Bernard Verber - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The author of the postmodern bestseller Bernard Verber claims that in the next life he wants to be a writer again. The genre of works of the Frenchman is a complex mix of parables, detective, scientific and social fiction. In the novel "Tanatonauts", created 7 years before the terrorist attack on September 11, the Verber described the stage when the plane crashes into a skyscraper.

Childhood and youth

Bernard was born in the fall of 1961 in the "Pink City" of France, Toulouse, in a Jewish family. The first story composed at 7 years old - flea in the work of a young author described a journey through the human body. At 8 years old, the boy wrote a "magic castle" - in the plot of the old building devoured visitors. The guy badly remembered the formula and numbers, but was interested in Indian civilizations, insects and models of airplanes from a light tree. However, the main passion of Bernard was drawing.

In the Lyceum years, Verber was a member of the newspaper "Euphoria" and began writing scenarios for comics, one of which rose in the romance "Ants". Then the young man entered the university of his hometown, but he studied badly and the first session was piled. I composed detective stories, the plots of which found, visiting the meetings of the Toulouse courts. In 1980, he drove from New York to Los Angeles, friends experienced a robbery on journey.

In 1982, Bernard was transferred to Paris to the Higher School of Journalists, and in 1983 he received the "Best Young Reporter" award for a series of articles about ants living in Africa. Behind the writer there are courses of forensic and scenario skill, as well as 7 years of experience in the scientific observer in the journal Le Nouvel Observateur, from where in 1990 Bernard fired after the conflict with the manual.


The first Roman Verber was published in the decay of the Soviet Union. From the beginning of the written biography, Bernard spends 4.5 hours every day. As a result, each year his bibliography is replenished with a new book. In addition to France, Verber novels are most popular in Russia and South Korea, which the author explains the relative youth of democracies in these countries (one of the main topics of Verber books is the unacceptability of any dictatorship).

The works of the writer, as a rule, form trilogy or dilogy, whose names coincide with the headline of the earliest of the books that are part of each of them. Thus, the series "We, Gods" includes the same novel, published in 2004, and continuing the "Breathing of Gods" and "Mystery of Gods", written over the next 3 years.

The mansion in the bibliography of Bernard Verber is two issues of "encyclopedia of absolute and relative knowledge", representing a collection of scientific and anti-scientific information. However, encyclopedic information and theories developed by the writer himself is an integral element of all books.

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Just as astrologers explained the behavior of the zodiac sign, under which a man was born, the Verber, who retold the characteristics of the zodiac circle in the "Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge", in the "Angels Empire" describes the movement of the spiral of the spiral, each coal of which consists of four 7-year-old cycles.

Corporate Reception of the Writer - Self-prisoner: The author includes fragments of the previous ones in subsequent books, explaining this by the fact that readers do not assign information from the first time.

Personal life

The conversation about the personal life of the Verber leads to the story of tastes and preferences. Bernard is fond of the game on the electric guitar. Favorite writers of the author "Sixth Sleep" - Gustave Flaubert, Jules Verne, Philip Dick. The writers annoy women to dumping with perfume, whips and neon lamps.

Unlike most French, Bernard prefers to eat coffee with cake, and not absorb the dessert and drink separately. The novelist loves the sun and hates rain. During the visit to the Moscow Book Fair, the Verber made friends with the reader from Saratov, the former champion of Russia on Karate Konstantin Korchagin, discontinued his umbrella.

The writer collaborates with coustographer Claude Lelche. The author of the painting "Male and Woman" performed the producer of the film "Our Friends - Earthlings", the scenario to which Verber wrote. The writer starred in the detective Ribe Lelus "Railway Roman".

Although Bernard proves in the "Last Secret" novel that the Higher Delight of the Man is love, the writer himself is a bachelor. Known by Verber quote from the work "Star Butterfly" that a person is always alone, regardless of the presence or absence of his parents, wives, mistresses and children. In an interview with the Interlocutor magazine, the author of bestsellers told about the desire to be buried without a coffin, so that the body compensates for the nature taken during the time the resources.

Bernard Verber now

The writer lives in the house, the ceiling of which is painted under the orange-lilac heavenly arch. Shelter with Bernard shares the cat, photo of which is posted in the "Instagram" of the prose. Fluffy beauty Domino, presented by the writer Stephanie Zaneiko and mentioned in the work of "tomorrow's day", now took the place previously belonged to the anthill in the house and heart.
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In September 2018, the writer visited Moscow again and presented the novel "from that light", intriguing reader from the first phrase "Who killed me?". The main character of the work is the grand-nephew Edmond Wels, the fictional author of the "Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge". In 2019, Eksmo publisher released the translation of the next book of Bernard Verber "Pandora Box", whose character - Professor Rene - lived more than one hundred lives.


  • 1991 - "Ants"
  • 1993 - "Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge"
  • 1994 - "Tanatonauts"
  • 1998 - "Father of our fathers"
  • 2000 - "Angel Empire"
  • 2001 - "Last Secret"
  • 2002 - "Tree of possible and other stories"
  • 2003 - "Our Friends of Persons"
  • 2006 - "Star Butterfly"
  • 2010 - "New Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge"
  • 2015 - "Sixth Sleep"
  • 2007 - "Mystery of the Gods"
  • 2016 - "Tomorrow Cats"
  • 2017 - "From the Light"
  • 2018 - "Pandora Box"

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