Sergey Loban - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Directed by Sergey Loban Critics often compare with writer and playwright Dmitry Danilov. Culture figures are related to age and removable-ironic tone of the narrative. But if Danilov continues to delight fans with new plays, Loban is already refrained from cinematographic statements.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in the third autumn day of 1972 in Moscow. The boy's dream was to become Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Then, a utopian desire to reincarnate in the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee replaced the hunt to receive great earnings, working in the car service.

However, the first money of Seryozha earned at 15 years, trading watermelons. The director believes that the merchant and the creator of films have a lot in common. We must be able to convince the consumer that your product is the best, and charming to deceive the buyer by all available methods.

Sergey Vitalyevich in his youth graduated from the Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, which is now the Global Faculty of Higher School of Economics, and in the early 90s of the 20th century called the Institute of Electronic Engineering. According to Loban, the only motive of admission to the university was evasion from service in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

Director Sergey Loban

In 23 years, organized the underground nightclub in the center of the Russian capital on the floating marina, which became the epicenter of informal culture. At the invitation of Konstantin Ernsta Loban began to work in the program "... to 16 and older" and was able to pour out a fresh stream to the editor, in which the retirement age was mostly worked before his arrival.

The television stage of the biography introduced Sergey with the leader of the group "Sounds Mu" - Rock musician and actor Peter Mamonov, in the future played in the paintings of Loban leadership, and the future co-author-screenwriter Marina Potapova.


Loban's filmography is small. The first film of the young director became the "case with a boy" (which sometimes in film commodities call the "case with a partisan"), telling about the Belarusian guy, who was found on the street Mobbies Alexander Lukashenko. The comedy shorteter "Sucks Banana" offers viewers to plunge into the atmosphere of rampant fun at the New Year corporate. The camera in the film wakes out of hand to hand and shows unusual angles, for example, a view of what is happening from above.

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The arthaus black and white picture of Dust Loban was removed for a record low amount - $ 3 thousand. The main role of the outsider, suddenly invited to participate in secret experience, fulfilled the unprofessional actor, graduate of the Medical Institute Alexey Podolsky, who was already starring in the tape "Sucks Banana".

Peter Mamonov played in the tape of Professor Pushkar - a medical performer of the experiment. The Music path of the film is extensive and fancy: Includes a variety of compositions from Sofia Sofia Rotaru "Little" and "Sentimental Marsha" Bulat Okudzhava to Psoy Korolenko songs and the "Cinema" group.

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The next picture of Loban "Shapito-Show", according to the director, is intended for viewing the whole family and consists of 4 novel: "Love", "Friendship", "respect" and "cooperation". Each of the plots ends with a campaign of heroes in Zirk-Shapito and a fire in it. The idea of ​​the film coincides with the thesis of the famous poem of Alexander Blokok "Drive, again you will start first, and everything will repeat as insert."

The "Talismans" of Loban - Podolsky and Mamonov, as well as many celebrity, as well as the Andrei and Stas Baretsky, students of theatrical universities, and non-professional actors, played in the "Shapito-Show". Although the picture rental was offset only half the funds spent on it, the director considers such a result a very good result for art house tape and the amount of copies that was released.

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The film, which is a kind of continuation of the rearrangement "Assa" and "needles," received the Grand Prix at the Film School festival, a special prize at the open Moscow Film Festival and the Golden Eagle for the best sound engineering work.

The following 2 tapes Sergey Loban are documentary. Mamon-Loban talks about Peter Mamonov, and "New Distance" - about the Torch of Paralympic Torch.

Personal life

Loban's wife - Julia Comnin, in the past, a circus acrobat, who performed the role of "drawer with legs" in the film "Shapito-show". In an interview with 2017, Sergey claims that he has children, but in general the personal life of the director is closed from outsiders.

Sergey Loban

As far as this can be judged by the photo and a rare television interview, externally Loban is similar to the scandalous stock artist Peter Pavlensky - the director is also high, thin, trimmed under zero.

Sergei's relatives with Pressal and sad irony, turning into a banter, so, cinematographer believes that artists have the right to demand money from the state to their projects, because otherwise officials will spend funds for much less worthy goals. Favorite directors of Loban - George Dansel and Jim Dzharmush.

Sergey Loban now

In 2018, Loban participated in the show "Liche Young", held at the Moscow Cinema Center "Karo 11 October", which demonstrated the best releases of the transfer "... to 16 and older" and a short-casting "case with a kid". Sergey Vitalyevich also mounted a trailer for the film "The Heart of the World" about the veterinarian, able to save everyone, besides himself, and expressed support for Alexei Malyzhemov and Oleg Santzov.

Sergey Loban in 2019

On the events in Loban's life, you can find out on the director page in Facebook. "Instagram" Sergey does not lead.


  • 2001 - "Case with a kid"
  • 2002 - "Sucks Banana"
  • 2005 - "TV"
  • 2005 - "Dust"
  • 2011 - "Mamon-Loban"
  • 2011 - "Shapito Show"
  • 2014 - "New Distance"

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