Charles Louis de Montcape - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Writer, Philosopher, Cause



Charles Louis de Montcape and the philosopher, lawyer and writer of the first half of the 18th century, the main ideas of which are relevant in the 21st century. The theory of the political scientist on the need to divide the three branches of the government - legislative, executive and judicial - used in the constitutional law of many states.

Childhood and youth

Charles Louis de Sedenda, Baron De La Brad and de Montcape, was born in January 1689 in the Birth Castle, which delivered Mother Francoise de Ponnel as a dowry. The father of the boy Jean de Sedenda was, like D'Artagnan, the poor Gasconian nobleman, who dedicated life to the ministry of France. The parents of Charles Louis at the time of birth of the son already presented the life of the eldest daughter.

The boy communicated a lot with the peasant peers and adopted the habit from them modestly dressed (which was captured on the portraits of the thinker) and the love of wit, which appeared later in the creation of aphorisms. When Charlet Louis was 7 years old, the mother of the future philosopher, who gave birth to four more children, died suddenly.

Soon father identified the eldest son in College in Bordeaux. Although the institution was listed at the juli monastery, the noble offspring, who studied in it, received mainly secular education. Among the graduates of College - Basinople, Jean de Lafonten and film actor of the 20th century, Claude Brasssore, famous for the Russian audience according to the role of the father of the main character in the Dilogy of "Boom".

In the biography of De Montcape, the childlessness of uncle played a major role, after which the 27-year-old Charles Louis was inherited by the position of President of Parliament. In the same 1716, a young official who wrote an article "On marine tides and lowers", "On the reasons for echo", "On the appointment of the renal glands" was elected by a member of the Bordeaux Scientific Academy.


The priority in the development of society the philosopher gave a biological and geographical habitat of peoples, in particular - climate. Composition of a scientist - the forerunner of liberalism as a state ideology and a quantitative theory of money.

In the bibliography, de Montopecia, 2 works are especially significant - "Persian letters" and "On the spirit of laws". The first essay is Satira to the French society, created in the form of correspondence of two fictional persons who visited the country of Galov.

In the fundamental study "On the Spirit of Laws", the political analyst recommended the legislators not to contradict the decrees and orders of the spirit of the nation formed under the influence of both material factors and customs and beliefs. "Freedom is the right to do everything pervolved by law" - the main idea of ​​the book.

Personal life

At 26, Charles Louis married a selected uncle Bride - the owner of the Big Dowry Jeanne de Lartig. Neither the physical flaws of the girl (Jeanne Chrome) nor her Protestant religion stopped the groom. According to the law, de Lartig was obliged to go to Catholicism, but the bride refused to do it. For the happiness of Charles Louis, the priest who held wedding, did not occur to ask the prominent of the newlywed.

The reasoning of the philosopher on freedom was only treated with representatives of strong sex. Wife Charles Louis locked in the castle and did not release not only in Paris, but also in Bordeaux. A man has changed his wife who gave birth to his son and two daughters. Despite the intrigues with the ladies, the heart de Montopecia belonged only to science and books.

Like other philosophers, Charles Louis did not always work in his personal life to follow the postulates formulated in his writings. Known quotation de Montopecia:

"The absence of softness and tenderness during the upbringing of children does the hearts of the offspring."

However, with his heirs, the thinker communicated very severely, although the souls did not care in them, especially in the younger daughter.


By the standards of the 18th century, Charles Louis lived to a deep old age - 66 years. The last years of the life of the writer overshadowed blindness caused by Cataract.

In 1754, de Montopecia rushed to Paris to challenge the professor of La Boule from Bastille, who defended the author of the work "On the spirit of laws". The mission for the liberation of like-minded to the elderly scientist managed to fulfill, but Charles Louis was cold and run.

The cause of death doctors was formulated as a fever. Apparently, the political analyst died from complication of pneumonia. At a modest funeral, a junior colleague of the philosopher Denis Didro was present. The grave de Montopecia, which was located in the territory of the second size of the Paris Temple - the Cathedral of St. Sulmpion, was not preserved.


  • "It is difficult to admit the lower to be honest where most of the highest persons in the state are dishonest people ..." ("On the spirit of laws")
  • "The less we can satisfy our personal passions, especially we are given to the general" ("On the spirit of laws")
  • "Translations are like copper coins that can be the same value as Chervonets, and even have more walking in the people, but they are always in-disabled and base" ("Persian letters")
  • "Unhappy fate of people! Just the mind achieved her maturity, as the body begins to weaken. "


  • 1711 - "Eternal Curse of Gentiles"
  • 1717 - "Spring Praise"
  • 1721 - "Persian letters"
  • 1725 - "Book Temple"
  • 1734 - "Reflections on the reasons for the greatness and fall of the Romans"
  • 1748 - "On the spirit of laws"
  • 1753 - "Experience about taste"

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