Valentin Dikul - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Rehabilitation Center 2021



Valentin Dikul - the circus artist with difficult fate. His biography could be sad because of severe injury, but the man managed to undergo rehabilitation and recover. The clinics of the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system organized by them are now functioning in several cities of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Valentin Dikul was born in Kaunas on April 3, 1948. The boy was born ahead of time and with a slight weight. The family was worried about his health. The child soon remained the orphan. Mother died his own death, and the father was shot by hooligans. Up to 7 years old Valentin lived with his grandparents, and later became a pupil of a orphanage.

In 9, the boy began to be interested in the circus. He often walked to the local artists, helping to care for animals, organize a platform for presentation and remove it. At the age of 14, he already worked as repairing motorcycles, in parallel, exercising in acrobatics, gymnastics and juggling. Valentine signed up in a circus circle.

By chance, by the appearance of Shapito, he realized that he would dream of becoming an acrobat and swim in the ovations of the public. The leadership of the circus drew attention to the ambitious young man, and he began to charge a simple job. Dikul began to do exercises and training, working on himself. In the secrets of the work he was devoted to experienced comrades.

Circus career and injury

Dikulya's dream soon came true: he became an acrobat. But the career lasted not long. She interrupted the tragedy that occurred on the Manege in 1962. Valentine performed a trick at high height when the crossbar burst, holding the design. Acrobat flew 13 meters without insurance and crashed.
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The resulting fractures have become an obstacle to operation. The artist received a cranial injury, damaged the spine, and his legs were immobilized. Doctors gave disappointing forecasts, but circusch was not going to give up, although it was chained to bed.

Gradually, Valentine began independent training. He fought with pain, read special literature and worked with damaged parts of the body. Permanent loads gave the result. At the age of 16, I diculously identified the 1st degree of disability and let go from the hospital. In this young age, Valentine appointed the head of the amateur circus mug under the local DC.

After 5 years, he visited the German city of Nidda as a teacher with the wards. The trip was essential. In it, the former artist survived the physiological crisis, after which the ability to move independently with the help of canes was returned to him.

Despite the assurances of doctors, the circusch was managed to return to his favorite playpen, but already as a power jugglera. He skillfully manipulated the weights and cannon nuclei. The incredible power of Will brought artist fame throughout the country. He was invited to shoot pictures "Without family" and "Peppi Longs" as an artist.

Rehabilitation Center

The history of Dikul was interested in those who faced a similar problem. Soviet doctors treated the approach with distrust, but gradually the Ministry of Health recognized the admissibility of such treatment. Circucks came hundreds of letters from patients who needed advice. Without medical education, he recommended that method that helped him, he told how to work with joints and what nutritional nutrition.

In 1988, the first center of Valentina Dikulu is opened. Then there are still 3 clinics, and gradually medical institutions appeared in Poland, Germany and the United States. Becoming a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Dikul began to practice the help of patients. In the late 1990s, he began to work not only over the injuries of the spine and cerebral palsy, but to eliminate hernia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.

Personal life

Circus artist 2 times was married. From the first union he has a daughter Anna, which has become an artist of the circus.

The second wife gave him Valentine's Son. Dikul is happy in personal life and supports confidence-free warm relations with children.

Valentin Dikul now

In 2019, Valentin Dikul is known as the creator of the methodology for the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries.

Its photos can be found on the Internet, and the Center for Specialist has a website and groups on social networks.

The growth of the artist is 170 cm, and the weight is 115 kg.


  • 1984 - "Without family"
  • 1984 - "Peppy Long Stocking"
  • 1985 - "Pyramid"
  • 1987 - "Another smile"
  • 2010 - "Moscow. Central District 3 "
  • 2010 - "Other Life"

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