Marina Vasilyeva - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, "instagram", filmography, roles, TV series 2021



Russian actress Marina Vasilyeva played a number of remarkable roles in the theater, and then decided to expand the horizons and, gathering with the Spirit, made his debut in the movies. The artist, which turned into a star of the screen, confidently looks into the future, improving professional skills and conquering the hearts of fans.

Childhood and youth

Marina Sergeyevna Vasilyeva was born on August 2, 1993, her childhood took place in Pskov in a unrelated cinema, but a very creative family. The father worked in the workshop of the joiner and became famous as a talented carpet on a tree, and the mother reached heights and success in stylistics and hairdressers.

Together with the two senior brothers, Marina studied in a secondary school and, as most of her class students, was engaged in the theatrical circle. And for the summer, parents sent children to the village in a picturesque corner of the region, and in an interview with the actress sometimes tells about a caring grandfather and grandfather-priest.

An important point of Vasilyeva's biography was strict, but fair education and compliance with the mode of work and recreation, excluded hiking in the nightclub. Thanks to this, she gained knowledge, until the 6th grade, learning in a lyceum, and then moved to a pedagogical complex, which financed the local institution.

Having focused on humanitarian items, Marina graduated from the theater department, where there were many master classes in choreography and acting. It helped to enter the university at the metropolitan moss. A. P. Chekhov and in early 2011 with new hopes to go to Moscow.

In the status and prestigious Studio School, founded by V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, the girl studied at Dmitry Brusnikna, who oversaw her course. For the first time, skill and talent actresses manifested themselves in student productions, among which were the performances of "demons" and "Chapaev and emptiness". And then other plays of director Mikhail Vladimirovich Didenko "Second Vision" and "Konarmy" appeared in her creative repertoire.


In 2014, Vasilyeva debuted in cinema, coming to the casting of the Russian drama called "What is my name". The author Nigina Saifulllaeva immediately drew attention to the girl and realized that he wanted to work with her, from the first words.

The shooting process was interested in Marina, and she was out of the theater chart, so the head of the troupe deprived it of all stage roles. But work with talented colleagues by Konstantin Lavronenko, Alexandra Bortich and Kirill Kaganovich gave an actress invaluable experience and presented a lot of happy days.

After the premiere at the Film Festival in Sochi, the film received a diploma of the "KinoTavra", but was underestimated by the public, according to critics and professional jury. With the release of this work, Vasilyev learned screenwriters and directors, and she began to appear on the screens, fulfilling large and small roles.

Marina Vasilyeva - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies,

Marina was lucky to work with Andrei Zvyagintsev in his picture "Nelyubov", where she created the image of a pregnant girl of Masha. To curl into the role of the actress took home the belly, walked in it in public places and tried to perform homework.

At the next couple of years, Marina collaborated with the cultural center of Vsevolod Meyerhold, and also starred in independent tapes.

After the start in the quality full-length movie, which was remembered by cooperation with the famous directors, Vasilyeva did not plan to act in the series. However, in her filmography, a multi-metering project "Biheppi" appeared, where the artist performed a major role. The coordination of the team influenced the project. Marina was struck by the participation of screenwriters in the creative process, their efforts to synchronize characters with artists and readiness to always clarify controversial moments.

In October 2019, the premiere of the film "Larithic" directed by Nigina Saifullaeva, where Marina played one of the roles. This time she managed to work with the Russian operator Mark Ziselson, as well as young colleagues in the workshop Alexander Palem and Evgenia Thunder. The picture was presented at the "Kinotavra" and was awarded a special diploma.

The new experience of the actress presented the work on the tape "Side Effect", which combined the genres of drama and mysticism. One of the interesting findings of the creators was the inclusion in the plot of the Moscow "Strams" surrounding one of the "Stalinist" heights, a mysterious house on the Kotelnichesky embankment, where the filming was shot.

Personal life

In an interview, Marina admitted that she would like to build a personal life in such a way as to become a young mother for his child. But her plans were not realized, the girl paid the focus of creativity. However, the celebrity is aware of the importance of creating a family, looking at their classmates who took place in this area.

The artist holds fans in the know of their creative and everyday life, using accounts in Facebook and Instagram, where publishes photos and news from the shooting sites, with recreation, in a swimsuit, and even a frank character.

Marina Vasilyeva now

The actress does not stop at the achieved, improving the skill in new projects in which it is now busy.

In 2021, Vasilyeva starred in the Mystical Picture of Topi. The canvas of the series created two talented people: writer and screenwriter Dmitry Glukhovsky and director Vladimir Mirzoev. The author of the script, who wished to talk about the contrast of the capital and the Russian depths, with gratitude to the work of the film crew, who transferred his idea to the cinema carefully, "nothing splashing."


  • 2014 - "What is my name"
  • 2015 - "Not Wedding Travel"
  • 2016 - "Garden Ring"
  • 2017 - "Nelyubov"
  • 2017 - "Kostik"
  • 2018 - "Dead Lake"
  • 2018 - Interview
  • 2019 - Biheppi
  • 2019 - "loyalty"
  • 2020 - "Ivanovo Happiness"
  • 2020 - Ichchi
  • 2020 - "Back to the steppe to Sarmatam"
  • 2021 - "Topi"

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