Robert Inglund - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Robert Inglunda can be attributed to the type of artists who are called an actor of one role. Despite the impressive filmography, the Americans know primarily thanks to the role of Freddie Kruger, which he played in the popular cycle of horror of the 1980s "Nightmare on Elm Street." His fictional hero became a horror for many generations, turning into a none character.

Childhood and youth

Robert was born in 1947 in the California city of Glendale. His ancestors moved to the USA from Scotland and Sweden, and therefore the name of the actor can be pronounced by Swedish manner of Englund. The father of the boy John Kent worked as an aircraft designer, and his wife Janice was engaged in the economy and the upbringing of children.

Robert Inglund in youth

The boy became interested in the actor, having taken this passion from a school friend. At the age of 12, he became a member of the children's theater course at the University of California in North, and also played in school productions. Wherever Robert moves - in New York or Michigan - everywhere found the platforms where the skill continued to improve.

About 5 years old, inglund served in the theater, participating in classical productions on William Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw. However, in search of fame and opportunities for self-realization, the actor decided to return to his native California to break into Hollywood. The guy did not differ neither by beauty nor athleticism nor growth (179 cm), but ambitions, experience and talent gave a chance to notice.


Robert's cinematic debut took place in 1974 in the film "Baster and Billy". In 1977, the actor tried to get on the shooting of "Star Wars", having runting on the role of Khan Sola, which in the end of Harrison Ford.

Inglond's real fame brought work in the popular mini-series "V: Last Battle", where he played friendly alien Willyan. The project appeared on the screens in 1984 and later turned into a weekly show about people-lizards extending for 2 years.

Robert was already ready for the fact that his face will now always cause a smile and persistent association with a cute aliel, but fate prepared him a role diametrically opposite. The actor agreed to play in a low-budget film of horrors, where the main villain was covered with scars from burns monster with iron clawed hand.

As a result, the story about Freddie Kruger became an international hit, and the "nightmare on Elm Street" turned into one of the most successful franchises in Gorror genre.

From 1984 to 1989, Inglund has tried a striped sweater 5 times, and in just 8 paintings there are 8 paintings, where he plays a cold-blooded killer with an disfigured face. The artist became in demand in other horror films. He is removed in dramas, and in comedies, however, among the extensive filmography, which has more than 200 works, there is no role that can compete with the character "Nightmares".

Personal life

The actor first married in his youth. His wife in 1968 became a nurse Elizabeth Gardner, with which Robert divorced in 1972. The artist stayed in the status of a bachelor of 14 years, engaged in a career.

Robert Inglund and his spouse Nancy

Personal life eventually settled due to work: in 1986, Inglund tied fate with a colleague on the craft - actress Roxana Rogers. This union was also not durable, and after 2 years later there was a divorce.

Now the actor lives in marriage with the director of Nancy Ellen Booth, on which he married October 1, 1988. In an interview, the man admitted that the only greater regret remains the absence of children.

Robert Inglund now

Despite the solid age, the actor remains in shape and continues to film and serials. In 2019, it became known that the director Alexander Azha plans to take a remake of "Nightmare on Elm Street", which was the most impressive horror of his childhood. Inglund made a desire to participate in the franchise.

For the sequel, the New Line Cinema film company plans to take the original acting. The last time Robert was trying on the Kruger's hat in 2003 in Freddie's film against Jason.

The artist communicates with fans through social networks - Twitter and Instagram, where the latest photos are laid out, is divided by new facts of biography and household sketches. With the help of fans, a man replenishes the Freddie Kruger collection, made in the form of toys and various sodes.


  • 1974 - "Baster and Billy"
  • 1976 - "Star born"
  • 1984 - "Nightmare on Elm Street"
  • 1985 - "Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Revenge Freddie"
  • 1987 - "Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Sleep Warriors"
  • 1988 - "Nightmare on Vyazov Street 4: Sleep Lord"
  • 1989 - "Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Sleep Child"
  • 1989 - "Phantom Opera"
  • 1991 - "Freddie Mortv. Last nightmare
  • 1994 - "Nightmare on Elm Street 7: New Nightmare"
  • 2003 - Freddie vs. Jason

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