Alexander Belkovich - biography, personal life, news, photo, "just a kitchen", STS, 2021



For Alexander Belkovich, the preparation of appetizing dishes has become not just a favorite hobby, but the whole life. The master kitchen and virtuoso cooking managed to achieve the Cow Olympus at a young age and made a career on television.

Childhood and youth

The future guru of culinary art was born in the Arkhangelsk region snow-covered Severodvinsk in late 1984. According to the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. The places in which the childhood and the youth of Belkovich were held, are famous for the abundance of berries and mushrooms, rich in fishing on the White Sea. These classes and became the first boy's hobby: addiction to the search, and then the pretty "fruits of earth and maritime" son put his father.

Not only the kitchen took Sasha from an early age. Like all the boys, he loved the sport, which was given to all passion. Moreover, Siberian became interested in several of his species. Yunoy Belkovich - the winner of the Arkhangelsk championship on basketball and the winner of the blue belt on karate. And the guy was perfectly floating and even aimed at the Olympic team for swimming, but the plans crossed the injury.

When one door closed, the erecting young man opened another - to the kitchen. From this point on, the biography of Siberian began to develop in the opposite direction from the sport, no less dynamic and competitive. When the journalists ask Alexander Belkovich, which made you choose the profession of the cook, he laughs: "Brutal appetite."

Being a teenager, Sasha visited the Russian capital, where he studied sister. She took his brother in McDonalds, not even guessing that attending the popular fast food institution would have an indelible impression on him and would help in choosing a vitality. In 2000, Belfovich left the walls of the local cooperative technical school to the graduate chef.

Cooking and television

Beginner culinary returned to his native Severodvinsk and was employed in a cafe called Pelican, where theoretical skills obtained in the technical technique honed. Realizing that the resources of the provincial cafe do not grow further, Alexander set off to conquer Moscow.

The capital reluctantly opened the doors to the ambitious guest, but perseverance and purposefulness struck the gap in the thick wall. Fate gave Belkovich meeting with a chef of one of the prestigious Moscow cafes Aizek Carrera. Mother, Puertorikanian by nationality, helped the young colleague to reach a new level of skill.

After a 5-year-old school, Aisek Alexander grew up professionally and pleased the teacher with advanced recipes of old dishes, bringing a fresh note in them. But, having achieved under the supervision of a certain height, a 21-year-old culinary train went to conquer the northern capital. In St. Petersburg, he set up a chef to the network of restaurants Ginza Project.

At 26, Siberian himself became a master: he was trusted to oversee seven Russian restaurants. Now their number has doubled and continues to grow. The rapid career growth of colleagues and friends explain to the volitional character of Belkovich and workolism, and also searching and finding new culinary masterpieces. Cakes and soups chef are a kind of artwork.

To raise craftsmanship, Belkovich was sent to Europe more than once. Study in London and Paris paid investors interested in the development of restaurant business in Russia. The master opened his own restaurant in his homeland, calling him "Protein". The institution where the chef offers visitors author's dishes, quickly conquered authority in St. Petersburg.

Having a considerable experience behind his back, Alexander Belkovich took the writing of books. His Peru owns culinary compilations "Russian cuisine. Version 2.0 "and" Open kitchen ". In 2015, Belkovich debuted on television, becoming a TV presenter project "Master Chef. Children "on the CTC channel. And he leads the show "just a kitchen" on the same channel.

In 2019, the show "Fort Boyarda was started on the TV channel. Return". The leading updated project was Sergey Shnurov. Spectators saw a contest of 10 teams, each of which consists of the five star participants. As part of the first team, appeared on the screen on September 22, together with Catherine Kuznetsova, Alexander Rogov, Olga Buzova, and Evgeny Papunaishvili, the audience saw Alexander Belkovich.

Personal life

Matra and at work, and at home everything is fine. Personal life Belkovich is Olga's wife and two children. The son of Ernest and daughter Isabella is the subject of the greatest pride of the culinary star. He devotes all his free time. And in rare hours of rest engaged in learning English and visits the matches of the beloved Football team "Zenit".

The family travels a lot, as evidenced by the photo in Instagram-Account Belkovich. Also, a cook is engaged in large tennis, a daughter and wife go to workout with him. Generally sports in the family is obligatory. In the summer they make bikerunks, and in the winter they attend the pool.

Alexander Belkovich now

Alexander, except for filming television shows, continues to develop the Youtyub Channel. In April 2021, he launched a new project "# Zhaogogan". The essence of the program was reduced to the fact that the cook along with one of the star guests is preparing a hits. An important condition - to him with an assistant to feed the inhabitants of Moscow, submitting 100 servings for a limited period of time. So, he considers the presenter, it gives the opportunity to feel the invited star. The first guest of the new show Belkovich became the singer Julia Savicheva.

The cook, together with his wife, manage to lead another joint project in "Instagram" called "Belkovichi". Such a joint hobby for the preparation of dishes from what is in the refrigerator has gained success - the subscribers are glad to repeat non-good recipes from the gurus of cooking.

TV project

  • 2015 - "Master Chef. Children"
  • 2017 - "just a kitchen"
  • 2019 - "Fort Boyard"


  • "Russian kitchen. Version 2.0 "
  • "Open kitchen"
  • "Just a kitchen with Alexander Belkovich"

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