Sardor Rakhimhon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Sardor Rakhimhon is a singer and radio host known in Uzbekistan. His parents, like the artist himself, did not think that once their son would become famous for the whole country. Today it is very popular in his homeland, and also continues to conquer fans in other countries of the world. His talent is obvious, the listeners note not only the pleasant voice of the artist, but also a charisma, as well as the external appeal.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in Tashkent at the beginning of the autumn of 1981. Its real name is Sanzhar Rakhimov. All childhood, along with his parents, the boy spent in his homeland. Often, it came to him to complain about the neighbors for the grass registered on the site or flooded basement. Despite the hooligan character, at school, the boy learned well.

By the way, the first love has happened there. He realized that he loves his classmate Gulnara, when, standing at the board and not knowing the answer to the teacher's question, received a cheat sheet from the girl. True, these feelings quickly passed, and soon he began to care for another student.

After graduating from school, Rakhimhon entered the Technical University of Tashkent at the Faculty of Electronics, Automation and Technical Calculations. Parents wanted the Son to become a scientist, a diplomat or an employee of the authorities.


The first song "Favvor" Sardor independently wrote in 2002. The artist himself calls it a trial option. Then he created a couple of songs with his comrades, including "Kechmish", "Adoman", "Bakhtliman" and "Haellimda". But the main job of the work was radio stations where Rakhimhon worked the leading.

In 2005, the artist focuses on songs. Soon he introduced the composition "Ishonmassman" and a few more tracks. Contrary to the concerns of Rakhimhon, the song became hit and later won in several nominations in different premiums.

In 2007, the Contractor presented the album "Arazingiz" to the listeners, and immediately fans received a new hit under the title "Obuala" from the artist. This in 2008 followed the release of another disk "Song Asragayman" and the "Beauty Samarkand" track. In support of the record in October 2008, the singer spent not one concert in the cities of Uzbekistan. He acquired more and more fans, including in Russia.

About his work became known to Dmitry Malikov, Rakhimhon caused his interest. As a result, Malikov personally wrote a song for Sardora, she got the name "You for me" and executed in Russian. And later the clip was removed on this composition. In 2009, for the work done by the works, the man was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Uzbekistan".

From 2014 to 2016, Sardor recorded another 3 album - "Tankhoginam", "Malikam" and "Faridam". In 2017, a video appeared on the "Onam" track. And in March 2018, the man recorded a new song called "Princess Leyly". But in the career of Sardora there were not only solo compositions, he does not mind cooperating and with other representatives of the Uzbek stage. For example, in January 2018, the performer has created a touching song "Narhi Kancha Mehrni aikti" with a singer Shokzamon.

Personal life

Sardor's family responds very warmly about his family, calling the father of Mirachmad Rakhimov a good and good man, and Mother Marguba Rakhimov's wise, discreet and smart woman who understands the Son and always supports. He also has two brothers - Anwar and Nadir.

About the personal life of the artist spreads less, but the press is known that Rakhimhon has a wife and three children. What is the spouse and other information about the family Sardor hides from the media.

Sardor Rakhimhon now

Singer and now continues to delight his fans with new compositions. At the end of 2018, a man presented a new song "Sanamjon" fans, and in January 2019 he took a beautiful clip on her.

With each year, Rakhimhon is becoming more fans, and therefore his biography is increasingly interested. Open the veil of the secrets of his personal life helps the page in Twitter, where he is happy to share his own photos, talks about projects in which he participates, and presents new songs.


  • 2007 - "Arazingiz"
  • 2008 - "Song Asragayman"
  • 2009 - "High"
  • 2014 - "Tankhoginam"
  • 2015 - "Malikam"
  • 2016 - "Faridam"
  • 2017 - "Arazingiz"

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