Elena Simonova - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photos, Film, Series, Roles, Filmography 2021



Not every artist in modern cinema and the theater is distinguished by bright scenic personality. This can not be said about Elena Simonova - actress of a wide creative range. Her talent is inherent soft lyricism and acute characterity, which allows playing the most diverse heroines.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born in the fall of 1963 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). There are almost no information about her adults in free access. But judging by the fact that already in 1985 Lena graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, she dreamed of an acting care since childhood. The girl did not waste time for nothing - having received a diploma, settled in the theater named after V. F. Commissioner.

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So in the biography of Simonova, the first theatrical works appeared. The actress quickly won the audience sympathy and after the game in the "Children of Vanyushin" in the role of Kati entered the main composition, and after it began to appear in most performances. In his youth, she easily reincarnated in the proposed characters. The audience appreciated the game Elena in Lacé Games, Adam and Eve, "Crime on Goat Island", "Jama."

The incredible game of Simonova marked the leadership of the theater: in 1997, it became one of the leading actresses of the troupe. Moreover, Elena got a variekter heroine, these were and delicate lyrical images, and Wamp women. Over the years, the repertoire changed, and the professional skill is enriched.


After 6 years of performances in the theater, the stage individuality, which Simonov demonstrated in his youth, noticed film director. She first appeared on television screens in 1991, this was the screening of the play "Lap-Stretchable". True, after the debut again plunged into the work in the theater. The next picture with her participation was released only in 1998.

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In those years, the TV series "Streets of Broken Lights - 2" played the role of Marina Borisovna Safronovich, and in the 2002th Golden Bullet's Multiserful Ribbon, "Head of the Information and Analytical Department of Marina Ageev. Later in her filmography, work appears in the "slaughter force", "National Security Agent - 2" and "named Baron".

Inteiting the viewer in the TV shows, Simonova receives roles in full-length ribbons. In 2007, he was filmed in the criminal drama Boris Frumum "Crime and weather" with Elena Rufanova and Alexander Chernyaev. The storyline unfolds not far from Petrozavodsk and demonstrates the history of the killing of the graduate school, a crime suspected several people. Elena got the role of Eric Doronova TV journalist, which will find a real criminal.

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In the series "Insurers" in 2011, the artist also performed the main character of Margarita Petrovna - the head of the insurance company. In the tape with her two detectives played Andrei Fedortsov and Jan Tsaznik. They work in the investigation department at the organization engaged in health insurance, life, movable and real estate. In each series, men are faced with a separate "insurance case", chasters are often involved in chains and whole gangster groups.

The audience noted the work of the actress in the TV series "Dancer" (2003), the film "Where Love lives" (2006), Melodrame "Bird of Happiness" (2006) and Multi-Rent "Fighter: The Birth of Legends" (2008). In the period from 2008 to 2011, Elena was removed only in the series. In 2013, director Anton Bormatov invited her to the role of Tcher's mother in the criminal drama of the "Porifutball". In the same year she announced a hare character in the cartoon "Return of Pinocchio".

The next 5 years of Simonova again plays only in the series (with the exception of the melodrama "Tomorrow morning"), periodically appears on the stage of the theater. But in 2018, the filmography was replenished at once with 5 pictures. In May, the melodrama of Andrei Selivanova "Power of Circumstances" came out. There, Elena Vyacheslavovna appeared in the form of Catherine Sergeyevna. Other major roles got Sofia Jokina, Nikita Tezin and Jan Guryanova.

In the mini-series "Selfie with fate" Simonova appeared only in the episodic role of Lydia Petrovna. The picture tells about the professor of the exact sciences, in his free time he solve crimes.

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The previously occurred murder causes a lot of questions from a man. Although it was already condemned by a local drunkard, an amateur criminologist does not believe in his guilt. In the field of view, 8 people fall at once, among which is a guide, an eccentric guy, poetess, sad beauty and film director.

If in the theater Elena Vyacheslavn got a heroine with different characters and images, then it is invited to the cinema mainly in criminal and detective tapes. Some of these were the film "Family Mystery" and the mini-series "Civilian wife" of 2018.

Personal life

Not so much is known about the personal life of the talented artist. Elena Vyacheslavovna was the second wife of Viktor Bychkov - actor, known for work in the triumphant picture of Alexander Rogozhkin "Cuckoo" and in the comedy ribbons of the same director "Features of the national hunting", "Features of national fishing" and "Features of the national hunting in the winter".

Shortly after the wedding, the wife gave a spouse of children - the daughter of Arsenia and Son Fyodor. After some time, the marriage collapsed: the bulls were often jealous of the companion, and all the fact that the man himself changed it, what decided to admit. From the interview it is clear that Victor is grateful to the former spouse that after the divorce she did not stop communicating and did not interfere with the meetings with her son and her daughter.

About other novels in the life of Elena Vyacheslavovna press nothing is known. The actress loves attention on stage, but her private life remains for fans hidden. Her photos can be found in the daughter's account in "Instagram", which, by the way, went to the footsteps of the parents and is now regularly removed into the movies.

On Telecom Simonov is always harmonious in his images. Also, the audience note a good figure of the actress - with a height of 170 cm, the actress looks slim and tightened.

Elena Simonova now

Now in filmier Elena Vyacheslavovna not so many new roles: more and more time it devotes theatrical work. However, in April 2021, the TV series "Bay Deep" came out on the NTV television channel with her participation.

Andrei Schcherbinina and Peter Radyna gathered such stars of domestic cinema, like Ivan Oganesyan, Sergey Kolos, Vitaly Salia and Elena Radevich.


  • 1991 - "Lap-Stretchable"
  • 1998 - "Streets of broken lamps - 2"
  • 2002 - "Killed zipper"
  • 2006 - "Where love lives"
  • 2009 - "People Shpak"
  • 2013 - "Porifutball"
  • 2014 - Prince Siberia
  • 2016 - "Senior Wife"
  • 2017 - "Happy Life Xenia"
  • 2018 - "Power of the circumstances"
  • 2018 - "Selfie with Fate"
  • 2018 - "Family Mystery"
  • 2018 - "Civilian Wife"
  • 2018 - "Kupchino"
  • 2021 - "Bay Deep"

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