Chingiz Abdullayev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The People's Writer of Azerbaijan, Chingiz Abdullayev, is well known in the post-Soviet space, because he is the only one of the compatriots who write books in Russian. In addition, many works of Abdullayev are filled, and in films, the basis of which the detectives of Chingiza Akimfovich lay, starring stars of Russian cinema.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in the spring of 1959 in the capital of Azerbaijan, has an appropriate nationality. In Baku, his children's and youthful years were held, a creative biography began. In his youth, Chingiz Abdullayev loved to read, but combined this "quiet" intellectual lesson with hobby in sports, and not one of his appearance. He boxes perfectly, holds the degree of master on shooting and owns various types of weapons.

Chingiz Abdullayev in youth (right)

Chingiz continued the family tradition: after graduation, he joined the ranks of the State University students, choosing jurisprudence. The graduate lawyer became in 1981.

As a student, Abdullayev did not give up youth hobbies with writing and sports. At the university, he undertook to edit the newspaper and headed the sports club of his faculty. 5 years later, Chingiz received the second higher education, this time at the Faculty of Sociology Alma Mater. He speaks, besides his native and Russian, in Turkish, Farsi, English and Italian.


Having received a legal education, the young specialist went to the first workplace: on the distribution, he was on the closed military enterprise in Baku, subordinated by the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR. Such enterprises were called "mailboxes". Abdullayev as a lawsuit worked here for 3 years.

Having passed training at the KGB courses, it went into the special group, in front of which the task was to free the prisoners of war in Angola. The life of the future writer has not yet been dangerous. In the eyes of Abdullayev, friends and colleagues.

Chingiz Abdullayev visited business trips in hot spots in Mozambique and Afghanistan, with diplomatic missions visited Germany and Poland. In his biography, there are a lot of moments when I had to look into the eyes of death. He has injured.

In 1986, he quit to the reserve in the rank of Major and oversaw law enforcement agencies. He received the third higher education in the field of psychology. He defended his doctoral in the field of jurisprudence. Chingiz Abdullayev left civil service during the time of the disintegration of the Union: the fighting was affected. But the time spent in service does not regret. The experience gained in writing in writing political detectives and spy novels.


The first novel "Blue Angels" Abdullayev wrote in 1985, but the work of 3 years was dust on the shelf in the KGB, since the committee saw in it the disclosure of suception information. The bibliography of the writer is growing rapidly in the 90s. Fans of a detective genre every year receive from 3 to 10 new works of Chingiz Abdullayev.

Writer Chingiz Abdullayev

Cengiza Abdullayev detectives are published in America, France, Italy and ten more countries, where readers show a sharp interest in the art's work. Since 1989, the writer occupies an armchair of the secretary of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan and heads the country's Pen-Club.

Accessory novels Abdullayev - Treasury for cinematographers. The screening of the cycle of works, where the Detective DRONGO appears, was crowned with the release of the eponymous series, the director of whom Zinovy ​​Ryuzman spoke. The main character played Ivar Kalnynsh.

Later, the second series came out, called "Detective without a license." Anatoly Lobocksky, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Boris Chemicals and a dozen stars of Russian cinema starred, starred in keywords. In Azerbaijan, on the reasons of Romanov Abdullayev, the paintings "Paradise doomed" and "Inverted Peace" were removed.

Personal life

The writer married in 1987. The personal life of Abdullayev has developed happily. Zuulikha Aliyev's wife is a medical profession. Spouses raised two children - daughter Nargiz and Son Jamil. They became the fifth generation of Abdullayev, who chosen the lawsuit. Education received in London.

Writer Chingiz Abdullayev in 2019

Photo of the family of the novelist is not found on the Internet - Chingiz Akifovich protects relatives from prying eyes.

Chingiz Abdullayev now

In 2019, the writer published the novel "Celebration of Hama". The presentation of the book took place in Baku and caused the rustling interest of young people. Creativity Abdullayev is very popular in his homeland, and many of the stories and novels became a storm, in which the wise quotes are thirsty. Now the author works on a new product whose name holds in the secret.


  • 1988 - "Blue Angels"
  • 1989 - "Almost incredible murder"
  • 1993 - "Conspiracy at the beginning of the era"
  • 1994 - "Games of Professionals"
  • 1996 - "Shadow Herod"
  • 1998 - "Grand Prix" for the killer "
  • 2000 - "Randevu with Valtasar"
  • 2002 - "English Boulevard"
  • 2004 - "DRONGO"
  • 2006 - "Heir to Oligarch"
  • 2008 - "Attempt on power"
  • 2009 - "Dream of amateur"
  • 2010 - "Berlin Transit"
  • 2012 - "Death of diplomat"
  • 2013 - "Under the sign of the crescent"
  • 2014 - "Curon"
  • 2016 - "Test Virtue"
  • 2017 - "Custom to die"
  • 2019 - "Celebration of Hama"

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