Love Wedding - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The author of Love Weddina composes novels in the genre of fantasy. Once she was fond of reading such literature, but over time decided to try his own strength in this activity. Now the books of the writer are in great demand among fantastic stories lovers with fictional characters and worlds.

Childhood and youth

Where and when the biography of love began, it remains for her readers a mystery, as the writer does not want to disclose the details of his personal life for a wide audience. Instead, she offers fans deeper to get acquainted with their work.


Why began the creative path of wedding as a fantasy style author, remains a mystery. The first published novel appeared at Weddabina in 2018. It was the book of the "hit in the Academy of Dragons", it entered the cycle "Choices of the ruler of Erane, and later the writer wrote another 3 parts of this work. However, publishers were published only 3 volumes, she collaborated with AST and Lit Era.

Then the Bibliography of the writer was replenished with new series, which entered 2 parts of the books "Finding in the Dragon Family", "Ice Dragon Finding" and "The Selecting Archdona Pan". In the latter, it is narrating about the world of demons, where the unprecedented TV show passes - the selection of brides-incomans for four enviable grooms: the heir of the military clan, the famine of the most popular People's Party of the world, the woman, with an admixture of coteelectric blood and a young archer from the noble family.

The girls should be happy, because all the magicians stolen from other worlds here turn into the second grade, they are waiting for an unenviable fate - to become food for an invincible monster. Especially not happy with the current circumstances by the girl named Anastasia, who is not only against the abduction and issuance of marry, she understands that it is not easy for an aristocrat to marry faded simplisher, this selection has a different, unrefelling goal.

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All listed books have replenished the series "Choices of the ruler of Erane." Also in 2019, love began the series "Secretary of the Senior Prince". It tells about the Dragon Countess Riel, which, like its other relatives, is very stubborn. The main goal of her life is to take revenge on the clan of not sleeping, because shortly before the events described, he destroyed her genus. She is ready for everything if required, it will depict a man, track enemies for years and refuses to communicate with your chosen one.

Personal life

As already mentioned, the woman does not distribute information about himself and does not postpone the photo on the Internet. Her page on social networks is hidden from prying eyes. On the releases of new books, the writer prefers to report through the group in Vkontakte, dedicated to her.

Love wedding now

The wedding continues to compose and produce novels. In 2019 he graduated from the Senior Prince Secretary. In the 2nd part of the book in the center of the plot, the same Riel, who, pretending to his brother, for 7 years already serves the prince of Eloranar.

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During this time, she gained many new abilities and is now ready to return to the embodiment of the intended plan for the destruction of the clan of iling. However, a constant riots among the vassals, scandals in the palace, the disappearance of the younger prince and her kiss with Eloranar are prevented on the purpose of her.

While the wedding did not become a great writer, but her work is in demand in certain circles. It motivates a woman to write new parts for their episodes, as well as inventing plots. While the publisher is not too actively printed by the author's books, but may soon change the situation.


  • 2018 - "Finding in the Academy of Dragons"
  • 2018 - "Pan in the Dragon Academy - 2"
  • 2018 - "Pan in the Dragon Academy - 3"
  • 2018 - "Pan in the Dragon Academy - 4"
  • 2018 - "Finding in the Dragon Family"
  • 2018 - "Ice Dragon Finding"
  • 2019 - "Selecting Archchemon Finding"
  • 2019 - "The selected hit of the architeon - 2"
  • 2019 - "Secretary of the Senior Prince"
  • 2019 - "Secretary of the Senior Prince - 2"

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