Leonid Sergienko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. 60+" 2021



Leonid Sergienko began to perform on a big scene only after retirement. This did not prevent the talent to reveal, become a star of native Donbass and the discovery of the TV project "Voice. 60+. "

Childhood and youth

Leonid Fedorovich Sergienko was born in 1950 in Makeyevka, Donetsk region. Brought up in an incomplete family. The boy had to mature early. Because of the financial problems, he after the 7th grade entered the agricultural school. Worked in the state farm, served in the army.

Singer Leonid Sergienko

Returning from the service, began to work by the designer at the cold beam mine, GP Makeyeugol. Spent at the enterprise all youth, received more than 25 years of experience. Only after retirement was able to start a creative biography.


Leonid loved to sing from childhood. Nature gave it the ability to take 3 octaves and vocal data combining tenor, baritone and bass. The voice of the artist has a powerful sound, can be heard without a microphone and other amplifiers. Learn music man began to learn myself. He sang for loved ones, participated in creative amateur and performed on the holidays of the enterprise. Even working in the difficult conditions of the slaughter, the singer did not lose love for creativity.

Later he became a student of the Ukrainian Belkanto school under the leadership of Pavel Tyutyunnik. The teacher helped Sergienko to open on stage, wrote for him the song "Cold Beam". Leonid Fedorovich began to invite to sing on the holidays and concerts of the native Donbass, he became a star of Makeyevka. The photo of the artist was printed in the newspapers, he began to be interviewed.

Then Sergienko went to conquer the Ukrainian capital. Together with Pavel Tyutyunnik spoke in the Kiev House of the Teacher. Concerts followed in the Foundation of Culture and the House of Artist. The company singer was the People's Artist Svetlana Deaf, which accompanied on the piano. The man became famous for the stage as Donbass Cello. For participation in the musical competition, he was awarded the title "Voice of Donbass".

After the start of the military conflict in Ukraine, Sergienko remained in Makeevka. He joined the Shakhtar Dawns team. Comrades for the group persuaded him to participate in the 2nd season of the teleproject "Voice. 60+ ", whose show began on the first channel in 2019. Despite the need to spend 18 hours, Leonid Fedorovich decided to go to Moscow on shooting.

During the "blind listening" performed the song "Ah you, Dressing". The folk composition is known thanks to Sergey Lemeshev. Sergienko became the opening of the release. The sound of his voice touched Pelagia, who invited a man to her team. Another mentor Lev Leshchenko noted that he considered the singer by a member of the ensemble, but not self-taught.

At the "knockouts" stage, Leonid Fedorovich spoke with the romance in the Ukrainian language "Yak do not want Moє Hez". The execution conquered judges, which allowed the performer to bypass rivals and become a member of the next round. Soon it became known that the singer conquered not only mentors: according to the results of the audience voting, Sergienko became the winner of the 2nd season of the TV project.

The singer received support from countrymen from Donbass. After the appearance on the screens, a report on the local TV channel "Union" was removed, wrote notes in online publications. Sergienko nourishes special love for folk songs and romance. He performs compositions written in poems of Ukrainian and Russian poets. During training from Pavel Tyutyunnik, the singer often turned to the repertoire of Lina Kostenko.

Personal life

About the personal life of a man knows little. With Valentina's wife, Evgenievna, he met in his youth.

In marriage they had two sons, one of which presented the grandson Nikita.

Leonid Sergienko now

Now the performer continues to create. His participation in the show "Voice. 60+ "only strengthened the status of the Donbass star, where they are looking forward to performances and concerts.

Discography (songs)

  • "Cold beam"
  • "My squad"
  • "Oh you, dull"
  • "Yak does not want to be Mozh"

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