Irina Buzova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Mother Olga Buzova, "Instagram" 2021



September 22, 2019, Olga Buzova's mother on the eve of the launch of a new project on TNT "Plan B" gave a detailed interview with to the female portal. In a conversation with a journalistic Darya Senichkaya Irina Alexandrovna responded to the burning questions - what should be the chief of his daughter, where it can be found, what happens if the beloved does not have to do parentate, and whether the TV presenter "House-2" is experiencing itself due to the lack of the second halves.

Childhood and youth

What is the name of the former mother-in-law Dmitry Tarasova, now, perhaps, knows each thanks to the popular "instagram" her daughter. And only a few familiar with some facts of her biography. Irina Buzova was born in St. Petersburg at the end of March the Space 1961, 24th. But the fans with difficulty believed this information, the woman looks so tightened and young.

Irina Buzova in youth with daughters

After the resonant video in August 2019, published in the social network, the performer "Few Polovin", where she compared himself with the blockade, the public learned that her grandmother on the motherboard experienced a terrible hunger, which raged in Leningrad 872 days. By the way, Irina Alexandrovna then came up for her daughter, giving an explanation of an unsuccessful joke.

As for higher education, the Buzova-Elder graduated from the medical university and is now working in a specialty - in the dental clinic No. 17 of the Petrogradsky district of the Northern Capital, taking the post of deputy head doctor.

TV project

Olga Buzova not only posts photos of the one who gave her life, but also invites to the show where herself removed. For example, in one of the issues of "marrying Buzov", Irina Alexandrovna gives a star daughter tips, with whom from the applicants it is better to go on a date.

In the show "Plan B", which started on TNT in October 2019, the mother of the main character also did not remain aside.

"I am waiting for interesting people: I like to get acquainted, find out a person, even if he does not remain on the Olya Orbit. So, for example, in the past project, I wanted all the guys regardless of the exodus to visit Peter, and only Valentine boxes arrived. I am waiting for new impressions, probably, like my daughter, "she explained.

Personal life

The TV presenter of the scandalous reality "Dom-2" once spoke about the novel of her parents. In his youth, the high Static Guy Igor in military uniform for a long time sought the location of the miniature brunette Ira like him. After beautiful Caring Beauty surrendered to the mercy of the winner - lovers played a wedding and soon nursed the daughters of Olya and Any.

Rising children, Irina adhered to the strict rule - to read the notations and to instruct the right path only until the age of majority, and then they are adults and independent people. Therefore, a woman managed to support the decision of the older child to take part in the telestroy.

She also managed to convey to girls that the family is the main thing for a person. However, despite this, after about 20 years of marriage, sad changes came in the personal lives of Bukov's spouses - they were divorced.

"Dad is the most loyal fan of the daughters. We have lived in marriage for almost 20 years. My daughters have already lived on their own when we dispersed. Igor works in the company of his daughter engineer. My spouse sings great and draws, besides a very kind and intelligent man, "Irina's ex-chosen one responded.

Irina Buzova now

Irina Alexandrovna periodically falls into news reports, but not always joyful.

For example, at the end of the summer of 2018, the media wrote that it became a victim of an unknown criminal. And more precisely, its considerable money and jewels for which the thief of the thief, who was not afraid to get to the fifth floor, where the apartment was located.

A year later, in August 2019, the attacker - the unemployed native of Belarus - detained and entered into custody.

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