Dj Aligator - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Music 2021



Dj Aligator - So the alias of the European artist of the Iranian origin of the Aliasgar Movasata, whose singles conquered the world estra in the early 2000s. His glory originates in Denmark, where Aliasgar lived for a long time and received a musical education. DJ career has become a laureate of various honorary awards and the winner of prestigious vocal projects. Recently, the production of remixes has become a feature of his work.

Childhood and youth

Aliasgar Movasat was born on March 10, 1975 in Tehran, Iran. Musician calls his childhood very happy. He grew up in a large secured family, being a younger child after 5 senior brothers and sisters. All the love of senior households got a little Ali.

From the father did not cover the passion for the son of the music. He could listen for hours to listen to the favorite melodies, and then hum, reproduce with amazing accuracy. To the incredible delight of Ali, the parent gave him the synthesizer on the 10th anniversary, with whom he has not been parted. Self-taught, he quickly mastered the tool and began to play in front of numerous guests of his parents. Then the boy began to invite neighbors, relatives - Ali played at celebrations and events.

Seeing the talent of his son, mother and father began to prevent the willing of Aliasgar to become an artist. At 13, they sent him to Denmark, where at that time his older sister lived. After moving to Copenhagen, a saturated life began with a young man - she had to study the new language for him, culture, accustomed to school. Ali missed her parents terribly, and only his favorite passion saved from Handra.

Here the guy made the first steps to meet the profession: attended lessons, taught notes, compiled the features of musical genres. After graduating from school, Aliasgar entered the Danish musical conservatory on the rate of rhythmic music.

As a student, began to work as a DJ in the club. His goal is to make money on a professional tool. In the afternoon, the guy studied, and in the evening she held a place for the DJ remote control. And the more he worked, the more the desire to engage in dance music grew.


In the club sphere, the guy was easy to get acquainted with like-minded people and the necessary people. With Rene Dif, Ali seemed perfectly coincided with musical tastes and addictions. The guys began to work together and in the partnership released an album. He did not revolution in the music industry, but she gave Ali valuable experience.

In a removable apartment, a musician formed some kind of studio, in which he recorded all day later, mixed, experimented with a sound in search of potential hit. One evening, a group of youth on the dance floor began to whistle in the tact of the melodies that Ali mixed up. DJ drew - in the next few days, he recorded the track "Whistle Song", the "chip" of which the whistle becomes twisted with the crown rhythms.

Despite the fact that the author of the song itself madly liked, the studio rejected the track, without seeing nothing original in it. But enterprising Iranian did not lower his arms. He sent 180 copies of the single to all popular Danish DJs with a request to twist it in their establishments.

And the victorious response did not make himself wait. Danish youth at the "HR" accepted a sequential track. And soon the name of this composition has become aware of the whole country. Ali began to call himself DJ Aligator Project.

Numerous offers from recording labels began to flow to Ali. Weighing everything and against, the musician begins to cooperate with the Kennet DJ, representing the Felix label, which, in turn, belonged to a large company EMI Records.

In 2000, the label released the Single "Whistle Song", which went to a record edition and was located on the upper positions of national charts. In record time, the first album "Payback Time" was written. It includes such compositions as "Lollipop", "Doggy Style", "Turn Up" and many others.

After 2 years, I saw the light and the second album "The Sound of Scandinavia". In this work, he cooperates with many famous musicians, creating remixes on the legendary compositions of the past. For example, with Dr. Alban, he records remix to the song "I Like to Move IT".

The popularity of the track "Whistle Song" was far from fun. In 2002, Hit took the 5th place in the UK Singles Chart, and later won other British charts. The Danish singer was learned about the misty albion, and they were interested in and offered participation in the local talent show, which the guy wins the brilliance.

It raises it to the next step of success - DJ Aligator Project performs on one stage with stars such as Pink, Enrique Iglesias, Britney Spears and other artists within the Top of the Pops show.

In 2004, working with the legendary Soviet and Russian MC flabian appeared in the discography of the artist (hit "Come on, come on"). And in 2005, together with the singer Arash, he records the track "Music Is My Language". This name the artist borrows for the third album released in 2005.

In the work of the artist, a lot of remixes on famous hits: "From Paris to Berlin" of the group "Infernal", "Broken Angel" Duet Arash-Helena and others.

Another album of the artist is released only in 2009 and wears the provocative name "Kiss My B-Ass". But DJ does not slow down a creative tempo - just a little more experimenting and tries to catch transformations taking place with dance music. Next, the new period comes in his biography - moving to another country, Sweden, where he organized his own recording studio Gator Records.

Release in 2012, the Album "Next Level" DG Aligator translates its creativity into a slowdown mode. And only in 2017 in his activities there appears a revival.

Personal life

The artist loves his fans, but does not allow them for the threshold of personal life. He practically does not interview and lives secluded on his own villa in Sweden. His "Instagram" is full of only working photo comers. There is also no information about official marriage, therefore, according to most fans, Ali still single.

DG Aligator now

In 2018, joyful for fans of the singer appeared in the social networks of the singer. He presented the track "Drop The Bass", which incendiary rhythms of which soon filled all European clubs. It became clear - the King of DJ Aligator discos returned with new hits.

Bright hit in the artist's piggy bank - the "You Know ME" composition, presented, like a clip shot on it, in 2019. Now, judging by the posts of the artist in social networks, it is working on a new album.


  • 2000 - "PAYBACK TIME"
  • 2002 - "The Sound of Scandinavia"
  • 2005 - "Music Is My Language"
  • 2009 - "Kiss My B-Ass"
  • 2012 - "NEXT LEVEL"

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