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Character History

The Universe "DC" represents fans a lot of superheroes in the women's appearance. Cancer refers to the number of mysterious girls-magicians. It has an extraordinary arsenal of forces and abilities and often interacts with famous characters. The Hero of Comics did not receive a personal full-length movie.

History of character creation

Rounded in DC comics

Zatar Zatar appeared on the comic pages in 1964, in series dedicated to Superman, Batman and Green Lonaria. Her authors - Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson. In 2003, a personal comic was released, dedicated to the character - "Booted: Daily Magic."

The biography of the heroine was described in the publications casually, but it was clear that the mission is boiled by the search for the missing father. Magician's daughter Giovanni Ottara and Syndella, she belonged to the wizard tribe who was called "hidden." Being a descendant of the great artist Leonardo da Vinci, Nostradamus, famous alchemists and kudesniks, the girl had amazing abilities and talents.

She often traveled with her father, adopting experience and skills, but once the evil witch was put on the girl. See the father of the heroine could no longer. Favoring his diaries and becoming an illusionist, ruded accidentally learned about the gift. Having survived the novel with John Konstantin and taking advantage of the help of superheroes, she gained strength that allowed breaking the curse. Zatan found father, and later mother. The family was not happy for union. Parents of illusionist killed.

The enemy is boiled - Dr. Light

Zatar Zatar collaborated with the league of justice, replaced the types of power management, opened new opportunities, worried a person's crisis. In short, I showed myself as a multifaceted and ambiguous character.

In collaboration with superhero, rolled up with Dr. Light, who insulted the seven of the stretching person. The girl helped the guy, erased memories. With the help of magic, she influenced the subconscious of the comrade, but the complexity of the process led to changes in intelligence. Batman, a woman-cat, fan of films and a royal man undergoing such an impact.

Boot and Batman

In collaboration with Batman, the crime was investigated in Gothe. Heroes are familiar from childhood, but their relationship was not always exemplary. In some moments, the life of the buddies could change, since there were grounds to believe that love arose between them. But this story was not destined to develop.

Zatanna - Member of the Union "Guardi Magic", author of the books on magic and pop illusionist. The image helped to hide its true abilities for a scenic suit and makeup. She collaborated with the police against the hero named Brother night, helped eliminate the villains of Guidion, Zora, tailor and Lord Mammon.


Zatanna (actress Sernd Swan) in

Unlike Harley Queen, whose popularity has no smaller index, by 2018 the heroine did not appear in a personalized-scale project. But the girl appeared in the project "Secrets of Smallville, embodied by Serinda Swan, in the projects" League of Justice "," Batman: courage and courage ". The presence was planned in the TV series "Konstantin", but the idea was not realized.

The heroine appeared in the cartoons: "Batman: Animated Series", where he told the actress of Julie Brown in the voice; "Gotham Girls", voiced Stacy Randall. In the "Young League of Justice", the character was given attention due to the fact that in the plot of her father became Dr. Feit. The heroine voiced Jennifer Hale.

Booted B.

In 2017, the participant in the animation project of the Dark League of Justice, which he told Camilla Laddington by the voice of Kamilla Laddington. It is devoted to art fan fiction and less reserved hentai, where the heroine appears naked. Pictures in paints are described by an accurate figure, lowering quotes and facts about the character.

Interesting Facts

Zatanna (ART)

Zatanna - Homomag, a person who can manage magical abilities. Using spells, she voiced the words as a thief. The girl controls the four elements and creates ice. Being a telepath, she reads thoughts, erases memory and manages reason. It is exposed to plants and temperatures. The power of the girl is large and equal to resistance. She teleports, levitizes and travels in measurements.

It remains extremely sensitive, it is quickly regenerated, knows how to change its size, sees the entity and can modify substances and objects. Starting often demonstrates the ability to move the shower. The heroine has great opportunities in the field of martial arts and is the occultist. It is subject to hypnosis. Demonstrating the talent of the polyglot, is fixed easily improvised and is considered a powerful magician. In comics, it is equal to the captain of Marvel and Madame Xames. Enemies are rarely predicted to the degree of its strength.

Cosplay on rolling

Ktanna are paid for help in cases of terrible danger. But this wizard has weaknesses. To generate spells, you need to be concentrated. She is not able to overcome the gods opposing, and without a magic wand feels not very confident. Although it is capable of witchcraft and without it. A hat girl uses as a portal to other dimensions. In her family mansion "Shadow Top" is kept a magic library, complete relics.

Cosplay on the rod is popular among fans on a par with Robin (Nigving), a man from Steel, Indusastis and the scarlet witch.

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