Vladimir Sukhinin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Vladimir Sukhinin is a Russian writer writing books in fantasy and fiction genres. One of his most popular cycles was called "Victor Glukhov", it is based on the story chronology about the character who fell into the fantasy world. The creativity of the author love both adults and small readers, and Vladimir himself calls himself a "young author of the old age."

Childhood and youth

About the biography of Sukhinin Vladimir Aleksandrovich knows not too much details. The writer was born in one of the depths of the Saratov region in 1958, the exact city of birth is unknown (only the fact that the place it was quiet and cozy). Grew a boy in the family of Pharmacist and the Father-Military. Since traditionally, all representatives of the male sex chose a military path, Vladimir preferences in the Kharkov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union.

Writer Vladimir Sukhinin

Having completed education, the guy went to the service in Kazakhstan. Having reached the title of senior lieutenant, he was sent as an adviser to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan "Tsaranda". Next, Sukhinina was sent to the Latvian Baltic States, after which he passed through the service in Karabakh. At the same time, the military studied on a correspondence basis in the Leningrad Academy of Tar and Transport.


After the Soviet Union broke up (Vladimir Alexandrovich was at that time 33 years old), the man was sent to a retirement for long service. Freed from service, he founded and stood in the chapter of his private security company.

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On the official website in the "On Author and Contacts" section, Vladimir Sukhinin shared information - began to compose artistic works for the reason that he experienced an irresistible desire to sit behind the computer monitor and start writing.

The man did, after which the fantastic novels were born to the light, fantastic novels were born. At the same time, the author lacks the stars from the sky - he calmly refers to the fact that someone likes what he creates, and someone does not. So it was, there will be always.

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In 2017, 4 works from the "Fantastic Fighter" series were issued by the Alpha Book publishing house. They were combined into the cycle "Victor Glukhov - Agent Hell". The main character of these novels is a 40-year-old Major, who tragically died during hostilities in Afghanistan.

The man got an incredible opportunity for a second chance - re-life in a kind of magical universe. He reincarnated in the son of a local baron, located in the intergalactic frontier.

Personal life

About the facts of the personal life of the author-science is not known too much. Until 2009, he, together with his three children, - two sons and daughter - lived in Latvia. At the beginning of the new decade, Vladimir Sukhinin, together with his family, moved home to Russia and after a short time issued citizenship.

Vladimir Sukhinin and his daughter

On the expanses of the world cobweb it is extremely difficult to find at least some photos depicting a Russian writer. One of them is on the official website - it is captured on it, apparently, with his daughter. There is also information about how each reader can support the favorite author financially.

Vladimir Sukhinin now

Now a man continues his literary path and annually expands the bibliography by several fantastic works.

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Thus, in 2019, such novels from the "Victor Glukhov - Agent Agent" cycle have already been released into light, as "Long Road Home", "we are not throwing" "and" good luck ".


  • 2016 - "Pawn in a big game"
  • 2017 - "The Second Life of Major"
  • 2017 - "Student on agent work"
  • 2018 - "Scorpio of His Majesty"
  • 2018 - "Two in one. Definition of fate "
  • 2018 - "First Speed ​​of War"
  • 2018 - "Hotject of Debt and Honor"
  • 2019 - "Long Road Home"
  • 2019 - "We are not throwing yours"
  • 2019 - "Utyoka good luck"

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