Nicholenka Hirtienev - biography, appearance, family, fate and character, heroes, quotes


Character History

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - the creator of the story "Childhood". The main character in it is Nicholya Hrtenev. The author introduces readers with young boys, revealing the personality and worldview of the character and giving an assessment of actions. Writer for no accident created such a touching image. The characteristic of the character coincided with his personal warehouse of character and biography.

Nicholenka Irtenyev is one of the curious young heroes, such as Ilyusha Snegirev, Kolyakin Kolykin and Alyas Peshkov.

History of creation

Writer Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy, like many writers, led the diary. In Him, the count recorded reflections, dreams, moral lessons that life presented him. The writer was not always the way readers remember. The image of an honorable elder, preaching life in the world and love for God, he gained after many years of reflection and creativity. The story "Childhood" published in 1852, became the first essay of Tolstoy.

Nicholyka, more precisely, Nikolai Petrovich Irtenyev, becomes the main person of the story and the trilogy, which she gave rise. Works "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth" describe the life of the hero. An autobiographical character, and with its help Tolstoy answers questions that once asked himself.

Stock Illustration To Tale Tolstoy

Nikolyma is a representative of the aristocratic order. 10 years baby. He is a graph, and his upbringing meets the highest standards of secular society. The boy is looking for sincere equilibrium and meaning of life, develops as a person. His inner world is rich. He has changed after a terrible event that has comprehended the family of a boy.

The narrative is conducted from the first person. Thus, the author makes it possible to understand that the events discussed were important for him and taken from real life.

Tale "Childhood"

The author introduces the main character in the first lines of the story. The reader sees the sleeping boy, followed by his mentor tirelessly. The boy grows in a comfortable environment. Despite the Barchuk's typical of Barchuk and the fad, he manifests the kindness of his heart and tender feelings to others. The story introduces the audience with the first years of the life of Nikole.

Nicholya Hirtienev

We get the opportunity to form an idea of ​​the conditions in which the new generation of landowners and representatives of secular society. Immorality and hypocrisy, propagated in society, are apparent to the example of a particular family.

Nicholenka IRTENEV is not beautiful. He has a large nose and chubby lips, small eyes, and vortex sticks out on the back of the back. The appearance is important for the child, so he is experiencing about the shortcomings and often prays to God that he sent him beauty. An unpleasant features celebrate and surrounding adults, even the closest man, mother. She tells about the spiritual beauty of the boy.

Nikolet is distinguished by a titon character, growing up the feeling of envy, but the guy is gentle and affectionate with loved ones, conscientious and kind to others. Positive features have a hero. He will always be ashamed of his misconduct and incorrect thoughts. Conscience and repentance, overtaking children, become punished for him. And I want to believe that the boy will try to behave better. Before him is not worth choosing a profession, but a life choice that is available to the hero every day, the boy does, drawing on his own feelings.

Karl Ivanovich

The contradiction of the personality of the main character is manifested in its actions and relationships with other characters a story. The child studied at home. Mentor Nikolenki Karl Ivanovich, German, who came to torture happiness to Russia, causes sympathy and pity in the boy.

Nicolenka wants to sacrifice for the sake of a beloved teacher, and he tries in every way to show his love. Sometimes he happens to breakdown, and at such moments he is angry and scolds on his senior friend and teacher, he holds and curses the German for a bad mark, a complex exam or reprimand. The boy quickly breaks over repentance, and he tries to obey.

The nature of Nicholya is also manifested in friendship with Ilight Grape, a painful and modest peer of an insolvent family. Ilenets endured communication with HRIETS, counting on the subsequent patronage, and the Barquish children mocked the quiet boy and sometimes even beat. He was brought to tears. This sin will not be tormented by Nicholya soul. He believed that he should have come up for Ilight, but never made it, filed by the senior guys.

Natalia Savishna

The main character, although there is noble mental qualities, can not hide arrogance and arrogance. The boy understands what the status is supposed to him, and what position Karl Ivanovich and Natalia Savishna occupy. This could not be avoided, because with the young nails, the child heard that he was a Barsky son. He realized that it was better than others due to its origin, which means that respect for respect. The feeling of superiority in those years was brought up in children from the youngsters, therefore, to blame Nicholes in the formation of such a consciousness.

The trouble comes to any house. The death of the mother became a turning point in the life of the child. His life was not as sweet, as it seemed. The older brother was mocked, friend, Dmitry Nekhludov, did not understand, the parents did not pay the necessary warmth and care, and the only light image in his life was sentenced to disappearance. Nicholya did not shy his mother and loved her very much.

The main characters of the story

He often spent time with her, so her responsiveness and kindness were transferred to him. Maman's death struck the child and inflicted his deep mental injury. Although he cried on it, sorry himself, showing egoism and pride.

Tolstoy on the example of Niconey Irtenyev showed the formation of the inner world of the individual, described the events leaving in the shower and forming views on life. Through the hero, he describes his own experiences and the path to that person, which he became at the time of writing a work.


"I continued to cry, and the idea that my tears prove my sensitivity, gave me pleasure and repel ..." "... I imagined that there is no happiness on earth for a person with such a wide nose, thick lips and small gray eyes, As I ... "" ... I remember, I happened about Carla Ivanch and his bitter fate - the only person I knew unhappy - and so sorry will fall, so you will love him that tears will flow out of the eyes, and you think: " God forbid him happiness, give me the opportunity to help him, alleviate his grief; I am ready to donate everything for him. "

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