semifinals of the highest league, in the competition "Music video". Dmitry Bushyev, who has an external similarity with the artist, before displaying the video, said that he dreamed of starring in the film with Nagiyev. After that, an excerpt of the popular film "Brother-2" appeared on the screens, where Dmitry appeared in the role of Sergei Bodrov, and Bushyev was his brother. Naturally, the plot was somewhat changed and presented with a humorous subtext.

"Vyatka" now

Taking the long-awaited victory in the High League of the KVN 2018 in December, the guys shared their plans for the next year. Immediately after winning, they began to prepare for the performance of "on bis" in St. Petersburg, also Cavanechiki said that "Vyatka" and then plans to perform in the club cheerful and resourceful. In 2019, they are going to visit the Summer Cup in Sochi, speak at the evening of graduates. And also shared that the audience will see them in other special projects.

Now communicating with subscribers, representatives of Vyatka support "instagram" through the social network, where they have a profile dedicated to the team. Cavanechiki lay out common photos from speeches and joint meetings. In March, they presented video from the filming of Artem Gagara on the air of the edible TV channel "Yenisei". In the studio, the young man talked with leading KVN as a whole and the KVN Cup in the framework of the Universiade cultural program. Cavanesk told how the team was preparing for the final of the Higher League at the end of 2018, which was difficult to do and what guys now have plans for further performances.

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