Graham Norton - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Irish comic actor, TV host and screenwriter Graham Norton is the five-time owner of the BAFTA award, two-time - British Comedy Award awards, as well as the title of "National Holdas of Britain". His unique sense of humor, a man raises the mood to the audience over the years.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Graham William Walker (real name Norton) began on April 4, 1963 in a small suburb of Dublin, Klondolkin, Ireland. His parents of Billy and the genus loved to move often from place to place, in connection with which the Graham had time to live in different parts of the native country. Most of the childhood, the future comedian spent in the village of Cork County, Bandon. There was also a secondary education. Norton is the only child in the family.

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Having reached the age of majority, the guy moved to one of the largest cities in Ireland - Cork, where he successfully passed the entrance examinations to the local National University. However, the study lasted long - only 2 semesters. In the university, the student became interested in studying foreign languages ​​- French and English.

Releaseing from the Institute, the young man decided to move to the UK. But fate ordered otherwise - Graham was in the American city of San Francisco, where he was signed up for the courses of the Central Studio of the acting and oratory. In addition, he joined the British Association of Actors for Equality, in which the Norton pseudonym took himself (in his creation, a grandmother of the artist was attended).


The beginning of the career as a leading began at Norton on the British BBC Radio 4. Its debut project was the morning show called Loos Ends, which is broadcast on Saturdays. The talented announcer from the first release was liked by the audience thanks to the open and cheerful moral.
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After the first success, Gramma followed another favorable offer from Channel channel executives. They launched a new talk show that entrusted to the young artist. The transfer instantly became popular, and the audience began to admire the merchant. Thanks to his jokes and smile, they charged a good mood for the whole day.

The next stage in the creative biography of the TV host was cooperation with American televisers - in 2004, a new show, filmed in the United States, conquered local residents. And already in the next Norton signed a contract with the BBC channel and began to lead his own program "Saturday evening." In each issue, a man tried in every way to keep the attention of the audience, reasoned on topical questions and invented new jokes.

For 2 years (2007-2008), Graham Norton was the leading dance Eurovision in collaboration with the writer Debbie Barhem, and in 2009 and further - the commentator of the British version of the international song competition.

In February 2007, on the English version of the BBC One television channel, the creators launched the project "Graham Norton" project. Stars of film and music were invited to the studio of the comedic genre program - directors, actors, singers who reasoned on the topics of their careers, personal life, vital social issues, etc.

"Fishka" of such a conversational show is in the unique comic jokes. The transfer, ending with living music performances, is relevant and beloved by the audience to this day. In the popular and recognizable bright studio in red tones, such world celebrities were visited as actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman, Rami Malek, Jude Lowe, Korean pop group BTS, singer Rihanna and many others. There are already dozens of seasons The Graham Norton Show.


Since 1992, a humorist began to play art films. His debut work was to participate in the series "Beautifully live, you will not forbid" British production. In addition, the small episodic roles of the novice actor received in the paintings "score on Punk-Rock", "Evrotresh", "Father Ted" and "Big Breakfast".

Graham Norton (Frame from the film

In 2006, Norton appeared in the comedy tape "Blue Pie" director Tod Todens, in which he reincarnated in a fun Mr. Pukov. And a year later, I will never be yours in the comedy melodrama, "Michelle Pfaiffer, Sirsha Ronan, Stacy Daes and Paul Radd took part. The film was about a woman named Rozy, which is experiencing middle-aged crisis. During this period, she meets and falls in love with the young Adam, changing the life of the heroine. Graham filmography includes many movie pictures.

Personal life

Actor, TV presenter and comedian Graham Norton does not hide the details of his private life. He repeatedly expressed that he was open-open gay and supports the LGBT community. A short time by his partner was the famous American writer Scott Maicol.

Being a 39-year-old, the British comedian entered into relations with the screenwriter and actor from California named Karl Austin. His guy was also an open representative of alternative orientation. The creative union soon collapsed.

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All his life, Graham Norton suffers from the incurable skin disease that the name of Vitiligo (the same was diagnosed with Michael Jackson's pop king). When the artist was 25 years old, an armed attack was committed. At night, an unknown person looked like a knife in his chest, but the injury was not a threatening life.

The approximate financial situation of Graham Norton is $ 30 million. A man is the owner of the sports car "Lexus" beige colors, the cost of which is $ 75 thousand.

Graham Norton now

In 2019, a man continues to be a permanent leading talk show.

Now on British television there is a show of the next season "Shaw of Graham Norton". In it, invited celebrities comment on their photos from social networks, talk about creative plans, perform the tasks of the lead and, of course, a lot and loudly laugh.


  • 1992 - "Do not forbid you beautifully"
  • 1995 - "Father Ted"
  • 2006 - "Bullet of the Secret Police Agent"
  • 2006 - "Blue Pie"
  • 2006 - "I will never be yours"
  • 2007 - "Robbie - Northern Deer"
  • 2015 - "Amy"
  • 2016 - "Just amazing"

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