Angej Yasinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Those who are most in the world adore computers, fiction and books, lucky. After all, for them, he writes his incredible literary works by Ange Yasinsky for them. His series of adventures of a simple programmer Nick in unknown worlds has long been loved by sophisticated readers. The last Ukrainian showman Alexander Pedan also includes the famous Ukrainian showman, who was on the 2nd place Top 5 in June 2018 between John Tolkin and Ernest Hemingway.

Childhood and youth

As often happens, the author is revealed as much as possible in his work, paying attention to a detailed description of the details and every little things, which is of great importance, and his own biography prefers to silence. So, about Andgeja Yasinsky there is little information, it is unknown even what his real F. I. O., deftly hidden behind the pseudonym.

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By the way, the creation of such a sonorous nickname in 2007, fans pushed fans, posted by His Pupquin on "Samizdat". As a result, I had to modify the name Andrew and add the last name of my beloved grandmother to him.

The writer was born at the end of April 1973, on the 24th, in Fergana. The city located in the east of Uzbekistan presented the world of the famous Motorker Sergei Darkina, Sergey Alibekov's multiplier and Konstantin Tretyakov, who developed a nigigital theory of Parkinsonism pathogenesis and a sorbon medal marked for it.

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However, the Higher Education The guy was not at home, but in Siberia, at the Faculty of Computing Systems in Tiasure. However, on this geographical adventure did not end. After receiving a diploma, the young man was in Kazakhstan, where for several years we worked as a translator and the computer, and then moved to the capital of the Don Cossacks - Novocherkassk, where he lives.

Unfortunately, information about the brothers and sisters, hobbies of early years and adolescence, estimates in school, friends and comrades of childhood information is not provided.


On the website of the magazine "Samizdat", the bibliography of Yasinsky precedes a self-critical and sincere record explaining why it all began:

"In general, I am not a writer. And not a "fistener." And in general, I hate. Just read dozens of books per month. Probably, I infected with something on "samizdate", hooked on the creative needle of the authors. Charter to fight with a lost museum, came up with the only way to get rid of him - to write something. "
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As a result, inspiration pushed a man to create the first novel about Nick, printed in 2 years in the Alpha Book publisher. As a later fictional confessed, it was pushed in the genre of fantasy and Cyberpank, a desire was pushed as simpler and more accurately to set out complex and incomprehensible computer technologies from the first time and their terms.

In the future, the series was replenished: First, "user" appeared, behind him, the "spontaneous", "admin", "fugitive", "magician" in two volumes and an application, as well as a double "astruster" with "Earthlan". Even those who were far from programming came under the charm of Yasinsky and remembered it only on distant school lessons.

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"The author makes the hero with a simple person with his mistakes and" stupidity ", and not a bore-aiskive, which is doing everything perfectly, because it becomes uninteresting to read. The book was remembered by this very description of the techniques of magic, inventions with the help of it, political intrigues, characters and humor of heroes, "the enthusiastic readers wrote.

Not left aside and criticism, who was awarded Angeu Prize for the best debut novel. However, Yasinsky is not only a master to train imagination and enraged it into large forms. The arsenal has both short stories ("Princesses", "Old Man", "Potapich"), and micrasovskases ("Apple"), and fairy tales (a couple of "New Year's fairy tales"), and, amazing, even memoirs in three parts (" Memories of the participant of the Great Patriotic War ").

Thanks to the documentary, written by the Head of Angeya (the latter is recognized that only the electronic form attached to work), you can learn some valuable information about the past Russia through the eyes of a veteran, and also to learn about its pedigree.

"My great-grandfather, Barin-serpent, traveled to another Barina to the dog. Grandfather was a poor fisherman without land and without a horse. For my mother I come from rich, but to the revolution of the impoverished family. My grandfather's grandfather was a teacher. My father is merchandise. Mother - Mathematics at school. I am a doctor, "the father of Yasinsky wrote.

At the same time, the fictionity from the Rostov region did not close from cooperation, and readily agreed to create in a duet. So, in collaboration with Dmitry Korkino in parallel with the main cycle, Tolleus was created, named by the name of the artist, who worked in Cordos prison, where the protagonist nickname was pleased.

Personal life

As for personal life, the fans of the creativity of Yasinsky have to be content with a short line, reporting that he happily lives in the women's kingdom - a beloved wife gave a spouse two daughters. There are no names and other details.

Ange Yasinsky

It is only known that both girls are to the visual arts, and the proud father does not forget to publish photos of their work on its own official website. It is known that the elder child in 2018, leaving a music school behind his shoulders, decided to paint on a professional level and entered the Greek Rhu.

The man has repeatedly admitted that he himself is disappointed with his writer's abilities, while respectfully referred to the creations of colleagues, and therefore reads a lot. Proflitherics - for development and in the specialty, and in the artistic highlights Henry Lyon Oldi (Tandem Dmitry Gromova with Oleg Ladyzhensky) and Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

Ange Jasinsky now

On April 29, 2019, a publication of the 10th chapter of the nickname appeared on the official site. Book 9, "a little later, in May, she was located on" samizdat ".

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On the webpage of Yasinsky fans can familiarize themselves with the news, work and blog, and in the "Contacts" section even find an electronic box for communication. There are also several fan groups on the social network in VKontakte.


  • 2009 - "Nick Programmer"
  • 2009 - "Potapich"
  • 2009 - "Princesses"
  • 2010 - "Nick User "
  • 2010 - "Nick Spontaneous
  • 2010 - "Nick Admin
  • 2010 - "Member of the Participant of the Great Patriotic War"
  • 2012 - "Nick Fugitive"
  • 2013 - "Nick Wizard "
  • 2013 - "Old man"
  • 2015 - "Nick Astrexker
  • 2016 - "Tolleus, Rugs from Cordos"
  • 2017 - "Nick Earthlings
  • 2017 - "Tolleus. Otga "
  • 2017-2019 - "Nick Book 9 "

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