Sergey Udaltsov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politics 2021



Sergey Udaltsov is a Russian politician, throughout the ten years, heading the organization "Avangard of Red Youth" and coordinating the association of the left forces. His views were reflected in an unauthorized movement that covered Russia in the early 2010s, and the books "Catechism protest. For what we are fighting "and" Putin. View from Bolotnaya Square. "

Childhood and youth

Sergey Stanislavovich Udaltsov was born in the metropolitan family of government officials and scientists in 1977, February 16. His relatives were members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and worked as ambassadors of the Soviet Union in Greece, Slovakia and the Baltic countries, and the great-grandfather was a supporter of Social Democrats in Bolshevism and during the Great Patriotic War received the post of 1st rector of MGIMO.

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Such a pedigree, thoroughly studied by the father-historian Stanislav Vasilyevich Tyutyukin, had an impact on the biography of the future politician, but since birth wearing the name of the mother, as a child he was thinking about another.

Sergey spent a lot of time with classmates, and after school he entered the Faculty of Law. In the late 1990s, after studying at the Moscow Academy of Water Transport, he became interested in history and began to consider Stalin the ideal leader.

Political activity

In his youth, working as a lawyer in the publication "Glasnost", Udaltsov became interested in politics and decided to join the movement of Viktor Anpilov "Labor Russia". In 1997, he participated in an indicative promotion and faced law enforcement agencies along with others, who went to the "campaign to Moscow."

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This event awakened a desire to further actions, and 2 years after the march, a young man became a candidate for elections to the State Duma of the 3rd convocation, presenting "Stalin's block: Labor Russia - officers - for the USSR." However, together with other candidates from the list led by Stanislav Terekhov and Edward Limonov, Sergey fell on the vote, but remained an active participant in the movement until the mid-2000s.

Parallel, Udaltsov created an "avant-garde of the Red Youth" (ACM), which according to ideology reminded the fascist organization, but adhered to the principles of Stalinism under the motto "Socialism or Death!".

Alexey Navalny and Sergey Udaltsov

ACM activities were in protests against liberal worldview and pickets at the buildings of foreign embassies, and then the leader brought like-minded people to the May demonstrations and rallies near the multi-storey houses.

In 2003, due to the political split in the Unphilogov, Sergei left the "Labor Russia" and joined the Federation of Oleg Shenin, known as the SCP-CPSU. At the same time, together with the public figure, Ilya Ponamamarev, the leader of the ACM initiated the creation of a new youth organization, and in 2008, supporters of the socialist development of Russia were united in the "Left Front" movement.

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In 2010, Sergey became an active supporter of massive political protests, began after the next elections to the State Duma, and dozens of times subjected to part 8 of Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

The loud incident involving Udaltsov was the case of rallies on the Swamp Square and attempts to arrange unrest throughout Russia in 2012. So far, there was a proceedings, the politician was under house arrest, but this did not prevent him from contacting with the oppositionist power Alexey Navalny, ran into the post of mayor of Moscow.

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However, the sentence made by the court in the summer of 2014 deprived the policy of such communication, and in the final speech, Sergey announced a protracted hunger strike, which almost a month lasted in the chamber in the "sailor silence".

In August 2017, at the end of the prison sentence, Udaltsov again took up politics and announced the desire to unite left-sided figures to participate in the presidential elections. But after critics, this idea was not embodied by the head and leadership of Russia, and Sergey supported the candidacy of P. N. Brasinin.

Personal life

Sergei's personal life was closely related to politics, because in 2001 his wife was Anastasia, who was a member of the "avant-garde of Red Youth" and now forbidden in Russia the movements of nationalist Bolsheviks.

Sergey Udaltsov and his wife Anastasia

The appearance of two children, Oleg and Ivan, briefly interrupted the daily work of activist, but she helped her husband to conduct an author's blog on a popular platform, and now the name of Udaltsova is on the list of candidates in the city of Moscow.

Sergey Udaltsov now

In May 2019, Udaltsov, continuing to coordinate the movement of the "Left Front", participated in the Potatovka at the Presidential Administration Building.

He spoke about it on "YouTube" -Kanal and published a number of photos on Twitter and Facebook.

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